02.28 Ippolito Fleitz Group

從黑倫貝格到紐約 | From Herrenberg to New Work

無論倫敦、柏林還是紐約,到目前為止,富有創造力的人似乎更向往大都市。但Roman Klis Design設計公司的總部有可能快速改變這種情形——因為在黑倫貝格這座市鎮中座落著“設計中的馬爾代夫”:這是一家生意遍佈全球的品牌設計代理機構,在與保時捷諮詢公司的合作中,Ippolito Fleitz Group集團成功將新辦公室轉型,辦公場所變為一個真實的嚮往之地。轉換過程中結合了僱主的品牌身份、行為認知,當然還不能缺少建築師的主張,即為應對任何挑戰準備巧妙的解決方案。轉型的結果不僅限於外觀表面上——它對員工的生產力也做出了具體貢獻。

London, Berlin, New York: Creative minds have always tended to gravitate towards big cities. With the new headquarters of Roman Klis Design, however, this could be set to change, because ‘the Maldives of design’ are in Herrenberg, a provincial town in southwest Germany. Ippolito Fleitz Group cooperated with Porsche Consulting in transforming the globally operative brand design agency into a ‘New Work’ office, successfully remodelling the workplace into a locus of desire. The transformation brought together the agency’s brand identity, insights from behavioural science and our ambition to provide a smart solution to every challenge. The new office is not only a pleasure to behold – it makes a substantial contribution to boosting the productivity of the agency’s workforce.

▼總部外觀,exterior view of the headquarters ©Philip Kottlorz

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group

創造成功 | Creating success

巧妙的解決方案從根本上需要對組織結構具有深刻的理解:只有當工作環境在一呼一吸間傳遞出企業的精神時,它們才能真正發揮最大功用。Roman Klis是一位令人印象深刻的成功設計師,他同時又是一位極其友好的人。他的使命是為品牌注入靈魂。同樣他也帶著這種使命要求自身。向他這樣的人,非常明白精神自由的意義以及讚賞式領導風格的重要性,特別是對於創造性工作來說。最佳僱主的榮譽不是憑空而來的。當然無論多麼和氣友好,對於一個企業家來說,穩定的業績總是必不可少的:“我們的口號是創造成功。就是說一方面我們追求漂亮、完美的設計,另一方面應把直接引向成功的策略作為基礎。”這些都適用於,讓內部的一切變得有形。

Smart solutions require a fundamental understanding of the organisational structure in question: Work worlds only fulfil their objective if they succeed in infusing the space with the spirit of the company. Roman Klis is a highly successful designer and an exceedingly approachable individual. His mission is to breathe soul into his brands: A pursuit that doesn’t stop at his own front door. A man like Klis understands the importance of thinking space and an appreciative leadership style, particularly when it comes to creative endeavour. Not for nothing has he been singled out as ‘Top Employer’. Yet despite his friendly nature, a good entrepreneur is always concerned with strong performance: “Our claim is Creating Success. Though we live for impeccable, beautiful design, it must be based on a strategy that is on a straight path to success.” All this should be rendered tangible in the new interior design.

▼總部首層的公共休息空間,the lounge area at the ground floor of the headquarters ©Philip Kottlorz

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group

在設計方面鼎力相助:保時捷 | Partners in design: Porsche


One key success strategy is called nudging: This Nobel Prize-winning organisational development employs findings from behavioural psychology in a subtle yet targeted way. Using minute yet considered interventions in daily processes, employees are guided almost effortlessly toward greater productivity. It works because nudging works with human instincts and not against them. Dr Freibichler from Porsche Consulting is a nudging expert. He understands that factors like an office spatial concept exert a strong influence on employee satisfaction and long-term company loyalty. What a good designer with enough experience will do instinctually, he has documented in black and white in the form of compelling research findings. In the Herrenberg project, Freibichler was responsible for all manner of insights that complement a space: including digital nudges, for example. This partnership formed a basis for a holistic interior concept that reconciles the human element with business objectives in a playful way.

▼總部入口處的前臺接待區,設有旋轉樓梯,the reception area with the spiral stairs ©Philip Kottlorz

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group

▼旋轉樓梯細節,details of the spiral stairs ©Philip Kottlorz

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group

職場綠洲 | Workplace oasis


First off, we added a new workforce of 2,100 super-performers in the form of green houseplants. They engender a good mood, lower stress levels, boost creativity and enhance performance. Moreover, they improve air quality and overall well-being, as well as diminishing noise levels. They even assist in employee acquisitions – and are extremely easy to handle. The only input they require is regular watering. The nudger knows: Houseplants are motivational power plants. And in fact, the newly greened interior not only increased humidity from 18% to 44%, but decreased the number of employee sick days by 50%.

