


When it comes to learning English, almost all Chinese English teachers say it has to learn grammar, memorize grammar rules and understand tense and voice. But when it comes to their use, they're dead wrong. How many grammatical mistakes can you find in the picture above? Let's look for them together.

1. 標題中的介詞“of” 後面不應該接“unexpected”。因為介詞只能接代詞、名詞或v-ing構成介賓短語。“unexpected”需要在它的前面加”the“使它類化成名詞。

The preposition “of” can not connect adjectives because prepositions can only connect pronouns, nouns or v-ing. You need to add “the” before “unexpected” to make it a noun.


It can be seen that if your English foundation is not good and you do not have the ability to distinguish, you will always be wrong with teachers.Long-term misuse will be difficult to correct.In this way, it will be very difficult for you to find mistakes when correcting English passages in the College Entrance Examination. Have you mastered these grammatical points through practical application. If you haven’t mastered them yet, please pay attention to Classic English to continue to learn.

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學 英 語 到 聚 典

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