






重要文化遺產 major cultural heritage

非物質文化遺產 intangible cultural heritage

優秀民間藝術 outstanding folk art.

獨特的藝術價值unique artistic values

試實守信 honesty

愛國主義精神 patriotism

國寶 national treasure

文物 cultural relics

華夏祖先 the Chinese ancestors

文人 scholar; the intellectual

雅士 refined scholar

才子佳人 gifted scholars and beautiful ladies

高雅藝術 refined/high art

中外學者 Chinese and overseas scholars

古為今用 to make the past serve the present

洋為中用 to make the foreign serve China

無愧於時代的作品 works worthy of the times

古文明 ancient civilization

博大精深 to be extensive and profound

享有…的美譽 to enjoy a good/high reputation for

被譽為 to be honored/crowned as

佔據重要地位 to play a significant role; to have/occupy a significant place

肩負…的責任 to shoulder the responsibility of

與…密不可分 to be closely associated with.


推廣中國文化 to promote Chinese culture促進世界和平 to promote world peace

增進友誼 to enhance friendship

文化娛樂活動 cultural and amusement activities

文化產業 culture industry

文化底蘊 cultural deposit

文化事業 cultural undertaking

文化交流 cultural exchange

文化衝擊 culture shock

文化差異 cultural difference

民族特性和價值觀 national identity and value

在各地差異很大 to vary widely from


傳統工藝品traditional handicraft

形狀不- different shapes

材質各異various materials

質地堅硬 hard texture

造型生動 vivid figure

色彩豐富 rich colors

風格獨特 characteristic/ unique style

中醫 traditional Chinese medicine

中草藥 herbal medicine

祖傳秘方 secret prescription handed down from one's ancestors

望、聞、問、切 observing, listening, inquiring pulse taking

砍柴採藥 to cut/ chop firewood or gather herbs

救死扶傷 to heal the sick and rescue the dying

症狀 symptom

針灸 acupuncture

推拿 medical massage

重大發明a significant invention

中國古代四大發明 the Four Great Inventions of ancient China

火藥 gunpowder


造紙術 paper-making


文房四寶the Four Treasures of the Study

筆、墨、紙、硯 ink brush, ink stick, Xuan paper,inkstone

漢字Chinese character

筆劃 stroke

壁畫 mural

國畫 Chinese painting

水墨畫 ink and wash painting

絹畫 silk painting

木刻畫 wood engraving

版畫 engraving

貝雕畫 shell carving painting

年畫 New Year picture

四書五經 the Four Books and the Five Classics

唐詩Tang poetry

宋詞 Song poetry

元曲Yuan poetry

明清小說fictions of the Ming and Qing dynasties

史學著作 historical work

愛國詩人 patriotic poet

四大名著 the Four Great Classical Novels

《三國演義》Romance of the Three Kingdoms

《水滸傳》 Water Margin/Outlaws of the Marsh

《西遊記》The Journey to the West

《紅樓夢》A Dream of Red Mansions


春節 the Spring Festival; Chinese New Year

端午節 the Dragon Boat Festival

中秋節 the Mid-autumn Day/ Festiva

七タ節 the Double Seventh Day; Qixi Festival

除夕 Chinese New Year'sEve

公曆/陽曆 solar calendar

農曆/陰曆 lunar calendar

閏年 leap year

十四節氣 the twenty-four solar terms

慶祝(節日) celebrate; observe

起源於 to originate in/from

習俗tradition;convention; custom

年夜飯 annual reunion dinner

大年初一 the first day of the first lunar month

八寶飯 eight-treasure rice pudding

對聯(Spring Festival) couplets

拜年 to pay a New Year call

閤家團聚family reunion

探親訪友to(pay a) vsit(to) relatives and friends

親朋好友 relatives and friends

大掃除to thoroughly clean the house

驅厄運 to sweep away ill fortune; to get rid of badluck

福 good fortune, blessing; blessedness

去除災難 to ward off evils

壓歲錢 luck money

發紅包 to give money in red envelopes; to hand out red envelopes

歡度the celebration of.…;to celebrate…

春聯 sping couplets

煙花爆竹 fireworks and firecrackers

年畫 New Year pictures

廟會 temple

民間藝人 folk artist

祭神god- worshiping

舞龍dragon dance

燈籠/花燈( festival) lantern

燈謎 lantern riddle

有益的智力活動 beneficial intellectual activit

中國結Chinese knot

賽龍舟 dragon boat race

