“It's the thought that counts”大蝦帶你每天學一句地道英語

“It's the thought that counts”大蝦帶你每天學一句地道英語

we can do it

聖誕節剛過去,大家應該都收到了親朋好友的聖誕禮物了吧!但每一樣都是你喜歡的嗎?今天大蝦就來分享一句地道的英語表達"It's the thought that counts",它用在,當你收到了好友的禮物,但卻並不是你喜歡的禮物的場景時,禮貌委婉的表達給他們。是不是很實用呀!那麼就讓我們來詳細的學習並掌握它吧!

“It's the thought that counts”大蝦帶你每天學一句地道英語

學習詞組(Phrase):It's the thought that counts

解釋(Meaning):It's the thought that counts is a polite way of saying you appreciate the effort and the kind thought a person had when they bought you a present, but you don't like what they bought.

小夥伴們,現在是不是對“It's the thought that counts”有了更深一步的理解了吧!它既禮貌地表達了你對送你禮物地好友地感激之情,又不失風雅地告訴了他,你並不喜歡這個禮物。是不是,很實用?

“It's the thought that counts”大蝦帶你每天學一句地道英語


1. A: Wow! That green hat you're wearing is pretty weird.

B: Thanks. My grandmother gave it to me for Christmas. It's the thought that counts, I suppose.

“It's the thought that counts”大蝦帶你每天學一句地道英語

2. A: I have no idea what to get my auntie for her birthday.

B: Get her anything. It's the thought that counts.

“It's the thought that counts”大蝦帶你每天學一句地道英語

3. A: Oh no, not more tea towels. I was expecting something more exciting for our wedding presents.

B: You know what they say - it's the thought that counts.

“It's the thought that counts”大蝦帶你每天學一句地道英語


Our expression is 'it's the thought that counts.' It means the kindness someone shows when they buy you a present is more important than the gift itself.


“It's the thought that counts”大蝦帶你每天學一句地道英語


The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.


“It's the thought that counts”大蝦帶你每天學一句地道英語

