

第二部分 句法

考點十三 主謂一致


1.由並列結構或連詞(either...or, neither...nor,not...but, not only...but also, or等)連接的並列主語,謂語動詞與較近的那個名詞或代詞保持一致。

Neither his parents nor Tom is at home.

2.在倒裝句和there be句型中,謂語動詞與後面的第一個主語保持一致。

There is a book and some pens on the desk.

There comes the bus.


I know the man who is talking to my father.


It is Mary’s brother who/that was injured in the car accident yesterday.


1.當主語與謂語動詞之間插入along with,with,as well as,together with, besides,except, but, including等短語時 ,謂語動詞與第一個主語保持一致。

I along with my sister am going to Shanghai next month.


What I want to say is just “ Take care!”.

3. “...+ (of) +名詞”作主語時,若“of”後的名詞為單數(不可數名詞),則謂語動詞用單數,如果名詞為複數,則謂語動詞用複數。

Most of the water here is clean.

Half of the apples are red.

4.詞組“a number of”作主語時,謂語動詞應用複數;“the number of”作主語時,謂語動詞用單數。

A number of ancient buildings were destroyed in the war.

The number of the visitors has decreased this year.

5.英語的集體名詞(family, public, group, team, class等詞),指代“整體”時為單數;指代“其中的各成員”則為複數。

My family was very poor when I was a little girl.

My family are all looking forward for your coming.



When to leave has not been decided.

Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes.


The novelist and poet is going to Europe next year.

The novelist and the poet are going to Europe next year.


Ten minutes is enough.

4.“the +姓氏名詞的複數”表示“一家人/….夫婦”,作主語時,謂語動詞用複數形式。

The Blacks enjoy working in China.


1. every +….and every +…..或each+…and each +…作主語時,謂語動詞用單數形式。

Every man and every woman is busy at working.

2.英語句中的each, either, neither等詞,作代詞充當主語,修飾名詞作主語時,謂語動詞用單數。

Neither of us has been abroad.

Neither answer is acceptable

3. 由some, any every, no構成的複合詞(somebody,nobody,everything,anything等)作主語時,謂語動詞用單數。

Somebody is waiting for you at the school gate.

4. 成雙成對出現的複數名詞(glasses,shoes,trousers,pants,gloves等)作主語時,通常謂語動詞用複數,但前面有a /the pair of;a /the suit of等詞語時,則謂語動詞要與量詞(pair, suit, piece )在單複數上保持一致。

A piece of paper is on the desk.

Two pieces of paper are on the desk.

5.以複數形式出現,卻表示單數意義(maths, physics, news …),謂語用單數。

Maths is my favorite subject.

6.“the +形容詞(old /young /rich /poor )”表示“一類人”,作主語時,謂語用複數。

The young like listening to popular songs .