▼設有綠植的辦公空間,the workplace with green houseplants ©Philip Kottlorz

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group

▼綠植改善空氣質量及員工總體滿意度,降低噪音水平,the houseplants improve air quality and overall well-being, as well as diminishing noise levels ©Philip Kottlorz

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group

▼綠植細節,details of the green houseplants ©Philip Kottlorz

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group

▼綠植空間與休息空間相結合,the rest area complemented by houseplants ©Philip Kottlorz

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group

Juhu-原則 | The yippee principle


One fascinating challenge in this project was to completely transform a building without interfering in the existing structure in any way. A fundamentally different atmosphere was achieved by changing the ceiling landscape. The existing panels were allowed to stay, but these were supplemented by coloured strips. In place of grey metal ceilings, colour gradients create a new spatial depth and a considerably improved mental balance. Blue is a calming colour – and also promotes creativity. A gradual progression into white brings additional openness and lightness to the space. Walkways have been kept neutral to promote concentration. The pale pink walkways are genuine mood boosters and, incidentally, increase empathy amongst employees.

▼辦公區域保留了嵌板,但加以彩條作裝飾補充,the existing panels of workplace ceiling are allowed to stay, but these are supplemented by coloured strips ©Philip Kottlorz

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group

▼去掉灰色的金屬天花板後,將顏色作漸變處理,創建出新的空間深度,in place of grey metal ceilings, colour gradients create a new spatial depth ©Philip Kottlorz

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group

▼辦公區域內藍色漸變的天花板和鬱鬱蔥蔥的綠植,the graduated blue ceiling and houseplants in the workplace ©Philip Kottlorz

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group

▼粉紅色的走道空間,the pale pink walkways ©Philip Kottlorz

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group


Thoughtfully placed water sources and tasteful lighting help bring about an even better mood. Tropical wallpaper meets soft shapes and round tables. And the nudge insight that central Europeans only feel part of a group of up to 24 people was taken into account in every zone.

▼熱帶風格壁紙與柔和的形狀及圓桌相呼應,tropical wallpaper meets soft shapes and round tables ©Philip Kottlorz

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group

▼熱帶風格壁紙細節,details of the tropical wallpaper ©Philip Kottlorz

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group

儘管如此,我們依然盡力為促進相互溝通創造更多空間——後者既是員工的明確要求,同時也順應不斷轉變的辦公文化要求。在這種文化中,信息交流和團隊歸屬感發揮著越來越重要的作用。最後我們還獲得這樣的效果,入口大廳的設計甚至令一些酒店大堂相形見絀。在上層的咖啡屋中,人們可以一邊補充能量,一邊醞釀新想法。事實上,設計師們已經成功將Klis先生奉行的積極態度,顯而易見地傳遞到公司的每一個角落。這樣不僅形成了一個令員工受到鼓舞、讓客戶感到振奮的辦公環境,還為高效迅捷的工作創造出生機勃勃的基礎。有什麼比在業績中獲得樂趣更能推動渴望創造業績呢?說到樂趣:Roman Klis先生最喜歡的一個詞就是“Juhu”——在這樣一間辦公室裡也完全可以大聲說出來。

Despite this, much more space for communication has been created overall – which was an explicit wish of the employees, but also a requirement of a changing work culture in which information exchange and a sense of cohesion and belonging play an increasingly important role. The only exception is an impressive vestibule that puts many a hotel lobby firmly in the shade. And the new café on the upper floor provides an atmosphere in which to refuel and hatch out fresh ideas. The positive mood that carries Roman Klis through life has been transported into the furthest corner of the agency. The end result is not only a workspace that triggers an immediate buzz amongst clients and employees alike, but above all a dynamic basis for effective agile working. Because ultimately, performance is considerably enhanced when employees enjoy what it is they do. Oh, and while we’re on the topic of enjoyment: Roman Klis’s favourite word is ‘yippee’ – something you can certainly shout out loud in an office such as this.

▼首層平面圖,ground floor plan ©Ippolito Fleitz Group

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group

▼二層平面圖,first floor plan ©Ippolito Fleitz Group

Roman Klis設計公司總部,德國 / Ippolito Fleitz Group

