05.21 初一英語100題:用單詞的適當形式填空專項訓練(更新至100題)





81. If it _ (not rain), we _ (go) to the park.

82. What Would you like _ (drink)?

83. Lily wants to buy some _ (potato).

84. Here is some _ (chicken) for you to eat.

85. Tom wants to buy two nice _ (picture) of her family.

86. My dress is _ (differently) from yours.

87. My mother _ (feed) the dog just now(剛才).

88. He _ (milk) a cow yesterday.

89. How many _ (chicken) does Mr. Wang have on his farm?

90. Look! The _ (farm) are working on the farm.


91. _ you _ (take) any photos yesterday?

92. Mary _ (is) late for school yesterday.

93. I_ (go) to the movies late Sunday.

94. His father _ (not watch) TU yesterday.

95. He _ (plan) his summer vacation last night.

96. She _ (not eat) breakfast because she got up late this morning.

97. We _ (sing) and _ (dance) at Ann's birthday. We had a good time.

98. It _ (take) the workers one year to build the school.

99. My grandparents _ (grow) a lot of strawberries last year.

100. Where _ (be) your parents last night?



81. doesn't rain. will go. if意為“如果”,該句為其引導的條件狀語從句。當主句是將來時,if引導的條件狀語從句要用一般現在時表示將來,即“主將從現”選擇。

82. to drink. would like sb. to do sth. “想要某人做某事”。

83. potatoes. some 既可修飾可數名詞複數,也可修飾不可數名詞。potato為可數名詞複數。

84. chicken. chicken當可數名詞時,意為“小雞”,當為不可數名詞時,意為“雞肉”。

85. pictures. 前是two.

86. different. A be different from B A和B不同點是……

87. fed. just now 剛才 為一般現在時標誌詞。

88. milked. yesterday昨天 一般現在時標誌詞。

89. chickens. 小雞

90. farmers. 後系動詞是are.


91. Did take. 一般過去時一般疑問句。

92. was.

93. went.

94. didn't watch.

95. planned.

96. didn't eat.

97. sang danced.

98. took.

99. grew.

100. were.


