03.03 奇速英語整理 人教版英語八下Unit3單詞知識梳理、詞彙句式精講

Unit3 Could you please clean your room?

Unit 3單詞 (音標)

rubbish [ˈrʌbɪʃ] n. 垃圾,廢物

take out the rubbish 倒垃圾

fold [fəʊld] v. 對摺,摺疊

mess [mes] n. 混亂,髒亂,食堂

throw [θrəʊ] v. 扔,投擲

all the time 頻繁,反覆

neither [ˈni:ðə] pron.adv. 二者都不;也不

shirt [ʃə:t] n. 運動衫,襯衫

as soon as 一…就…,儘快

pass [pɑ:s] v. 前行,經過,批准

borrow ['bɒrəʊ] v. 借,借用

lend [lend] v. 借給,借出

finger [ˈfiŋgə(r)] n. 手指

hate [heɪt] v. 憎惡,討厭

chore [tʃɔ:(r)] n. 雜務,乏味的工作

while [wail] conj. 當...時候,而,然而

snack [snæk] n. 小吃,點心,快餐

stress [stres] n. 精神壓力,心理負擔

waste [weɪst] v. 浪費,消耗

in order to 目的是,為了

provide [prə'vaid] v. 提供,供給,供應

anyway [ˈeniwei] adv. 無論如何,不管怎樣,而且

depend [diˈpend] v. 取決於,依靠,依賴

depend on 依靠於

develop [dɪˈveləp] v. 發展,壯大,開發,研製

independent [ˌindiˈpendənt] adj. 獨立自主的,不受約束的

independence [ˌɪndɪ'pendəns] n. 獨立

fair [fɛə] adj. 公平的,公正的

unfair [ˌʌnˈfeə] adj. 不公平的,有偏見的

fairness [ˈfeənɪs] n. 公正性,合理性

since [sɪns] conj. 因為,既然

neighbor [ˈneɪbə] n. 鄰居

take care of 照顧,處理

ill [il] adj. 生病的,有病的

drop [drɔp] v. 落下,跌落


奇速英語整理 人教版英語八下Unit3單詞知識梳理、詞彙句式精講

奇速英語整理 人教版英語八下Unit3單詞知識梳理、詞彙句式精講

奇速英語整理 人教版英語八下Unit3單詞知識梳理、詞彙句式精講

奇速英語整理 人教版英語八下Unit3單詞知識梳理、詞彙句式精講

奇速英語整理 人教版英語八下Unit3單詞知識梳理、詞彙句式精講

奇速英語整理 人教版英語八下Unit3單詞知識梳理、詞彙句式精講

奇速英語整理 人教版英語八下Unit3單詞知識梳理、詞彙句式精講

奇速英語整理 人教版英語八下Unit3單詞知識梳理、詞彙句式精講

Unit3 知識梳理


1.go out for dinner 出去吃飯

2.stay out late 在外面待到很晚

3.go to the movies 去看電影

4.get a ride 搭車

5.work on 從事

6.finish doing sth. 完成做某事

7.clean and tidy 乾淨整潔的

8.do the dishes 洗餐具

9.take out the rubbish 倒垃圾

10.fold your/the clothes 疊衣服

11.sweep the floor 掃地

12.make your/the bed 整理床鋪

13.clean the livng room 打掃客廳

14.no problem 沒問題

15.welcome sb. 歡迎某人

16.come home from school/work放學/下班回家

17.throw down 扔下

18.sit down 坐下

19.come over 過來

20.take sb. for a walk 帶某人去散步

21.all the time 一直;總是

22.all day/evening 整曰/夜

23.do housework 做家務

24.shout back 大聲回應

25.walk away 走開

26.share the housework 分擔家務

27.a comfortable home 一個舒適的家

28.in surprise 驚訝地

29.get something to drink 拿點喝的東西

30.watch one show 觀看一個節目

31.hang out 閒逛

32.pass sb. sth. 把某物傳給某人

33.lend sb. sth. 把某物借給某人

34.get sth. wet 使某物弄溼

35. hate to do sth. 討厭做某事

36.do chores 做雜務

37.help sb. (to ) d o /with sth•幫助某人幹某事

38.bring a tent帶頂帳篷來

39.buy some snacks買些小吃

40.go to the store去商店

41.invite sb. to a party邀請某人參加聚會

42.make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事

43.enough stress足夠的壓力

44.a waste of time浪費時間

45.in order to為了

46.get good grades取得好成績

47.mind doing sth. 介意做某事

48.depend on依賴;依靠

49.develop children's independence發展孩子的獨立性

50.look after/take care of 照顧;照看

51.do one's part in (doing ) sth. 做某人分內的事


1.Could you please clean your room? 你能打掃一下你的房間嗎?

