

1 自定義偽隨機數


#include <iostream>

unsigned int PRNG()


....// our initial starting seed is 5323

....static unsigned int seed = 5323;

....// Take the current seed and generate a new value from it

....// Due to our use of large constants and overflow, it would be

....// hard for someone to casually predict what the next number is

....// going to be from the previous one.

....seed = 8253729 * seed + 2396403;

....// Take the seed and return a value between 0 and 32767

....return seed % 32768;


int main()


....// Print 20 random numbers

....for (int count=1; count <= 20; ++count)


........std::cout << PRNG()*100/32768 << "\\t";

........// If we've printed 5 numbers, start a new row

........if (count % 5 == 0)

............std::cout << "\\n";



....return 0;



23 4 67 22 77

44 30 45 99 0

59 85 87 74 56

42 42 65 20 17


2 標準庫中的隨機數函數


srand(int); //設置起始種子值

rand();// 產生隨機數

#include <iostream>

#include <stdlib.h> // for std::rand() and std::srand()/<stdlib.h>

int main()


....srand(5323); // set initial seed value to 5323

....// Print 20 random numbers

....for (int count=1; count <= 20; ++count)


........std::cout << 100 + rand()/100 << "\\t";

........// If we've printed 5 numbers, start a new row

........if (count % 5 == 0)

............std::cout << "\\n";



....return 0;



274 185 294 113 369

177 381 252 278 169

149 104 226 387 307

418 337 391 258 399


3 選擇隨機性更強的隨機種子(時間)

頭文件<ctime>中的time_t time(time_t *seconds) 返回自紀元 Epoch(1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC)起經過的時間,以秒為單位。如果 seconds 不為空,則返回值也存儲在變量 seconds 中。可以以這個秒數做為隨機數的種子值。/<ctime>

#include <iostream>

#include <cstdlib> // for std::rand() and std::srand()/<cstdlib>

#include <ctime> // for std::time()/<ctime>

int main()



....// set initial seed value to system clock

....for (int count=1; count <= 20; ++count)


........std::cout << rand()%100 << "\\t";

........// If we've printed 5 numbers, start a new row

........if (count % 5 == 0)

............std::cout << "\\n";



....return 0;



70 22 48 60 15

87 41 20 56 0

51 7 68 37 4

98 62 96 80 18


4 在兩個任意值之間生成隨機數

#include <iostream>

#include <time.h>

using namespace std;

// Generate a random number between min and max (inclusive)

// Assumes srand() has already been called

// Assumes max - min <= RAND_MAX

int getRandomNumber(int min, int max)


....double fraction = 1.0 / (RAND_MAX + 1.0);

....// evenly distribute the random number across our range

....return min + static_cast((max - min + 1) * (rand() * fraction));


int main()



....for(int i=1; i<21; i++)







....return 0;



184 172 153 106 197

111 156 167 200 169

124 105 167 185 113

171 144 104 176 192






min+(std::rand()%(max min+1));



0 + (0 % 7) = 0

0 + (1 % 7) = 1

0 + (2 % 7) = 2

0 + (3 % 7) = 3

0 + (4 % 7) = 4

0 + (5 % 7) = 5

0 + (6 % 7) = 6

0 + (7 % 7) = 0

0 + (8 % 7) = 1

0 + (9 % 7) = 2




return min + (std::rand() % (max-min+1));


0 + static_cast(7 * (0 * 0.1))) = 0 + static_cast(0) = 0

0 + static_cast(7 * (1 * 0.1))) = 0 + static_cast(0.7) = 0

0 + static_cast(7 * (2 * 0.1))) = 0 + static_cast(1.4) = 1

0 + static_cast(7 * (3 * 0.1))) = 0 + static_cast(2.1) = 2

0 + static_cast(7 * (4 * 0.1))) = 0 + static_cast(2.8) = 2

0 + static_cast(7 * (5 * 0.1))) = 0 + static_cast(3.5) = 3

0 + static_cast(7 * (6 * 0.1))) = 0 + static_cast(4.2) = 4

0 + static_cast(7 * (7 * 0.1))) = 0 + static_cast(4.9) = 4

0 + static_cast(7 * (8 * 0.1))) = 0 + static_cast(5.6) = 5

0 + static_cast(7 * (9 * 0.1))) = 0 + static_cast(6.3) = 6



5 使用隨機庫



