

Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 in Gary, Indiana, and entertained audiences nearly his entire life. His father, Joe Jackson had been a guitarist, but was forced to give up his musical ambitions following his marriage to Michael's mother Katherine Jackson (née Katherine Esther Scruse). Together, they prodded their growing family's musical interests at home. By the early 1960s, the older boys Jackie, Tito and Jermaine had begun performing around the city; by 1964, Michael and Marlon had joined in.

邁克爾•約瑟夫•傑克遜1958年8月29日出生於印第安納州的加里市,他幾乎一生都在取悅觀眾。他的父親,喬•傑克遜曾是一名吉他手,但在他與邁克爾的母親凱瑟琳•傑克遜(née Katherine Esther Scruse)結婚後,被迫放棄了音樂抱負。他們在家中一起激發了濃厚的音樂興趣。到了20世紀60年代初,年齡較大的傑基、蒂託和傑梅因開始在城市裡演出;到了1964年,邁克爾和馬龍也加入了演出。

A musical prodigy, Michael's singing and dancing talents were amazingly mature, and he soon became the dominant voice and focus of the Jackson 5. An opening act for such soul groups as the O-Jays and James Brown, it was Gladys Knight (not Diana Ross) who officially brought the group to Berry Gordy's attention, and by 1969, the boys were producing back-to-back chart-busting hits as Motown artists ("I Want You Back," "ABC," "Never Can Say Goodbye," "Got to Be There," etc.). As a product of the 1970s, the boys emerged as one of the most accomplished black pop / soul vocal groups in music history, successfully evolving from a group like The Temptations to a disco phenomenon.

作為一個音樂天才,邁克爾的歌舞天賦驚人地成熟,他很快成為了Jackson 5樂隊的主唱和焦點人物。作為O-Jays和James Brown等靈魂級樂隊的開場表演節目,是Gladys Knight(而不是Diana Ross)正式將這個音樂組合推薦給Berry Gordy並引起對方關注。到1969年,Jackson 5樂隊作為Motown的藝術家接連地創作了“獨霸”排行榜的熱門作品(代表作品有,“我要你回來”,“ABC”,“永遠不能說再見”,“必須在場”等)。作為20世紀70年代的產物,Jackson 5樂隊成為音樂史上最有成就的黑人流行/靈魂聲樂團體之一,成功地從一個類似“誘惑樂隊”



Solo success for Michael was inevitable, and by the 1980s, he had become infinitely more popular than his brotherly group. Record sales consistently orbited, culminating in the biggest-selling album of all time, "Thriller" in 1982. A TV natural, he ventured rather uneasily into films, such as playing the Scarecrow in The Wiz (1978), but had much better luck with elaborate music videos.


In the 1990s, the downside as an 1980s pop phenomenon began to rear itself. Michael grew terribly child-like and introverted by his peerless celebrity. A rather timorous, androgynous figure to begin with, his physical appearance began to change drastically, and his behavior grew alarmingly bizarre, making him a consistent target for scandal-making, despite his numerous charitable acts. Two brief marriages -- one to Elvis Presley's daughter Lisa Marie Presley -- were forged and two children produced by his second wife during that time.


Michael Jackson died on June 25, 2009 in Los Angeles, California. His passion and artistry as a singer, dancer, writer and businessman were unparalleled, and it is these prodigious talents that will ultimately prevail over the extremely negative aspects of his troubled adult life.



邁克爾·傑克遜獨創的藝術專利·Trade Mark

The Moonwalk 太空舞步

Single sequined white glove 單亮片白手套

He always wore white socks with black shoes 他總是穿白襪子配黑鞋子

Often wore a black hat and a jacket with a ribbon around one sleeve


Lyrics reflecting his social concerns and hopes for a better world


Long black hair 黑色長髮

High pitched voice 高音

The crotch grab 抓襠

Distinctive soft voice 有辨識度的柔和的聲音

Fluid and energetic dancing 流暢精力充沛的舞蹈

Impeccable beatboxing ability 無可挑剔的搏擊能力


Michael Jackson quotes邁克爾·傑克遜名言

1.People think they know me, but they don't. Not really. Actually, I am one of the loneliest people on this earth. I cry sometimes, because it hurts. It does. To be honest, I guess you could say that it hurts to be me.


2."Just because you read it in a magazine or see it on a TV screen doesn't make it factual. To buy it is to feed it." ——about tabloid magazines.


3.I made a terrible mistake. I got caught up in the excitement of the moment. I would never intentionally endanger the lives of my children.


4.You ain't seen nothing yet, and the best is yet to come.(1999)


5.There is a lot of sadness in my past life. My father beat me. It was difficult to take being beaten and then going on stage. He was strict; very hard and stern.


6.Elizabeth Taylor used to feed me, to hand-feed me, at times. Please, I don't want anybody to think I'm starving, I'm not. My health is perfect, actually.

伊麗莎白·泰勒過去常常給我提供食物, 有時親手餵我。拜託,我不想讓任何人認為我餓了,我不餓。實際上,我的健康很好。

7.I just want to say to fans in every corner of the earth, every nationality, every race, every language: I love you from the bottom of my heart. I would love your prayers and your goodwill, and please be patient and be with me and believe in me because I am completely, completely innocent. But please know a lot of conspiracy is going on as we speak.


8.Marlon Brando has been pushing. He's a wonderful man. He's a god. He wants a lot of money. He wants to get things done right now. ——On a video about acting which he was planning to make with Brando in 2001


9.Elizabeth Taylor is a warm cuddly blanket that I love to snuggle up to and cover myself with. I can confide in her and trust her. She's Mother Teresa, Princess Diana, the Queen of England, and Wendy.


10.I am always writing a potpourri of music. I want to give the world escapism through the wonder of great music and to reach the masses.



What was Michael Jackson in the Guinness Book of Records for?


1. Youngest vocalist to top the US singles chart, (aged 11, fronting The Jackson Five)


2. First vocalist to enter the US single chart at No.1 (You Are Not Alone)

第一位進入美國單曲排行榜第一名的歌手(“你並不孤單。You Are Not Alone")

3. Most weeks at the top of the US album charts (non-soundtrack) (37 weeks for Thriller)

在美國唱片排行榜上排名第一的大多數週(非原聲帶)( Thriller,37周)

4. Most successful music video (Thriller sold over 1 million units)


5. First entertainer to earn more than $100 million in a year to Highest paid entertainer of all time ($125 million in 1989 Forbes list).


6. Most successful concert series. Seven nights sold out at Wembley Stadium, London, England in 1988. Attendance: 504,000.


7.Biggest selling album of all time. Thriller sold 50 million copies worldwide.


8.Most Grammy Awards. Eight Grammy awards in one year (1984).


9.Largest Contracts. Contracts totalling $890 million with Sony (prospective earnings of $1 billion).


10. Greatest Audience. Michael was spotlighted during the half-time performance at the Super Bowl XXVII in 1993, with a televised (NBC) audience of 133.4 million.


11. Highest Paid Commercial Spokesperson. Michael was paid $12 million to do four commercials for Pepsi Cola.


12. Bad Tour. Michael's world tour grossed over $124 million in 1987-88.