2. I have to do some work. 我必須幹些活。

3. Could I use your computer? 我可以用一下你的電腦嗎?

4. She won't be happy if she sees this mess. 如果她看到這樣亂七八糟的話,她會不高興的。

5. For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I. 整整一週,她什麼家務活都不幹了,我也一樣。

6. My mom came over as soon as I sat down in front of the TV .我一在電視機前坐下,我媽媽就過來了。

7. I hate to do chores. 我不喜歡做雜務。

Unit3 Could you please clean your room?

01 詞彙講解

1. as a result

as a result為習慣短語,意為“因此;結果”,在句中作狀語。例如:

He didn’t practise, and as a result he lost.


The traffic was very heavy and as a result we didn’t arrive on time. 交通十分擁擠,因此我們沒有能準時到達。
【拓展】 as a result of意為“由於……;作為……的結果”。先交代結果,再用as a result of連接原因。

例如:We can’t go out as a result of the heavy rain. 因為下大雨,我們不能出去。

2. waste

(1)waste 作不可數名詞,意為“浪費,廢物,垃圾”。例如:

I hate waste. 我討厭浪費。

(2)waste 作形容詞,意為“無用的,浪費的,荒廢的”。例如:

We shouldn’t throw waste paper about.


A factory is pouring waste water into the river.


(3)waste 作及物動詞,意為“浪費”。例如:

We shouldn’t waste the time. 我們不應該浪費時間。

3. pass


The school bus passed our garden. 校車經過了我們的花園。

Please pass me the book. 請把書遞給我。

(2)pass 作名詞,意為“關口,通過”。例如:

He has got a pass mark. 他達到了及格標準。

4. borrow&lend

(1)borrow 意為“借,借用”;反義詞是lend(借出)。


I often borrow books from the library. 我經常從圖書館裡借書。(2)“lend…to”意為“把……借(出)……”。例如:

I lend my book to Lily. 我把我的書借給莉莉了。

5. depend

depend意思為“依靠、依賴、取決於”等,只用作不及物動詞,通常與介詞 on, upon 連用,主要用法有:

(1)depend on/upon+某人或某物例如:

Whether we’ll go camping depends on the weather.



Children depend on their parents for food and clothing.


(2)depend on [upon]+從句 例如:

Our success depends on whether everyone works hard or not.


The amount you pay depends on where you live.


(3)口語中說 It (all) depends. /That depends.意為“那要看情況”。例如:

- Are you going too? 你也去嗎?

-That depends. 那要看情況。

depend on意為“視……而定;取決於;依靠”,其後可跟名詞、代詞或從句作賓語,on也可以換為upon。例如:

-When shall we start? 我們什麼時候動身?

-It depends on(upon) the weather. 依天氣情況而定。

He depended on his uncle after his father died.


6. while

(1)while作連詞時,可以意為“當……時候, 和……同時”。例如:

Our friends arrived while we were having dinner.



I like listening to music, while my brother likes doing sports.


7. provide

provide為及物動詞,意為“提供”,常和with搭配。provide sb. with sth.表示“為某人提供某物”,其同意表達為 provide sth. for sb.。例如:

The Sun provides us with light and heat.


Sheep provide us with wool. /Sheep provide wool for us.


8. since

(1)since作介詞,意為“從…以來; 自從…之後”。例如:

She has been ill since last weekend. 她自從上週末就病了。

She has been in Wuhan since four years ago. 自從四年前她就在武漢。

(2)since作連詞,可以意為“因為; 既然; 由於”。例如:

Since it is late I shall go home now.

由於時間晚了, 我現在要回家了。

Since you are so sure of it he’ll believe you.

既然你對此這麼有把握, 他會相信你的。



1. as a result _________ 2. 依靠,依賴________

3. 目的是,為了_______ 4. take care of _______

5. in surprise _________ 6. 倒垃圾_________

7. come over _________ 8. 閒逛,溜達________

9. provide sth. for sb. _______10. all the time _____

Ⅱ. 根據首字母或者漢語提示補全單詞。

1. Jack p______ the ball very quickly in basketball games.

2. I b_______ a book from the library yesterday.

3. _______ (既然) everyone is here, let’s begin our class.

