從lose one’s heart to sb談寫作中代詞易錯點分析

從lose one’s heart to sb談寫作中代詞易錯點分析

王子變乞丐,因為lose one’s heart to sb


誤用:I used to work in the garden every day but I lost my heart when all the plants died.

正確:I used to work in the garden every day but I lost heart when all the plants died.

說明:lose heart 與 lost one’s heart 只差一個物主代詞,但意思完全不同,前者意為“灰心”,後者用於 lose one’s heart to sb 表示“傾心於或愛上某人。


誤用:Mr Watkins, a neighbour of me, never misses the opportunity to tell me the latest news.

正確:Mr Watkins, a neighbour of mine, never misses the opportunity to tell me the latest news.

說明:英語中說“我的一個……”時,習慣上用a … of mine,而不是用 a … of me。又如:He’s a good friend of mine. He won’t hold it against us. 他是我的好朋友,他不會以此來反對我們。


誤用:Mums and Dads do help his children. As far as I can see, I help my or at least I think I used to.

正確:Mums and Dads do help their children. As far as I can see, I help mine or at least I think I used to.

說明:由於第一句的主語是 Mums and Dads,為複數形式,所以其後相應的物主代詞應用複數 their,而不是 his;第二句中的 my 為形容詞性物主代詞,不能單獨使用,其後應修飾名詞,或改為 mine,或改為 my children。


誤用:In her fright Rosetta seized Gabriel’s hand, he felt her plump, soft palm, and entwined his fingers with her. Gabriel’s hand was cold and rough and it pressed hard, harder all the time.

正確:In her fright Rosetta seized Gabriel’s hand, he felt her plump, soft palm, and entwined his fingers with hers. Gabriel’s hand was cold and rough and it pressed hard, harder all the time.

說明:句中的entwined his fingers with hers 是指將的手指和她的手指纏繞在一起,其中的 hers 相當於 her fingers,不能想當然地用形容詞性物主代詞 her。


誤用:My son is the only one whom I would worry a lot about if my husband and me were to separate.

正確:My son is the only one whom I would worry a lot about if my husband and I were to separate.



從lose one’s heart to sb談寫作中代詞易錯點分析

lose one’s heart to sb

