08.13 小學英語語法彙總(四)

Do 的四作用



do作實義動詞時,有do, does, did, done, doing五種形式,還有及物、不及物之分。如:

1. vt. "做;研究;整理;完成"。如:

①The old man does an hour of sport every day.

②She did her homework at home last night.

③Mother was doing the cooking when I reached home.

④Have you done the exercises yet?

2. vi. "行動;工作;進展;足夠"。如:

①Kate does very well in her Chinese.

②How do you do?

③Well done!

④That will do.


do作助動詞時,只有do, does, did三種形式,無詞義,限用於含行為動詞的一般現在時和一般過去時兩種時態的否定句和疑問句中。如:

①They don't have any tickets for tonight's concert.

②Kate stayed at home last night, didn't she?

③How many books does the library have?

④She doesn't do the washing in the evening.


為避免動詞的重複,使語言簡練,常以do, does, did替代前文所用的行為動詞。如:

①Tom runs much faster than you do.

②-Lucy, can you get some more tea, please?

-Sure. I'll do it right away.

②-Who broke the cup?

-Mimi did.

③-I like bananas.

-So does he.



①Do be careful.

②Don't tell a lie.

③He did come.

④-You often go to the park.

-So we do.

愁眉不展的 did

Hi!Dear friends! 大家都認識我吧,我是助動詞did,我的最大特點就是善解人意、助人為樂嘛!可是呀,有時我的心情會很糟糕!這是因為一些粗心的朋友不理解我。現在我想把我的煩惱說出來,希望大家能夠關心我,別再令我煩惱了,OK?

1. 到底何時使用我?


I didn't go to school last Sunday. 上週日我沒上學。

Did you buy a new pen yesterday? 昨天你買了枝新鋼筆嗎?




[誤] He didn't had lunch at home yesterday.

[正] He didn't have lunch at home yesterday.

3. 我能用be動詞代替嗎?


They went to the park last week. (改為否定句)

[誤] They weren't go to the park last week.

[正] They didn't go to the park last week.

小朋友們這次瞭解我了吧,今後可別再出錯啦,否則我一定會更加愁眉不展的!OK, see you next time!

Be 的四功能



be為連繫動詞,中心詞義是"是",句型為"主+系+表"結構。be的形式常用am, is, are(現在式);was, were(過去式);will/can/may/must be(助動詞/情態動詞+原形);have/has/had been(助動詞+過去分詞)等。如:

To help animals is helping people.(一般現在時)

The twins were very busy yesterday.(一般過去時)

It will be sunny tomorrow.(一般將來時)

She has been ill for over a week.(現在完成時)



1. be+doing:構成進行時態,有現在和過去兩種進行時態。如:

The girls is reading and copying the new words now.

Young Tom was always asking questions and trying out new ideas.

2. be+done:構成被動語態(主語是動作的承受者,done必須是及物動詞)。如:

Tea is grown in my hometown.(一般現在時的被動語態)

This building was built three years ago.(一般過去時的被動語態)

Our classroom has been cleaned and tidied already.(現在完成時的被動語態)

How could this kind of cakes be made in your home?(含情態動詞的被動語態)

That is a day never to be forgotten.(動詞不定式的被動語態)

3. be+going to do,表示"打算或將要做某事",be有現在和過去兩種形式。如:

We are going to plant trees in the park.

I didn't know if she was going to come here.

4. be+to do,表示"按計劃安排將要做某事"。如:

The new shop is not to be opened till next Monday.

One night an angel came to Mary and told her that she was to have this special boy.

功能三,there be

there be句式為:there be+主語部分+狀語部分,表示"某處存在某物",be常用現在時,過去時和將來時等。如:

Oh, cool! And there are many things to see. There is even a deer park in Sanya.

There are about 80 pyramids in Egypt.

Will there be a football match in your school next week?



His daughter wants to be a doctor for animals in her twenties.

Kate's birthday party will be at half past six this evening.

Jim has been in China for more than two years, but he has not yet been to Yichang.





【操練】Mary likes apples a lot. 瑪麗非常喜歡蘋果。

2.like doing (sth.) 表示"喜歡做某事",它側重於經常性地喜歡做某事。

【操練】She likes reading. 她喜歡閱讀。

3.like to do (sth.) 表示"喜歡做(某事)",它側重於具體的、一次性的動作或行為,也表示偶然喜歡做某事。

【操練】I like playing football, but I like to play basketball today. 我喜歡踢足球,但今天我喜歡打籃球。

4. would like sth. / would like to do sth.表示"想要某物"/"想要做某事"。would like短語相當於want,但它比want的語氣更委婉。

【操練】I would like some cakes. 我想要些蛋糕。

I would like to have dumplings. 我想吃餃子。

5.would like sb. to do sth.表示"想要某人做某事"。

【操練】I'd like you to go shopping with me.我想要你和我一起去購物。

【相關鏈接】表示喜歡的程度。如"很(非常)喜歡",可在句式後加上a lot, a little或very much等。表示"不喜歡(做某事)……",可用"don't / doesn't like (doing/ to do sth.)",有時我們可在其後加上at all來表示不喜歡的程度。



【操練】Don't throw it like this. 不要像這樣扔。

2.like分別與be和look構成be like,look like短語意為"看來像……一樣"。

【操練】She is like her mother. 她長得像她的母親。

Some 與 Any


some 一般用在肯定句中。

如: There are some girls in the classroom. 教室裡有一些女孩。


如: Will you give me some ink? 請給我一些墨水好嗎?


如: Are there any maps on the wall? 牆上有地圖嗎? There aren't any trees behind the house. 房子後面沒有樹。


1. Are there ______ bananas in the bag?

2. There are ______ goats under the tree.

3. There aren't ______ people on the bus.

4. There are ______ roses on the table.


【哥哥how many】請同學們評評理:我生來就與可數名詞有緣, 我身後只用複數名詞, 我就是我, 幹嗎把我放在單數名詞或不可數名詞的前面呢?!在複數名詞的前面,有我弟弟how much的事嗎? 我弟弟非要搶我的位置,你們說多麼可氣呀!如:


【誤】 How many storybook do you have?

【誤】 How much storybook do you have?

【正】 How many storybooks do you have?


【誤】 How many piece of bread does he want?

【誤】 How much piece of bread does he want?

【正】 How many pieces of bread does he want?

【弟弟how much】 Hello, everyone! 我是弟弟how much , 在"多少"的問題上我與我哥哥是不同的,我用於修飾不可數名詞,可是,how many有時也要插進來,這可是錯誤的呀!不可數名詞是我how much的專利。不信,你們瞧:


【誤】 How many meat do you need?

【正】 How much meat do you need?


How much was your pen? 你的鋼筆多少錢?

How much are those things? 那些東西多少錢?