4. -Sandy, could you please take the r_______?

-No problem.

5. What a _______ (雜亂)!You should clean up your bedroom at once.

6. The hotel will p_______ free breakfast for guests.

7. Don’t w______ money to buy something useless.

8. She lives next to my house. We are n_______.

9. I like singing w_______ my sister likes dancing.

10. Nowadays most people have too much _______ (精神壓力).

Ⅲ. 用括號中單詞的正確形式填空。

1. I like to sweep the floor but I hate_______ (do) the dishes.

2. When did you finish ________ (write) the book?

3. We should learn to be ________ (independence).

4. China and India are ________ (develop) countries.

5. They challenged him about the _______ (fair) of his remarks.

6. Her mother often ________(help) her ________(fold) the clothes. Look! She ________(fold) the clothes for her now.

7. My mom ________(get) angry with me when I forgot to clean the room.

8. I called you yesterday, but you ________(not, be) in.

9. My friend, Mike, enjoys ________(cook) very much.

10. -May I use your computer?

-Sorry, I ________(work) on it now.



1. 因此,結果 2. depend on 3. in order to

4. 照料,愛護 5. 驚訝地

6. take out the rubbish 7. 過來,順便來訪

8. hang out 9. 給某人提供某物

10. 總是,反覆,頻繁的

Ⅱ. 根據首字母或者漢語提示補全單詞。

1. passes 2. borrowed 3. Since

4. rubbish 5. mess 6. provide

7. waste 8. neighbors 9. while 10. stress

Ⅲ. 用括號中單詞的正確形式填空

1. to do / doing 2. writing 3. independent

4. developing 5. fairness

6. helps; (to) fold; is folding 7. got 

8. weren’t  9. cooking  10. am working

02 重點句型解析

1. Could you please clean your room?

(1)“Could + 主語 + please + 動詞原形 + 其他?”這一句型相當於“Could + 主語 + 動詞原形 + 其他,please?”意為“請……,好嗎?”。這兩種句型均表示禮貌的請求,語氣委婉,客氣。其中could在此句中不表示過去,而表示說話人的語氣委婉。因此回答時,不能用could回答。例如:

Could you please help me with my English?

= Could you help me with my English, please?


-Could I have a look at it, please? 請讓我看一看它好嗎?


2. They should …in order to get good grades and get into a good university.

(1)本句中的in order to是一個固定搭配的短語,意思是“為了”,後接動詞原形構成不定式結構在句子中作目的狀語,否定形式是在to前面加not。in order to可以和so as to 互換,但後者不能放在句首。例如:

In order not to be late, you should go now.


(2)in order to+動詞原形和so as to+動詞原形可以轉換成in order that+從句和so that+從句。例如:

He did anything in order to make money.

= He did anything in order that he could make money.


Please go in quietly so as not to wake the baby.

=Please go in quietly so that we won’t wake the baby.


3. For one week, she did not do any housework and neither did I.

“neither +be動詞/助動詞/情態動詞 + 主語”表示“……也不”,指後者與前者具有相同的情況,但是表示的是否定意義的相同。相當於一個主謂倒裝的否定句。neither 此處意為“也不”,是副詞。例如:

Mary doesn’t like singing. Neither do I.

瑪麗不喜歡唱歌,我也不喜歡。(我和Mary 有相同的情況,前句是否定句,下文用neither開頭,主謂倒裝)

如果上文是肯定句,下文表示與上文有相同情況時,用“so+ be動詞/助動詞/情態動詞 + 主語”。例如:

Mary likes singing. So do I.



當表示對上文所講內容的贊同時,可以用“so + 主語 + be動詞/助動詞/情態動詞”或者“neither + 主語 + be動詞/助動詞/情態動詞”來表示。前者用於肯定句,後者用於否定句。例如:

Mary plays the piano well. So she does.


Mary doesn’t play the piano well. Neither she does.


4. And she won’t be happy if she sees this mess.

(1)本句中if後面的部分是這個句子中的條件狀語從句。在以when,after,as soon as等引導的時間狀語從句以及以if,unless等引導的條件狀語從句中,如果主句是一般將來時,從句則用一般現在時表將來。例如:

I’ll tell her the good news when she comes back.


If it doesn’t rain, he will come here on time.




