「每日閱讀·英語新聞」dad shoes老爹鞋(雙語)

「每日閱讀·英語新聞」dad shoes老爹鞋(雙語)

Remember those ratty, embarrassing chunky sneakers your dad always wore? They've made a fashionable comeback around the world.


If you think "dad shoes" (aka chunky sneakers) are woefully outdated and most suited to your father's stinky feet, you're way off the mark. Actually, dad shoes are a shining star in the fashion industry right now.


Among them, there's no doubt that Balenciaga's Triple S series has caused a huge sensation since its debut. It's called Triple S because the sole combines three elements: a basketball, running and training shoe. At nearly eight centimeters, its sensation of walking on the clouds, combined with the special brand stitching, drives its ongoing popularity.

毫無疑問,巴黎世家的Triple S系列從它初次露面就已經造成一個巨大的轟動,它之所以叫做Triple S 是因為鞋底部分結合了籃球鞋、跑步鞋和訓練鞋元素於一身,幾乎有八釐米長,它的感覺就像走在雲端, 通過特殊的縫紉結合方式使它越來越受歡迎。

Another big star is Louis Vuitton's Archlight Sneaker series; the designs are futuristic, with a dramatically big curve in the middle of the arch. LV's fashion show in the basement of the Louvre last year showed the world that the Archlight could add that perfect touch, no matter if it was paired with an exquisite brocade coat, a pair of boxing trousers or a chiffon dress embroidered with silvery sequins.

另一個巨星是路易斯威登的Archlight運動鞋系列; 設計非常超前,在足弓部有一個引人注目的巨大弧形。LV去年在Louvre地下室舉辦的時尚秀向世界展示了Archlight能夠完美搭配衣服,無論是精緻的針織外套還是拳擊褲子,又或是繡有銀色閃光片的雪紡裙。

Dad shoes have saved celebrities' feet lately, too, as they provide a fashionable way to strut down the red carpet while avoiding the pains of high heels. For those of us in the real world, it can be a little tricky to wear them in a stylish way that doesn't look tacky. In general, dad shoes are a great match with silk stockings or bare legs. Go forth and experiment - now you can celebrate Father's Day every day on your feet.


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