紀念 to commemorate; In memory of

拜月 to worship the moon

皓月當空under the dazzing bright moon: with the dazzling bright moon


中國傳統戲曲 Chinese traditional operas

京劇臉譜 the facial makeup of Beijing Opera; Peking Opera Mask

地方戲 local opera

戲劇臉譜theatrical mask

生 Sheng

旦 Dan

淨 Jing

末 Mo

醜 Chou

正面角色 positive role

說、學、逗、唱 speaking, imitating, teasing and singing

傳統樂器 traditional instrument

傳統民間舞蹈 traditional folk dance

豫劇 Yu opera

河北梆子 Hebei bangzi

粵劇Cantonese opera

評劇 pingju

越劇Yue opera

崑曲Kunqu opera

秦腔Qin opera

花鼓戲Flower Drum Song

黃梅戲 Huangmei opera


民謠 folk song

木偶戲 puppet show

皮影戲 shadow play

雜技 acrobatics



民間工藝 folk craft


工匠/手工藝人 craftsman

剪紙 Chinese paper cutting




瓷器porcelain; chinaware

陶器 pottery; earthenware

青銅器 bronze ware

中國結 Chinese knot

四合院 siheyuan/quadrangle

象形文字 Pictograms Characters

甲骨文 Oracle Bone Inscriptions

武術 martial arts

氣功 Qigong

太極拳 Tai Chi

針灸 Acupuncture

打擂臺 to fight a challenge fight in an arena

聽評書 to listen to historical or traditional stories

下象棋 to play Chinese chess

畫國畫 to do traditional Chinese painting

題詩 to inscribe a poem

泥塑 clay figure modeling

中國玉器 Chinese jade

雕刻 carving

玉器 jade article

瓷器 china ware

青瓷 celadon

景泰藍 cloisonné enamel

漆器 lacquer ware

彩陶 painted pottery

唐三彩 tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty


中國菜/中餐 Chinese cuisine; Chinese food

八大菜系 Eight Cuisines

色香味俱全 perfect combination of color, aroma, tasteand appearance

粵菜 Canton cuisine

宴席 feast; banquet

國宴 state banquet

香脆可口 crispy and tasty

營養豐富 nutritious

涼菜 cold dish

熱菜 cooked dish;hot dish

傳統中式菜餚 traditional Chinese dish

把………與…融於一席 to combine..and.. together at a feast

未經烹飪的菜餚uncooked food

烹飪技巧 cooking technique

煎to fry

炒 to stir–fry

炸to deep-fry

燴/燜/燉 to stew

蒸to steam

煮 to boil

烘焙 to bake

烤 to roast

切條 to cut to strips

切丁 to dice

切碎 to mince

磨碎 to grind

飲食習慣 dietary habit

特色食品 special food; specialty

元宵 sweet sticky rice dumplings

年糕rice cake

油條 deep-fried dough sticks

豆漿 soybean milk

饅頭steamed bun

包子 steamed stuffed bun

拉麵 hand-stretched noodles

豆腐tofu; bean curd

麻花 fried dough twist

皮蛋100- year egg; century egg


四大文明古國之一one of the four ancient civilizations

中華文明 Chinese civilization

文明的搖籃 cradle of civilization

文明古國 ancient civilization

人類文明史 the history of human civilization

遠古時代 ancient, times

原始社會 primitive society

封建社會 feudal society

源遠流長/歷史悠久 to have a long history; with a long history

隨著時間的推移 as time goes by

朝代 dynasty

統治期間 during the reign of;during the rule of


冰雕ice carving

玉雕 jade carving

石雕 stone carving

骨雕 bone carving

貝雕 shell carving

木雕 wood carving

根雕 tree root carving

瓷器雕 porcelain carving

象牙雕 ivory carving


彩塑painted sculpture

麵塑 dough figurine

泥人兒 clay figure


絹扇 silk fan

檀香扇 sandalwood fan

摺扇 folding fan


珍珠 pearl

瑪瑙 agate

珊瑚 coral

翡翠 jade

琥珀 amber


刺繡 embroidery


雙面秀 two-sided embroidery

掛毯 tapestry


柳條編制品 wickerwork

真絲 pure silk

菸嘴 cigarette holder

鼻菸壺 snuff bottle

圖章 seal

盆景 potted landscape

屏風 screen


玩具風車 pinwheel

雜技 acrobatics

魔術 magic

撥浪鼓 shaking drum

皮影 shadow puppet

糖人 sugar people

踩高蹺stilt walking

人力車 rickshaw

猜拳 finger-guessing game

說書monologue story-telling

老字號 China Time-honored Brand

相聲 crosstalk

木偶戲puppet show


長城 the Great Wall

故宮博物院the Palace Museum

敦煌莫高窟Mogao Caves at Dunhuang

秦始皇陵兵馬俑Terracotta Army

麗江古城Old Town of Lijiang

平遙古城Pingyao Ancient City

天壇Temple of Heaven

頤和園the Summer Palace

龍門石窟the Longmen Grottoes

安陽殷墟Yinxu in Anyang

福建土樓Fujian Tulou






