

▼杭州光稜建築外觀-相鄰的住宅塔樓映射出稜柱的幾何形態,exterior view of the Hangzhou Prism-the adjacent residential tower reflects the geometry of a prism in its facade Image by Bloomimages, Courtesy of OMA


Construction has begun on OMA’s pyramid-shaped mixed-use building – Xinhu Hangzhou Prism – which forms the heart of Hangzhou’s Future Tech City in the new Technology Central Business District (CBD). The project is commissioned by Zhejiang Xinhu Haichuang Group. Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang province, is known as one of China’s most beautiful cities with a high quality of life. The city is rapidly developing into an important tech-hub, home to some of China’s largest technology companies (including Alibaba Group Holding and NetEase) and a burgeoning start-up scene. Hangzhou competes with Beijing and Shanghai to attract China’s new-economy workforce and young tech graduates. A pinnacle reaching into the sky, the Prism pays homage to the ancient saying that the there is “paradise above, and Hangzhou below”. The Prism is complemented by an adjacent 35,000 m² residential tower, reflecting the geometry of a prism in its façade.

▼圖解,diagram Courtesy of OMA


OMA設計的新湖杭州光稜將現代化的設計融入周圍自然美景之中,這座綜合體將容納一家酒店、零售空間、loft公寓和一箇中庭花園。50,000平方米的光稜建築由兩個穿過建築外表的大膽斜切面構成,形成了具有豐富景觀的階梯式loft。建築內部,一個巨大的空間內佈置了水景和遊樂區,作為可進入的公共花園。Chris van Duijn說:“新湖杭州光稜將促進杭州新CBD地區內創意社區的發展。設計確保了靈活的規劃和廣闊的公共室外空間,保持了強烈的視覺識別性:形式引人注目,典型而現代。“ 杭州光稜項目由Chris van Duijn和Michalis Hadjistyllis領導,計劃將於2020年完成。

▼光稜由兩個穿過建築外表的斜切面構成,形成了具有豐富景觀的階梯式loft,Prism is shaped by two radical oblique cuts through the building envelope, creating terraced lofts with generous scenic views Image by Bloomimages, Courtesy of OMA


OMA’s design for Xinhu Hangzhou Prism integrates modernity into the beauty of the surrounding natural landscape. The complex will house a hotel, retail space, lofts and an atrium garden. The 50,000 m² Prism is shaped by two radical oblique cuts through the building envelope, creating terraced lofts with generous scenic views. A large interior void creates a publicly accessible garden with water features and playgrounds.Chris van Duijn: “Xinhu Hangzhou Prism will encourage the development of a creative community in the new CBD of Hangzhou. The design enables flexible programming and a broad repertoire of communal outdoor spaces, while maintaining a strong visual identity: striking in its form, archetypical yet contemporary.” The project is led by Chris van Duijn and Michalis Hadjistyllis and is expected to complete in 2020.

▼室內中庭空間,interior atrium Image by Bloomimages, Courtesy of OMA


