04.29 為什麼你老是看不進去英語?因為你沒有這樣子學《經濟學人》



這是 Economist Espresso 欄目的第47篇精選文章:

Eyes on the sky: Tiangong-1

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Eyes on the sky: Tiangong-1

China’s first crewed space station is coming home, but not in the way planned. The country’s space agency has apparently lost control of the satellite, and drag from Earth’s tenuous outer atmosphere is slowing its orbit. At some time before April 2nd it will fall out of the sky. Since it is impossible to predict the precise time, it is also impossible to predict where debris might fall, save that it will be somewhere between 43° north and 43° south.

This is far from the first time that a large object has crashed back to the ground. Earth is peppered by a constant, but diminishing, rain of uncontrolled space junk, such as spent rocket stages and superannuated satellites. In 1979 America’s 77-tonne Skylab space station crashed into Western Australia.

Fortunately, Earth is a big place, and people are small targets. No one has yet been hurt by falling space junk. Here’s hoping Tiangong-1 doesn’t change that.



