(西域男孩)精選 Better Man

(西域男孩)精選 Better Man - Westlife

You and I had something special, baby Something that you only see on movie screen

你我之間有種難以言明的情愫 我知道這似乎只會在電影場景中出現

I know lately I've been missing you like crazy Oh, why, why'd you let me in just to let me go?

近來你的身影瘋狂湧入我的腦海 為何要讓曾走近你心的我徘徊於你的心門之外?

Most guys will get high when feeling low But I don't think that that's the way to go

總是會眾人皆樂而我暗自神傷 但我不覺得這是明智之舉

Sometimes I'll be sitting on my own Thinking 'bout life, thinking 'bout you and me

有時候我只是想安靜的獨處片刻 反思我這一生 回想你與我的故事

How do you lose the one you love? After giving it all, you gave it up


Maybe my love wasn't enough You think you know, but you never can

或許是因為我給你的愛還不夠 你還以為你會明白 但其實你不曾明白

How do you lose your only plan? Well darling, just give me one more chance

為何你會放棄生命的唯一?親愛的 就再給我一次機會吧

And I'll give you everything I have I'll try to be a better man

我願意為你付出一切 傾盡所有 我只想做那個與你更合稱的人

I felt things when we were naked I saw an angel but they've hidden their wings

我們赤誠相見的那刻 我能感覺到你的真心 窺見天使的身影而她的翅膀早已隱藏

I know, everyone's got that special baby Oh, why, now I only see you in my dreams

我知道每個人都與眾不同 而唯獨你進入我的夢境

Most guys will get high when feeling low But I don't think that that's the way to go

總是會眾人皆樂而我暗自神傷 但是我不覺得這是明智之舉

Sometimes I'll be sitting on my own Thinking 'bout life, thinking 'bout you and me

有時候我只是想安靜的獨處片刻 反思我這一生 回想你與我的故事

How do you lose the one you love? After giving it all, you gave it up


Maybe my love wasn't enough You think you know, but you never can

或許是因為我給你的愛還不夠 你還以為你會明白 但其實你不曾明白

How do you lose your only plan? Well darling, just give me one more chance

為何你會放棄生命的唯一?親愛的 就再給我一次機會吧

And I'll give you everything I have I'll try to be a better man

我願意為你付出一切 傾盡所有 我只想做那個與你更合稱的人

I've been up and I've been down Think that's just what love's about

經歷過人生的起落沉浮 難道我們之間還不算愛麼

You took the words right out my mouth If you feel it, say it now

你默契的說出我想說的話 如果你對我有感覺 就說出來吧

It's been a while but I've figured it out But ain't that just what love's about?

後知後覺的我才恍然明白 難道我們之間還不算愛麼?

You took the words right out my mouth But if you feel it, say it now

你默契的說出我想說的話 如果你對我有感覺 就說出來吧

How do you lose the one you love? (How do you lose? ) After giving it all, you gave it up


And maybe my love wasn't enough You think you know, but you never can

或許是因為我給你的愛還不夠 你還以為你會明白 但其實你不曾明白

And how do you lose your only plan? Well darling, just give me one more chance

為何你會放棄生命的唯一?親愛的 就再給我一次機會吧

And I'll give you everything I have I'll try to be a better man

我願意為你付出一切 傾盡所有 我只想做那個與你唯一合稱的人

