
對 “潛意識”的瞭解和應用,如果國外是大學生水平,我們則處於小學低年級的水平。要想更大地發揮自己的潛能,需要定下心來、謙虛地、認真地去學習國外對於“潛意識”的研究成果。




1.Determining your timeline


Your unconscious mind maintains your timeline. The following method for determining your timeline, it is important for you to be relaxed, fully open to any answer and accepting of the first thing that comes to mind. Bear in mind that all answers are correct, and if you start to analyze your answers and have an internal debate about your timeline, this is your conscious mind at work.


1) Find a quiet place, lie down or sit down. Make yourself comfortable, close your eyes and allow your unconscious mind to do all the work.


2) With your real or imaginary hand, point to the direction of your past and go with the first inclination or impulse you feel. You may feel inclined to point behind you, in front of you, to one side, or up or down.


3) With your real or imaginary hand, point to the direction of your future, going with your first inclination.



2.Working with timelines


You can work with timeline through “theater of the mind,” using mental images, or you can physically create and walk the timeline.


1)Theater of the mind


2)Physically walking the timeline


Lay out a representation of your timeline on the floor – you can see this as an imaginary line on the floor or actually mark it with tape. No matter what the structure of your timeline, see the representation as a continuum on the floor. To dissociate from your timeline, simply step off to the side. As before, you can use an imaginary piece of Plexiglas between you and the timeline for extra dissociation and safety.

在地板上展示出時間軸線 – 可以使用想象中的一條直線或者在地上貼條膠帶。無論哪種方式,把這個時間軸線的展示視為連續性的時間線。使自己脫身於時間軸線外的方法,就是簡單地邁到線的另一側。和思維場景方法一樣,可以通過想象一道樹脂玻璃牆擋在你和時間軸線之間,以增加脫離感和安全感。


3.Changing a timeline


Emotional responses such as anger, sadness and guilt are often referred to as unwanted or negative emotions. To get past the negative connotations and potential mislabeling it is preferable to refer to energy, rather than emotions, moving through your body. In the past, when you did not fully address your anger, sadness or fears, this energy could not fully metabolize in your body.


Consequently, it remained blocked as an energy marker or flag. The purpose of the energy marker is to remind you that there are unresolved issues or that you have something to learn from the evens that caused the energy block. Once you’ve acquired this knowledge, the energy marker is no longer required and the energy dissipates.



1) Find a quiet place, lie down or sit down. Make yourself comfortable and close your eyes.


2) Imaging floating out of your body and well above your timeline.


3) Acknowledge that there is a root cause of this issue. Agree to trust our unconscious mind to identify the cause, and to now transport you quickly and safely back to the time the issue first occurred – the root cause.


4) Ask yourself what you can learn from that event. When the answers come to you, have your unconscious put them in a special place so they’re available whenever you need them in the future.


5) Once your unconscious has stored and saved these learnings, it can let the energy go, as this marker is no longer required.


6) Float further back into the past, above your timeline and well before the root cause event, and notice that the energy associated with this memory has disappeared.


7) Float back down inside your body with the new structure for your timeline.


This exercise should be repeated on a regular basis. As we go through life we build up unresolved energy that needs to be dissipated before it builds to a critical mass.


