


Unit12 What did you do last weekend?

Unit12 單詞 (音標)

camp [kæmp] v.紮營;搭帳篷

lake [leɪk] n.湖;湖泊

beach [biːtʃ] n.海灘;沙灘

badminton [ˈbædmɪntən] n.羽毛球運動

sheep [ʃiːp] n.羊;綿羊

as [æz] prep.&adv.作為;當作

natural ['nætʃərəl] adj.自然的

butterfly [ˈbʌtəflaɪ] n.蝴蝶

visitor ['vɪzɪtə] n.遊客;訪問者

tired ['taɪəd] adj.疲倦的;疲勞的

stay [steɪ] v.停留;待

stay up late 深夜不留睡;熬夜

away [ə'weɪ] adv.離開;遠離

run away ['rʌnəˌweɪ] 跑開

mouse (pl. mice) 老鼠;耗子

baby ['beɪbi] adj.&n.幼小的;嬰兒

shout [ʃaʊt] v.呼叫;喊叫

shout at… 衝……大聲叫嚷

woof int.(狗叫聲)汪汪

language ['læŋgwɪdʒ] n.語言

fly (flew) v.飛

kite [kaɪt] n.風箏

fiy a kite 放風箏

high [haɪ] adj.&adv.高的(地)

high school 中學

ago [ə'gəʊ] adv.以前

India ['ɪndɪə] n.印度

tent [tent] n.帳篷

put up ['pʊtʌp] 搭起;舉起

moon [muːn] n.月亮

surprise [sə'praɪz] n.&v.驚奇;驚訝;使吃驚

get a surprise 吃驚

snake [sneɪk] n.蛇

scared [ /skeəd] adj.驚慌的;嚇壞了的

move [muːv] v.移動

shout to… 對……大聲喊叫

start [stɑːt] v.開始;著手

jump [dʒʌmp] v.跳;躍

up and down 上上下下;起伏

wake (woke) v.弄醒;醒

wake…up 把……弄醒

into ['ɪntuː] prep.到……裡面;進入

forest [ˈfɒrɪst] n.森林

ear [ɪə] n.耳朵

Unit12 知識梳理


1. last weekend 上週末

2. do one’s homework 做作業

3. go to the cinema 看電影

4. go boating 去划船

5. camp by the lake 在湖邊露營

6. go to the beach 去海灘

7. play badminton 打羽毛球

8. on Saturday morning 在週六的早上

9. study for the English test 為了英語考試學習

10. feed some cows 喂一些奶牛

11. work as a guide 做為一個導遊工作

12. Natural History Museum 自然歷史博物館

13. butterfly house 蝴蝶館

14. over 200 kinds ofbutterflies 超過200多種蝴蝶

15. tell sb about … 告訴某人關於…

16. living habits 生活習慣

17. be kind of tired 有點兒累

19. stay up 熬夜

20. play with sb. 和某人玩

21. lose things 丟東西

22. run away 跑開

23. fly a kite 放風箏

24.as a special gift 作為一個特殊的禮物

25. take sb. to sp. 把某人帶到某地

26. go camping 去露營

27. put up the tents 搭建帳篷

28. make a fire 生火

29. keep sb. warm 使某人保持溫暖

30. on the first night 在第一天晚上

31.so...that... 如此…以至於…

32. go to sleep 去睡覺

33. get a surprise 吃驚

34. see sb. doing sth. 看見某人正在做某事

35. jump up and down 上蹦下跳

36. climb onto one’s back 爬到某人背上

37. shout at/shout to 大聲喊叫

38 wake …up 把...弄醒

39. move into… 移入,爬進…中

40. a useful lesson 有用的一課


1.---What did you do last weekend?你上週末做了什麼?

---Well, on Saturday, I played badminton.


2. ---Hi,Lisa, How is your weekend?


---Great, thanks.好極了,謝謝。

3.I worked as a guide at the Natural HistoryMuseum.


4.They have a beautiful house withover 200 kinds of butterflies!


5. ---Did you have a good weekend? 你週末過得愉快嗎

---Yeah, it was good, but I'm kind of tired now, I stayed up late to watchthe soccer game.


6.Where did she go last weekend?


