02.27 專家推薦:雙象耳四方瓶


Ancient porcelain, antiques in a "ancient" word. Ancient porcelain belongs to the traditional collection, which has a long history in Chinese traditional history and culture. In addition, the safekeeping of porcelain is not as easy as gold and silver, jade, rare stones and so on. The less ancient, the more expensive it becomes the law of porcelain collection. Rare things are more precious than famous ones. The degree of rarity is also an important condition for appraising the market value of a work of art in the field of antique collection. For example, the five famous kilns in the Song Dynasty are more precious because they are extremely rare. In particular, Guanyao porcelain is made by the most astute craftsmen in the world, who use the best materials and craftsmanship to make porcelain. The finished products are exclusively used by the Royal aristocrats, and rarely by the people. To a certain extent, it also determines the degree of artistic attainments and the amount of life. On the international antique art stage, China's ancient kiln porcelain has always been a hot spot for collectors and high-end buyers to bid for, which is of great value!



The Qing Dynasty was the period when Chinese porcelain was made. It calmed the social turbulence in the late Ming Dynasty, and the porcelain production began to develop again. The prosperous times of Qianlong and Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty provided a good background for the development of art and culture. With the rise of economy, people's material and cultural needs increased significantly. In addition, the Qing government advocated the trade between China and the West in the early stage. Porcelain, as a fine product of Chinese art and culture, was sold abroad, and the scale of porcelain making expanded in the air. On the other hand, it also promoted the technological development of porcelain in the Qing Dynasty. Famous kilns emerge one after another, with numerous fine products. Due to the serious internal and external troubles in the later Qing Dynasty, a large number of porcelain outflow and damage, the quantity of porcelain kept decreasing, rare and rare.



From the Qing Dynasty to the Qianlong period, porcelain had developed quite mature. Qianlong was an emperor who had a high pursuit of literature and art. He especially liked the works of Song Dynasty in porcelain. The porcelain of Song Dynasty can be called a peak of the development of China's porcelain. The five famous kilns (official kiln, Ge kiln, Ru kiln, Ding kiln and Jun kiln) are famous all over the world. Although Qianlong's aesthetic is rated as "farmhouse music", his views on Song porcelain are the same as others. The official kiln porcelain of Qing Dynasty represents the porcelain making technique and cultural characteristics of Qing Dynasty. It belongs to the porcelain treasures of Qing Dynasty, and there are not many of them now. Such a collection is well preserved, decorated with red tape and luxuriant patterns, with cultural characteristics and porcelain making skills. Once it is born, it will surely be sought after by many collectors and buyers. There is a huge room for appreciation in the future!



There has been a saying in the industry, especially in the Song Dynasty, that official kiln porcelain is famous for its glaze color and opening. But this poem written by Emperor Qianlong in Taiping is similar to that of Guanyao bottle. In addition to the glaze color, it inherits the characteristics of Guanyao, but the opening is amazing. I can only see this poem written by the Emperor Qianlong in Taiping, which is like the glaze on the bottle of the official kiln. The texture is transparent, the glaze color is blue and gray, and the color of the gray and black carcass under the glaze layer can be seen vaguely. The glaze color is green and pleasant. The glaze layer along the mouth is thin and firm, the glaze color is purple, the bottom is full of glaze, and the foot edge is unglazed. It is painted with tyre protecting juice, green and elegant,



Experts recommend: this poem written by Emperor Qianlong in Taiping is similar to that of the official kiln, with slightly skimmed bottle, neck tied, shoulders full, square drum and abdomen folded down, and feet outside; the lip and mouth are decorated with a circular pattern, with two elephant head and ear rings on the shoulders. It is carved in a delicate and vivid way, implying that Taiping has an image, an instrument and a watch, curled and coiled, with extraordinary momentum and symmetrical composition, which is very decorative. The bottle body is covered with ice cracks. The deep texture is purple brown, and the light texture is golden yellow. The large and small stripes alternate with each other. The deep and light colors interweave to form the elegant and beautiful "golden wire" pattern. The appearance of "Purple mouth and iron foot" appeared along the mouth and foot. The whole piece of porcelain is well preserved and has a beautiful shape. It also has the typical characteristics of "gold wire, purple mouth and iron foot" of the porcelain of the Song Dynasty. It is very rare. The glaze is lustrous, warm and simple. The tire is fine, hard and thin, and the glaze is not thick. The glaze is natural and beautiful. The whole ware is dignified in shape, simple and elegant. It is the best porcelain of the Qing official kiln and has a very high collection value.

