
What’s for lunch?

HECTOR: I am really hungry.

MATEO: Me too. The menu looks good. What should we have?

HECTOR: French fries . . . onion rings . . . hamburgers . . . cheeseburgers . . . tacos . . . chips . . . They all look so good.

MATEO: French fries, onion rings, and a hamburger? Are you sure?


HECTOR: Sure, why not?

MATEO: Well, it’s not very good for you. I’m going to have the salad. You need to eat fresh vegetables every day, you know? Hello?

HECTOR: I’m really thirsty, too. I think I’ll have a soda.

MATEO: Go ahead, knock yourself out.

NAOMI: Hey, you guys! How are you?

HECTOR: I’m really hungry.

NAOMI: Well, you’ve come to the right place.

HECTOR: What’s for lunch?

NAOMI: Our special today is chicken and rice. The pasta with tomato sauce is really good, too. Do you need some time to think about it?

HECTOR: Nah, I’ve already decided. I’ll have a cheeseburger, French fries, onion rings, and a glass of soda.


NAOMI: Wow, you really are hungry.

How about you Mateo? What would you like?

MATEO: What’s in the chicken salad?

NAOMI: The chicken salad has carrots and mushrooms.

MATEO: That sounds good. Can I have some tomatoes with it too?

NAOMI: Sure. What would you like to drink?

MATEO: I’ll have iced tea—with no sugar.

NAOMI: Let’s see . . . cheeseburger, French fries, onion rings, chicken salad with tomatoes, a glass of soda, and an iced tea, no sugar. I’ll be right back.

NAOMI: Here’s your salad and iced tea.

MATEO: Yum! It looks delicious.

NAOMI: And here’s your cheeseburger, French fries, and onion rings, and your soda. Are you sure you can eat all that?

HECTOR: No problem.

NAOMI: Alright, then. Enjoy your meal.

NAOMI: How was it?

MATEO: Great. The chicken salad was delicious.

NAOMI: Oh, good. I’m glad you liked it. How about you, Hector?

HECTOR: Yeah, it was good. Too good. What’s for dessert?


NAOMI: We have vanilla ice cream, chocolate cake, and apple pie. What would you like?

MATEO: I’ll have a slice of chocolate cake.

NAOMI: The cake is good. I think you’ll like it. How about you, Hector?

HECTOR: I’ll have . . . nothing. I want dessert, but I’m just too full.

NAOMI: I’m not surprised. You ate a big lunch. I’ll be right back with your dessert, Mateo.