7. She went to a farm. 她去了一家農場。

8. ---When did he lose them? 他是什麼吋候丟的鑰匙?

- --I heard it was yesterday.我聽說是咋天。

9. As a special gift, our parentstook us to India.


10. Well, son,that’s why it's important to learn a second language.


11. There we put up tents and made afire to keep us warm and cook food on。





Last Sunday, Liu Ming and his friends went for a picnic at the foot of the mountain.

Some of them were playing games. Some were dancing. They felt very relaxed. Suddenly, Liu Ming saw a goat running . He was interested in it and began to run after it for a long time . When he thought of his friends again, he got lost. At that time, a farmer came. With his help ,Liu Ming found his friends again. He thanked the farmer and said "Goodbye” to him

Unit12 詞彙講解

1. last

(1)last 作形容詞時,意為“最後的,最末的”或者“緊接前面的,剛過去的”。例如:

Today is the last day in the year. 今天是今年的最後一天。

I didn’t sleep well last night. 昨晚我沒睡好。


I’m the last one. 我是最後一個。

(3)last 做動詞時,意思是“持續,繼續,維持”等,例如:

The hot weather lasted a week. 炎熱的天氣持續了一週。

2. as


He works as a worker.


I used one of my shoes as a hammer.



All the six students do as the teacher says.


3. camp

(1)camp 作動詞,意為“紮營,搭帳篷”。例如:

We go camping every summer. 我們每年夏天都去野營。

We walked all day and camped by a river at night.


(2)camp 作名詞,意為“露營地,度假營”。例如:

Let’s go back to the camp, it’s getting dark.


We spent two weeks at camp this summer.


4. sheep

sheep 可數名詞,意為“綿羊”,它的複數還是sheep;而goat側重指山羊。例如:

How many sheep are there on your farm? 你們農場裡有多少隻羊?


deer (鹿), fish (魚),

Chinese (中國人),


5. by

by介詞, 意為“在……旁邊”, 表示位置,相當於beside。例如:

Our teacher is sitting by the window. 我們老師坐在窗戶旁邊。



My mother goes by the building every day.



He makes a living by fishing. 他以捕魚為生。


I went there by bike. 我騎自行車去那兒的。

6. tired

tired 形容詞,意為“疲倦的,疲勞的,累的”,be tired of 意為“對……厭煩”。tired 的反義詞是tireless,意為“不知疲倦的”。例如:

He looks tired today. 他今天看起來很累。

She was tired of watching TV. 她看電視看得厭倦了。

拓展:tiring 指“令人睏倦的,使人疲勞的,累人的”。例如:

It was a long tiring day. 這一天讓人感到又累又長。

7. stay

(1)stay 不及物動詞,意為“停留,逗留”,後常接介詞短語表示停留的地點。

stay up 意為“熬夜;不睡覺”;stay up late 意為“熬夜,睡的很晚”。例如:

It’s raining outside, so we have to stay at home.


Do you often stay up?你經常熬夜嗎?

(2)stay 可以做連繫動詞,意為“維持,保持”,其後常接形容詞作表語。例如:

The weather will stay fine for several days.


(3)stay 可以作名詞,意為“停留、逗留”。例如:

During my stay in Beijing, I had a good time.


8. shout

(1)shout 作動詞,意為“呼喊(叫),大聲說,叫嚷”。shout at意為“衝……大聲嚷”,方式比較粗魯;shout to意為“朝……喊”,常因為距離遠或者周圍嘈雜而喊,目的讓對方聽見。例如:

She shouted at the old man. 她大聲呵斥那老人。

He shouted to the old man. 他大聲向那老人喊。


What a terrible shout! 多可怕的叫喊聲!

9. put up

put up意為“搭建,搭起”,著重指建造或搭起一個具有一定高度的具體的物體。在口語中set up與build也有此意。例如:

It’s going to rain. Let's put up the tent.


拓展:put up還可意為“掛起,張貼;舉起;抬起”之意。例如:

Please help me put up the picture.

If you know the answer, please put up your hands.


