04.01 中學階段定語從句的疑難問題



1. 關係詞的選擇

1).在非限制性定語從句中,關係代詞作主語,只能用who 指人,which指物;關係代詞做賓語,常用whom(口語中有時用who)指人,which指物,它們都不能用that代替。


Do you know the boy to whom she was talking?

Do you know the boy (that) she was talking to?

The pencil (which/that) he was writing with suddenly broke.


(1).當先行詞是all, a lot, (a) little, few, much, none, anything, something, everything, nothing等詞時。如:

All that can be done has been done.

In this factory I saw little / much that was different from ours.

(2). 當先行詞被all, any no, much, little, few, every等限定詞所修飾時。如:

We heard clearly every word that he said.

(3). 當先行詞是序數詞或被序數詞所修飾時。如:

The first thing that should be done is to get the tickets.

When people talk about Hangzhou, the first that comes to mind is the West Lake.

(4). 當先行詞是形容詞最高級或被形容詞最高級所修飾,以及先行詞被序數詞和形容


Is that the best that you can do?

That’s the most expensive hotel that we’ve ever stayed in.

This novel is the second best one that I have ever read.

(5). 當先行詞被 the very, the only, the next, the last等所修飾時。如:

This is the very book that I want to find.

(6). 當先行詞為指人和指物的兩個並列名詞詞組時。如:

The guests spoke highly of the children and their performances that they saw at the Children’s Palace.

She described in her compositions the people and places that impressed her most.

(7). 當主句是以which開頭的特殊疑問句時。如:

Which is the car that killed the boy?



(1).當先行詞是one, ones, any, few, anyone, anybody, someone, somebody, everyone, everybody等詞時。如:

Is there anyone who can answer this question?

He was among the few who managed to live through the enemy prison camp.

注:在非正式文體中可以說:You’ re the one that knows where to go.)

(2). 當先行詞是he, they, those, people, person等詞時。如:

He who wants to catch fish just not mind getting wet.

Those who are against the proposal put up your hands.

注:在固定結構的諺語或習語中,可用he that…如:

He that promises too much means nothing.

(3). 當先行詞有較長的後置定語修飾時。如:

Do you know the writer in blue with thick glasses who is speaking at the meeting?

(4). 在分隔式定語從句中,若先行詞指人,為了明確修飾關係,應當用who(m)。如:

A new master will came tomorrow who will teach you German.

There’s only one student in the school who/whom I wanted to see.

I was the only person in my office who was invited.


She is the only girl I know who can play the guitar.

5). 在限制性定語從句中,當先行詞指人時,在下列情況中,一般用關係詞that:

(1). 當主句是以who或which開頭的特殊疑問句時。如:

Who is the man that is reading the newspaper over there?

Which of us that knows anything does not know this?

(2). 當先行詞被形容詞最高級或序數詞所修飾時。如:

He is the greatest man that has ever lived.

(3). 當先行詞被the only, the very, the last等詞所修飾時。如:

She is the only person that understands me.

6). 當先行詞被the same所修飾時,關係詞既可以用as,也可以用that。在表示具體事物



This is the same instrument that I used yesterday. 這就是我昨天用過的那臺儀器。

This is the same instrument as I used yesterday. 這臺儀器跟我昨天用過的那臺一樣。


I have the same opinion as / that you have.


(1). 使用as時,它引導的定語從句中的動詞可以省略,但使用that時,定語從句中


Women received the same pay as men.

Women received the same pay that men received.

(2).在“the same…that”結構中,that只是用來加強語氣,強調“相同”。that可以省去而不改變句子原意,甚至連名詞前的same也可以省去。如:

This is the same instrument that I used yesterday.

= This is the same instrument I used yesterday.

= This is the instrument I used yesterday.

但在“the same…as”結構中,same和as都不能省略。

(3). 當“the same…that”結構中的that作為關係副詞用時,不可以直接與as互換。


He lives in the same building that I live.

= He lives in the same building as / that I live in.

Shall we meet at the same place that we last met?

= Shall we meet at the same place that / as we last met at?

7). 當先行詞前有such, so, as時,關係詞應當用as。如:

A wise man seldom talks about such things as he doesn’t understand.

He spoke in such easy English as everybody could understand.

At this time of the day, all buses and trolleys have to carry as many passengers as they can.

It is so easy a book as every schoolboy can read.

Let’s discuss such things as we can talk of freely.

2. 定語從句與同位語從句的區別





Word came that he had been abroad.(同位語從句)


Our team has won the game, which made us very happy.(定語從句)




The news that our team has won the game was true. (同位語從句)


The news that he told me yesterday was true.(定語從句)


3). 引導詞不同:what, how, whether等不能用引導定語從句,但可用於引導同位從句。


That question whether we need it has not been considered.(同位語從句)


The order hat we received yesterday was that we hould send a few people to help the other groups.(定語從句)




The news that got around the town made people happy.(定語從句)


The news that he came back made people happy.(同位語從句)




At the first day, I booked a kind of magazine that Tom had recommended to me.(定語從句)


The fact can’t be accepted by the fans that we lost the swimming game .(同位語從句)


