The Week|第四次工業革命將如何改變世界

How the fourth industrial revolution will change the world


Automation and artificial intelligence will shape social and economic development for the next generation.


The Week|第四次工業革命將如何改變世界

In 2016, the World Economic Forum in Davos chose “Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution” as its theme. It was one of the first public uses of a term that has quickly entered the mainstream.


The Week|第四次工業革命將如何改變世界



As a catch-all description of a wave of disruptive new technologies, some already in the wild and others in the pipeline, it brings together a diverse collection of products and services with the potential to change not just industry but wider society. They include 5G networks, Wi-Fi 6, the internet of things (IoT), autonomous vehicles, artificial intelligence and machine learning, renewable power, 3D printing, blockchain finance, robotics, nanotechnology, quantum computing and biotechnology.

這場顛覆性新技術的浪潮涉及各個領域,其中一些新技術已經開始投入使用,而另一些則正在醞釀中。第四次工業革命彙集了各種各樣的產品和服務,將不僅改變整個行業,甚至還會改變整個社會。這些新技術包括5G網絡、Wi-Fi 6、物聯網、自動駕駛、人工智能、機器學習、可再生能源、3D打印、區塊鏈金融、量子計算和生物技術。

Wi-Fi 6(原稱,是Wi-Fi標準的名稱。Wi-Fi 6將允許與多達8個設備通信,最高速率可達9.6Gbps。2019年9月16日,Wi-Fi聯盟宣佈啟動Wi-Fi 6認證計劃。

The Week|第四次工業革命將如何改變世界

These technologies are already reshaping the labour market and our lives. To give just a few examples:


In classrooms, children are learning from online software. Human teachers step in to help them with the parts they struggle to understand, once those have been identified by the app.


In warehouses, robots can locate, pick and transport items without any human intervention.


The Week|第四次工業革命將如何改變世界


Police and private companies in the UK are using AI to look for the faces of criminals in crowds. Acourt ruled in September that doing so is not a breach of human rights.


The Week|第四次工業革命將如何改變世界

Legal firms now sit new clients in front of software which asks them a series of questions and drafts documents appropriately. In some cases, doctors can be replaced withadiagnostic algorithm and a nurse.


Are the robots coming for our jobs?


The Week|第四次工業革命將如何改變世界

The fourth industrial revolution (or 4IR) is already creating ethical and legal problems, the greatest of which may be the fear that robots are coming for our jobs. A 2017 report by global management consultants McKinsey said that as many as 800 million workers worldwide could be “displaced” by changing technologies between 2017 and 2030.



Already, according to Professor Andrew Scott of the London Business School, “thousands of jobs in financial services have gone as transactions have moved online.” Soon, he predicts, “people in marketing may find the tasks they perform being taken over by AI and new technologies could lay waste to a host of back-office jobs such as processing information for accounts or handling legal documents.” It sounds like bad news, but it’s not the whole story.

倫敦商學院的安德魯•斯科特(Andrew Scott)教授已經表示,“隨著交易轉移到網上,數以千計的金融服務工作崗位已經消失。”他預測,很快,“市場營銷人員可能會發現自己的工作被人工智能取代,而且新技術可能會免去大量後臺工作,例如處理帳戶信息或處理法律文件。”這似乎是個壞消息,但還不是全部。

What we can learn from spreadsheets


For the BBC’s 50 Things That Made the Modern Economy, economist Tim Harford examined the rise of VisiCalc, the first computer spreadsheet program, which was released in 1979 and quickly replaced paper-based spreadsheets that clerks had needed to manually recalculate. It was a breakthrough for firms with complicated accounts–but would it be a disaster for accounting clerks? Yes and no.

經濟學家提姆·哈福德(Tim Harford)在其BBC系列叢書《塑造現代經濟的五十項發明》中提到,1979年,第一套電子表格軟件VisiCalc發明後,很快就取代了在紙上用表格重複計算的職員。對於賬目複雜的公司來說,這是一個突破,但對於會計職員來說,這會是一場災難嗎?也是也不是。


According to NPR’s Planet Money podcast, in the US alone 400,000 fewer accounting clerks are employed today than in 1980, just after VisiCalc came out – but there are now 600,000 more jobs for actual accountants than there were back then. The accountancy jobs that vanished after VisiCalc were routine, repetitive and mechanical. Handing them over to a computer allowed humans to spend more time on analysis – and creative responses to what the spreadsheets revealed.


全國公共廣播電臺(英語:National Public Radio,縮寫為NPR),是一家獲公眾贊助及部分政府資助、但獨立運作的非商業性美國媒體。節目以新聞、綜述、採訪為主,也有一些音樂、脫口秀等文化、娛樂節目。

What can we do to prepare?


The Week|第四次工業革命將如何改變世界

While 4IR is a challenge rather than a threat, it poses potential problems. Harford suggests that lower-skilled jobs may become simplistic and soul-destroying, while Professor Scott thinks that people in the middle of the skill spectrum, or those who can’t retrain, may struggle to find work.


Yet, far from resisting it, economists and politicians say Britain must embrace 4IR, to minimise the risks and ensure the new technologies benefit society as a whole. As digital minister in 2017, Matt Hancock told a group of MPs investigating 4IR: “Our goal must be to automate work, but humanise jobs. Allow machines to do the dangerous, boring and repetitive, and ensure we humans have the capacity to do the creative, empathetic and interactive.”


Riding the revolution


The new technologies driving the fourth industrial revolution are already creating challenges as well as opportunities – and both are likely to multiply as the pace of change accelerates.


The potential pitfalls are ethical and social as much as technical, with the biggest perceived threat being increased unemployment. But there is every reason to be optimistic as we seek to take advantage of this latest wave of change.


One thing is certain: there is no way to turn back the clock. However we choose to engage with it, technology will reshape our world again.


The Week|第四次工業革命將如何改變世界

The Week|第四次工業革命將如何改變世界