10. surprise

(1)surprise 作名詞,意為“驚奇,驚訝, 驚喜”,作抽象名詞時通常不可數,也可以具體化變為可數名詞;get a surprise意為“吃驚”。例如:

He gave me a surprise by arriving early. 他的早到讓我吃驚。

(2)surprise 作動詞,意為“使……吃驚/震驚”,後面常接人作賓語。例如:

The news surprised us greatly. 這條消息使我們大為吃驚。

11. move



He moved the sofa to the left. 他把沙發移到左邊。


The speech moved them to tears.



He moved his family to a smaller house.



搬到某地常用move to + 地點,但當副詞作地點狀語時,此時可省略掉to。


move house搬家

move to Paris搬到巴黎

move in搬進,遷進

move on 繼續前進

12. wake up&wake…up



Ⅰ. 英漢互譯。

1. 大聲叫嚷__________

2. go to the cinema__________

3. give back________

4. 週末愉快_________

5. 當導遊__________

6. kinds of________

7. 打羽毛球_________

8. 跑開_________

9. go boating

Ⅱ. 根據句意、漢語意思或首字母提示補全單詞。

1. He works in a factory a______ a manager.

2. He was taking a walk in the park when he heard the s______ “Help! Help me!”from the lake.

3. What time do you w______ up every day?

4. The children p______ up a tent by the river.

5. Where did you go l______ Sunday?

6. She was so badly hurt that she couldn’t m______ any longer.

7. We went to the b______ yesterday, and I saw the beautiful sea.

8. My father can speak three l________.

9. There are some tigers in the f_______.

10. The m_______ in the old house are noisy at night.

Ⅲ. 用括號中所給單詞的適當形式填空。

1. They went ______ (camp) last weekend.

2. There are a lot of ______ (visit) in Beijing.

3. I was very_______ (surprise) at the news.

4. He is much too _____ (tire) after hard work.

5. Did you ______ (stay) up late yesterday?

6. How many ______ (sheep) are there on the farm?

7. Last Sunday, we ______(visit)our aunt and ______ (have) a good time.

8. There ______ (be) a telephone call for you two minutes ago.

9. He ______ (see) an old man in the yard when he came in.

10. What ______ you _______ (do) last Sunday?


Ⅰ. 1. shout at 2. 去看電影 3. 把……送回去

4. have a good weekend 5. work as a guide

6. 各種各樣的 7. play badminton 8. run away

9. 去划船

Ⅱ. 根據句意、漢語意思或首字母提示補全單詞。

1. as 2. shout 3. wake 4. put 5. last

6. move 7. beach 8. languages 9. forest 10. mice

Ⅲ. 用括號中所給單詞的適當形式填空。

1. camping 2. visitors 3. surprised 4. tired 5. stay

6. sheep 7. visited, had 8. was 9. saw 10. did, do

Unit12 重點句型解析

1. How interesting!



1)What a(an)+形容詞+可數名詞的單數形式+主語+謂語!

What a clever boy he is!多麼聰明的小男孩啊!


What interesting books the children are reading!



What cold weather it is!多冷的天!



How lovely the baby is!這孩子真可愛!(lovely為形容詞)

How fast he runs! 他跑地多快啊!(fast為副詞)

2) How+形容詞+a(an)+可數名詞的單數形式+主語+謂語!

How heavy a box they are carrying! 他們抬的箱子多重啊!


How time flies! 時間過得多快!

2. -Who visited her grandma?

-Becky did.

本句的答語中的did是用來代替上文中的動詞visited的。英語中為了避免不必要的重複,經常用do, does, did, so等來代替前面的動詞或相關內容。例如:

-Do you like music? 你喜歡音樂嗎?

-No, but my father does. (does= likes music)不,但是我父親喜歡音樂。

-Do you think he is clever? 你認為他聰明嗎?

-I think so.(so 代替he is clever)我認為如此。

-Did you pass the exam? 你通過考試了嗎?

-No, but my friend Lily did. (did等於passed the exam)


3. But I was so tired that I went to sleep early.

這句話的意思是“我是如此的累,以至於我很早就睡了。”;so… that…的意思是“如此……以至於……”,它引導結果狀語從句。在口語中,so…that…的that常被省去。例如:

She felt so sad that tears came to her eyes.


John was so drunk(that)he could not stand still.


He spoke so rapidly(that)we could hardly follow him.


