02.28 SIIB天天練1(劃重點:1寫作中用故事來說明道理 2句子分析)

SIIB天天練1 (劃重點:1. 寫作中用故事來說明道理 2. 句子成分分析)


英語學習貴在循序漸進、不斷積累、始終堅持。一天一個問題,Practice every day! Hold on and you’ll make it。

SIIB天天練1(劃重點:1寫作中用故事來說明道理 2句子分析)

Practice Daily


題型一:詞彙填空 (2013湖北)

My desk-mate 1 my fluent English very much and I usually feel encouraged by his praise.

One day, when we learned the new word “eccentric” in class, we were asked to make a sentence with it. I v2 to do it by saying “my desk-mate is an eccentric boy whose clothes never fit him” . Hearing this, the whole class 3 into laughter and my desk-mate’s face turned red. After class, I learned from the teacher that my desk-mate would have 4 out of school if he hadn’t been helped by others. My mindless words must have hurt him deeply.

Not until then did I realize words could he powerful in both 5 and negative ways . We should avoid hurting others if we can’t always be encouraging when we speak.


How to live well

1. When you ______ (face) with a problem, adopt the attitude that you can and will solve it.

2. Remember, each workout puts you one step closer to reaching your ______ (fit) goals.

3. Here are some easy steps _____ (create) better habits that will surely improve our mental health.

4. Having a hobby or several hobbies can make your life happier, healthier and ______ (wonderful).

5. Relationships are at the heart of most of our ______ (significance) life experiences. They help to nurture our body and soul and teach us many important lessons.



1. admires 根據句意,從後面的his praise可以看出,此處指的是“我的同桌很欣賞、羨慕我的流利的英語”。

2. volunteered根據句意和首字母,此處指的是“自願”回答問題。

3. burst根據語境,此處考查的是固定搭配,“放聲大笑”

4. dropped根據語境,此處考查的是固定搭配,“輟學”。

5. positive根據both...and...的結構和句意,此處要用的詞是negative(消極的)的反義詞positive(積極的)。


1. are faced 面臨、面對。此時face有兩種用法,一是用作及物動詞,所以該句也可改寫成you are facing a problem;二是構成be faced with詞組。

2. fitness 健康,名詞作定語。

3. to create。此處是不定式短語作定語,用來修飾如way, step, measure 等表示“方式方法”的詞。

4. more wonderful。考查形容詞、副詞的比較級。

5. significant。修飾life experiences當然要用形容詞。

