SIIB天天練7(劃重點:1. 固定詞組)

SIIB天天練7(劃重點:1. 固定詞組)


SIIB天天練7(劃重點:1. 固定詞組)

英語學習貴在循序漸進、不斷積累、始終堅持。一天一個問題,Practice every day! Hold on and you’ll make it。



1. Her lips parted as if she were about to _______. 她張開嘴,好像要深呼吸。

2. Helen _______ I is eager to see the performance.不僅我而且海倫急於要看演出。

3. _______ native plants,this garden contains large numbers of trees and flowers from abroad.

4. He could also have _______ much of the repetition and thus saved many pages. 他原本也可以砍去許多重複的內容,從而縮減許多頁。

5. We have a tight deadline and we can't _______ and wait for the models to be completed. 我們的時間很緊,我們不能坐在那裡等待模型完成。


6. Tom is an American, and lives in China, it is the same as Jack.

7. It's a nice table! The only problem is it's too big for our room.

8. Betty's main ambition in life is be a famous model so she can join café society and dine out in fancy places.

9. I am spending a lot of money and time on this boat, but it is worth.

10. There was an obvious reason why this was so good a film as the original.



1. take a deep breath 注意out of breath=breathless,上氣不接下氣的;hold one’s breath,屏住呼吸。

2. as well as。連接兩個主語時,謂語動詞在人稱和數上與前面的主語保持一致,而not only...but also則與後一個主語保持一致。

3. in addition to。除……之外,相當於besides/apart from。另外apart from還相當於except和other than。

4. cut out 裁剪、刪除。注意:cut off把……割掉;cut down 砍到、削減(等於cut down on);cut up 切碎、剁碎;cut in打斷、插嘴。(當然,這些詞組也是多義詞。)

5. sit around 無所事事的消磨時間,閒坐。也可用sit about。


6. and改成but;as改成with。注意the same as 和……一樣;the same with...前面所說的情況也適合後者,語義相當於so do I/neither do I;the same to sb. (回應問候、祝願等)如:----Happy Christmas!----The same to you!

7. is後加that。一般說來,主語從句、表語從句、同位語從句和介詞後面的賓語從句中,連接詞that通常不能省略。

8. be前加to。主語是ambition, aim, plan, intention等詞時,表語通常用不定式。

9. worth後加it。It’s worth it==It’s worthwhile。

10. so改成as。as...as引導的同級比較句只有在否定句中,第一個as才能能改成so。