4. This was a very useful lesson for me.

這句話的意思是“這對我來說是個很有用的教訓。”。lesson在本句中意為“教訓,經驗”,是可數名詞。teach sb. a lesson表示“給某人一個教訓”。learn a lesson意為“得到一次教訓”。例如:

That accident taught them a lesson. 那次事故給了他們一個教訓。

You should teach him a lesson. 你應該教訓他一頓。


She gives the children lessons in music.


They usually have four lessons in the morning.


5. Not really, but I visited my sister.

really是副詞, 在此與否定詞連用,起減弱語氣的作用。not really意為“沒有,沒什麼,不怎麼”等,相當於not very much. 例如:

I don’t really agree with that. 對此我不太贊同。

-Did you enjoy that movie? 你喜歡那部電影嗎?

-Not really. 不怎麼喜歡。



-My grandfather bought me a new bike. 我外祖父給我買了一輛新自行車。

-Really? 真的嗎?


She is really beautiful. 她的確很漂亮。

I really like English. 我真的喜歡英語。


Ⅰ. 根據對話內容補全對話。

A:You look 1

B:Yes,I am. I had a 2 busy weekend.

A:Did you play

3 games?

B:Yes,I 4 .On Sunday morning,I 5 soccer on my computer.Then 1 watched a volleyball match.

A:Where did you 6 it?

B: 7 TV.

A:Great.And what did you do on Sunday night?

B:I 8 to music at midnight.

A:It 9 fun.

B:Yes,but a 10 tired.

Ⅱ. 句型轉換,每空一詞。

1. They went to Beidaihe on vacation. (改為一般疑問句)

_______ they ______ to Beidaihe on vacation?

2. He did his homework after school. (改為否定句)

He ______ _______ his homework after school.

3. My family visited Hangzhou last summer. (就劃線部分提問)

_______ ________ your family _______ last summer?

4. I cleaned my room last Sunday.(就劃線部分提問)

______ did you _____ last Sunday?

5. She was at home yesterday. (改為否定句)

She ______ at home yesterday.

6. How excellent the teacher is! (改為同義句)

_______ ________ ________ teacher he is!

7. My weekend was great. (對劃線部分提問)

_______ _______ your weekend?

8. I played basketball on Sunday morning. (對劃線部分提問)

______ ______ you _______ basketball?

9. Her father bought a car yesterday morning. .(對劃線部分提問)

______ ______ a car yesterday morning?

10. Gina played the guitar last weekend.(就劃線部分提問)

_______ _______ Gina ______ last weekend?

Ⅲ. 根據漢語意思,完成句子,每空一詞。

1. 他們正在湖邊散步。

They are taking a walk ______ ______ ______.

2. 你不能向老師大喊大叫。

You can’t _______ _______ your teachers.

3. -誰把窗戶打開的?-莉莉。

-______ opened the window? -Lily_____.

4. 對大多數女生來說,數學有點難。

______ _______ girls, math is a little _______.

5. 許多人喜歡在春天放風箏。

Many people like to _______ _______ in spring.

6. 他上週日做了些什麼事?

What ______he ______ last Sunday?

7. 我昨天開了一個聚會,很成功。

I _______ _______ ________ yesterday. It _______ great.

8. 這件事對我來說是個很好的教訓。

This thing was a very ______ _______ for me.

9. 你喜歡這本書嗎?不怎麼喜歡。

-Do you _______ this book? -______ ______.

10. 這個箱子是如此的沉,以至於我搬不動它。

The box is _______ _______ ________ I can’t move it.


Ⅰ. 補全對話,每空一詞。

1.tired 2.very 3.computer

4.did 5.played

6.watch 7.On 8.listened

9.sounds 10.little

Ⅱ. 句型轉換,每空一詞。

1. Did, go 2. didn’t do 3. Where did, visit

4. What, do 5. wasn’t 6. What an excellent

7. How was 8. When did, play

9. Who, bought 10. What did, do

Ⅲ. 根據漢語意思,完成句子,每空一詞。

1. by the lake 2. shout at 3. Who, did

4. For most, difficult 5. fly kites 6. did, do

7. had a party, was 8. useful lesson

9. like, Not really 10. so heavy that



