
一、再好的鏈子也拴不住愛跑的狗。No good chain can tie a running dog.

二、現在不努力,將來拿什麼向曾經拋棄你的人證明它有多瞎。If you don't work hard now, what will you do in the future to prove to those who have abandoned you how blind it is?

三、我曾經驕傲的向誰也不低頭,可後來,我學會花言巧語面對不同的狗。I used to be proud of not bowing to anyone, but later, I learned to talk to different dogs.


四、總歸有人看不慣我,我能怎樣,百般討好,還是殺人滅口。Somebody can't stand me. What can I do, please or kill?

五、被人暖一下就高熱,被人冷一下就成冰,請原諒我一生愛憎分明不討巧。Being warm is hot, being cold is ice, please forgive me for my life love and hate is not clever.

六、你的抑鬱症是矯情,你的拖延症是懶,你的強迫症是閒得蛋疼,你的失眠是根本不困。Your depression is melodramatic, your procrastination is lazy, your obsessive-compulsive disorder is very boring, your insomnia is not sleepy at all.


七、承諾,就像放屁,當時驚天動地,過後蒼白無力。Commitment, like farting, was earth-shaking at that time, and then pale and powerless.

八、你沒權利看不慣我的生活方式,但你有權摳瞎自己的雙眼。You have no right to lose sight of my way of life, but you have the right to blind your eyes.

九、當你又瘦又漂亮,腦子裡有東西,錢包裡全是自己掙的錢,別說這個月,全世界都會對你好一點。When you are thin and beautiful, you have something in your head and your wallet is full of your own earnings, let alone this month, the whole world will treat you better.


十、人人都是自顧不暇的泥菩薩,別指望誰能幫你度過現實這條河。Everyone is a self-conscious clay bodhisattva. Don't expect anyone to help you cross the river.

十一、時間總是霸道的推著人往前走,不給退路,我們總是執著的喜歡從前的人,不肯認輸。Time always pushes people forward and does not give way. We are always persistent in liking the former and refuse to admit defeat.

十二、你一生走南闖北,充其量,頂多也就遇見三個人。一個要你活,一個要你死,一個根本不在意你死活。When you go south and North all your life, you will meet at most three people. One wants you to live, one wants you to die, and the other doesn't care about you at all.


十三、所謂靠譜的人,就是凡事有交代,件件有著落,事事有迴音。The so-called trustworthy person is that everything has to be explained, everything has its end, everything has its echo.

十四、道理是要跟懂道理的人講,對於沒皮沒臉的人,就要以其人之道還治其人之身。Reason is to tell people who understand the truth. For those who have no skin and no face, they should treat them in the same way as others.

十五、喜歡一個人,始於顏值,陷於才華,忠於人品,痴於肉體,迷於聲音,醉於深情,最後,折於物質,敗於現實。Like a person, from the face value, trapped in talent, loyalty to character, obsessed with the body, obsessed with sound, drunk in affection, finally, folded in material, defeated in reality.


十六、身為一個人,水倒七分滿,話留三分軟。不清楚我的路子,就別打聽我的底線。As a person, the water pours seven cents full, leaving three soft words. Don't ask my bottom line if you don't know my way.

十七、既往不咎這個詞過於虛假,祝你幸福更是虛偽噁心。愛你這件事太辛苦了吧,還是祝你不得好死吧。In the past, the word “do not blame” is too false. Wishing you happiness is more hypocritical and disgusting. It's too hard to love you. I wish you a happy death.

十八、道不同不相為謀,你討厭我,我也未必喜歡你,各走各的人豈不是更瀟灑,何必咄咄逼人費了口舌也討人嫌,你閒得慌但是我沒空陪你。If you hate me, I may not like you. People who go their separate ways are not smarter. Why are you so aggressive and difficult to talk about? You are in a hurry but I am not free to accompany you.


十九、希望你過得沒我好,死得比我早,吃不好也睡不好,還特別的顯老。I hope you don't live as well as I do. You die earlier than I do. You can't eat well or sleep well. You are still very old.

二十、別把我的個性和態度混為一談,我的個性是源於我是誰,而我的態度則取決於你是誰。Don't confuse my personality with my attitude. My personality comes from who I am, and my attitude depends on who you are.

二十一、以前被人誤解,恨不得揪住對方衣領解釋個三天三夜,現在不了,如果你不能理解我,那我們就分頭走,我雖然渴,但不是什麼水都喝。I was misunderstood before, and I would like to grab each other's collar and explain for three days and three nights. Now I can't. If you can't understand me, then we'll go separately. I'm thirsty, but I don't drink any water.

