成人學英語|如何在see your doctor時聽懂醫生的問話?



Do you feel sick?

Did you do something that hurt your back(foot/eye/arm)?

Is something wrong?

what‘s the matter today?

what health problem do you have?

what happened to your foot/arm/hand/leg?

where does it hurt?

where does your back(foot/eye/arm) hurt?

How did you feel when she started to get sick?

How did you illness chang her life?

How long have you felt sick?

How are you feel?

成人學英語|如何在see your doctor時聽懂醫生的問話?



I have a fevercold//cough/runny nose/sore throat.

I have diarrhea

I feel sick/weak/dizzy/nauseated/congested

I feel down the stairs.

She is sick/weak/dizzy/nauseated/congested

I sneezes/throws up

I broke my leg.

I hurt myself while cooking.

He got hurt playing soccer.

She got in a car crash.

They got in a fight.

They ate some bad food.

They were attacked by an aniaml.

成人學英語|如何在see your doctor時聽懂醫生的問話?

醫生的建議giving advice and instructions

You shouldn't eat so much junk food.

You need to sleep more often.

I think you should ice your foot/head.

I think you pulled a muscle

I want you to take this medication twice a day with food.

You should take it right after you eat in the morning and evening.

Take two pills once a day.

Take this medication with food.

Come back and see me next week.

Don't take this pill on an empty stomach.

成人學英語|如何在see your doctor時聽懂醫生的問話?

