Major News丨說到湖南援黃岡醫療隊,黃岡市市長哽咽了

Major News丨说到湖南援黄冈医疗队,黄冈市市长哽咽了

△圖為黃岡市委副書記、市長邱麗新。湖南日報·新湖南客戶端記者辜鵬博 攝

新湖南客戶端記者 朱玉文 發自黃岡





截至2月16日,湖南省已派出3批共474名醫護人員駐守湖北黃岡,隊員們分別在大別山區域醫療中心、麻城市人民醫院、紅安縣中醫院新院區、英山縣老年病醫院(即將調整到英山縣人民醫院)、羅田 縣人民醫院等10家醫院,從事新冠肺炎患者的救治工作。





"In the most difficult time, the medical team of Hunan came! And your arrival greatly relieved our pressure." On February 16, Qiu Lixin, deputy secretary of the CPC Huanggang Municipal Committee, Huanggang mayor, talked about the emotional situation when communicating with Hunan medical team supporting Huanggang. She couldn't help choking: "This love, this deep and sincere feelings, Huanggang people will never forget."

On January 25, the provincial health and Health Commission set up the first batch of medical teams to assist Huanggang in Hubei Province. There were 137 team members, including 43 doctors and 94 nurses. The team members were all from first-class hospitals in Hunan. They arrived at Huanggang at 11:00 on the evening of the same day. Subsequently, 137 members of the second medical team also arrived in Huanggang.

On January 29, the first group of medical teams in Hunan began to accept patients in Dabie Mountain, responsible for two ward areas on the 5th floor of Building 1 in the south. On January 31, the second batch of Hunan medical team began to receive patients in Dabie Mountain Area Center, responsible for two ward areas on the 6th floor of South Building 1.

On February 9, the general office of the national health and Health Commission issued a document to make it clear that Hunan Province and Shandong Province provided counterpart support to Huanggang City.

"The first team members have been here for more than 20 days, never complaining." Gao Jiping, director general of Hunan health Union and Hunan provincial support for Huanggang, told the new Hunan client reporter: "No one is backing down, and no one asks what time to go back."

This may be the reason why mayor Qiu Lixin choked.

As of 18:00 on February 16, Hunan medical team assisted Huanggang medical team to take over the management of 10 local hospitals, with a total of 430 confirmed cases and 115 discharged cases.

Translated by Yang

