02.25 It's time to get wasted.該出去瀟灑一下了(指去酒吧喝個爛醉)

[Susan's House]

(There's a knock on the door as Susan sits on her living room floor, going through decorative boxes.裝飾盒)

Susan: "Who is it?"誰呀?

Edie: "It's Edie!"伊迪。

Susan: "Oh, Edie, not now. I'm kind of busy."依迪,現在不行,我正忙著呢。

(Edie walks into the living room.)

Edie: "Hi."

Susan: "Or just come on in."要不進來吧。

Edie: "What are you doing?"你在幹什麼“

Susan: "I decided that my life is way too complicated, and so I'm simplifying. I am getting rid of the clutter."我發現我的人生有點太過錯綜複雜,我想簡化一下,把垃圾扔掉。

(She puts on an orange and lace hat and turns to face Edie.)

Edie: "Ooh."

Susan: "I was on vacation. Made sense at the time. Okay, not to be rude, but is there a reason you're here?"我那時正在度假,戴這帽子還挺合適的,我無意冒犯,可是你來有什麼事?

Edie: "Look, I'm feeling badly about what you're going through with Mike. And don't worry. I'm not going to date him." 你和麥克之間發生的事我很遺憾。別擔心,我不會和他約會的。

Susan: "It doesn't matter anymore."這已經無所謂了。

Edie: "Well, don't get me wrong. I still have every intention of sleeping with him. Some mountains are just meant to be climbed."別誤會,我還是非常渴望和他發生關係,有些山是註定有人去征服的。(


Susan: "I got to learn to keep my doors locked."看來我得把我家門鎖好。

Edie: "How long have you been sitting here?"你在這坐多久了?

Susan: "I don't know. Five minutes, give or take three hours."不知道,5分鐘到3個小時。

give or take


It cost £200, give or take .花費大約200塊。(比200少一點或多一點)

2.give是給的意思,take則是“拿”,give andt ake有給有拿,引伸為“有商有量”,妥協折衷。Those whodon't appreciate give and take are not likely to listento others. 那些不喜歡妥協折衷的人不太可能聽取別人的意見。

Edie: "That's it. Get up. Get dressed."夠了,起來,換衣服

Susan: "Why?"為什麼?

Edie: "Beause you're coming with me.

It's time to get wasted. Happy hour started forty-five minutes ago."


口語學習: get wasted=get drunk 可跟“浪費”沒啥關係,是指喝醉了/喝高了,爛醉如泥的!

Susan: "Why would I go anywhere with you?"我為什麼要跟你去?

Edie: "Because that's what normal women do when they get depressed. They put on short skirts, they go to bars with their girlfriends."因為那是一個正常女人在傷心時都會做的事。穿上短裙和女朋友去酒吧

Susan: "Wow."

Edie: "Oh, come on. It'll be fun, I swear. Come on. Come on.”快來,會很有趣的。來起來。

(She begins dragging Susan by the feet.)

Susan: "Why do you even care?"你為什麼要關心我?

Edie: "I never said I cared. It's just...well, I...I guess I know what it's like to have your heart stomped on."



Susan: "Okay. All right. Give me a minute. I'll go change my clothes."


Edie: "And don't forget to do something with that skanky hair. You're a little scary-looking."