When I grow up, I’ll be a nurse and look after patients. 我長大後要當一名護士,照顧病人。

2)如果主句是祈使句,那麼從句通常要用一般現在時。 例如:

Don’t laugh at me when I make a mistake. 我犯錯誤的時候不要笑話我。


You should be quiet when you are in the reading room. 在閱覽室時應保持安靜。

5. I do not understand why some parents make their kids help with housework and chores at home.

本句中的make作使役動詞,意為“使……;讓……”講時,常構成make sb. do sth. 意為“使/讓某人做某事”,類似的動詞還有let,have等。例如:

The boss made them work for long time. 老闆讓他們長時間工作。

They made us forget past. 他們使我們忘記了過去。

Their boss often let them work long hours every day. 他們老闆經常讓他們每天工作很長時間。


make作使役動詞,還可以構成:make + 賓語(sb./sth.) + 形容詞/名詞(作賓補),即make sb. / sth. + adj./n.。例如:

What he said makes us happy. 他所說的話使我們很高興。

We made John our monitor. 我們選約翰當班長。


Ⅰ. 句型轉換。


1. Could you help me clean the living room? (作肯定回答)

________, ________.

2. Thanks for helping me with my homework. (改為同義句)

Thanks for ______ me ______ ______ my homework.

3. My brother hates cooking at home. (對劃線部分提問)

________ _______ your brother hate ________ at home?

4. Could I use your DVD player? (同義句轉換)

Could I _______ the DVD player _______ you?

5. She has to do her homework at home. (改為否定句)

She _______ _______ to do her homework at home.


6. I will take care of your sister while you are away.

I will _______ _______ your sister while you are away.

7. She agreed to help me learn cooking.

She agreed to help me _______ cooking.

8. The school will provide free textbooks for us.

The school will provide _______ ________ free textbooks.

9. To swim in the river is very dangerous.

_______ dangerous ______ _______ in the river.

10. I arrived at the theatre early so that I could get good seat.

I arrived at the theatre early ______ _____ ______ get a good seat.

Ⅱ. 根據句意完成下列句子,每空一詞。

1. 他不喜歡游泳。我也不喜歡。

He doesn’t like swimming. _______ _______ _______.

2. 如果你努力學習,你就能學好英語。

You will learn English well if you _______ _______.

3. 我們將向他們提供吃的和喝的。

We’ll _______ food and drink _______ them.

4. 你擁有的朋友越多,你就越快樂。

The _______ friends you have, the _______ you will be.

5. 這個令人激動的消息讓我們很激動。

The _______ news _______ us very _______.

6. 我想星期天邀請他們來參加晚會。

I want to ___________ them ___________ the party on Sunday.

7. 你把你的詞典借給我好嗎?

_____ you _____ ____ me your _____?

8. 為了不再遲到,她今天早上起得很早。

She got up early this morning _____ ____ ____ ____ be late again.

9. 我們應該保持我們的教室乾淨整潔。

We should keep our classroom _____ ____ ____.

10. 他們還太小,不得不依靠父母。

They are too young so they have to ____ ____ their parents.

Ⅲ. 補全對話。

A. A scarf is interesting.

B. That sounds good.

C. Why don’t you get her a pet cat?

D. It’s too personal.

E. How can I get to her house?

F. At least 20 dollars.

G. What should I get her?

A:My friend Kate invited me to her birthday party. 1 、

B:How about an album?

A: 2 How much is an album?

B: 3

A:That’s too expensive.I don’t have enough money for it.

B:Oh. 4

A:No,no.She doesn’t like cats.

B:I see.What about a scarf?

A: 5

B:Does she like flowers? Maybe flowers are wonderful.

A:Great! I will buy some for her.Thank you.


Ⅰ. 句型轉換。

A)1. Yes, sure 2. helping, to do

3. What does; doing 4. borrow; from

5. doesn’t have

B)6. look after / care for 7. with 8. us with

9. It’s, to swim 10. in order to

Ⅱ. 根據句意完成下列句子,每空一詞。

1. Neither do I 2. work hard 3. provide, for

4. more, happier 5. exciting, made, excited

6. invite, to 7. Could, please lend, dictionary

8. in order not to 9. clean and tidy 10. depend on

Ⅲ. 補全對話。

1-5: GBFCD

奇速英語整理 人教版英語八下Unit3單詞知識梳理、詞彙句式精講


