顯卡檢測神器TechPowerUp GPU-Z v2.16.0 綠色便攜版

TechPowerUp GPU-Z,顯卡神器!知名顯卡識別工具。GPU-Z 是一個顯卡檢測的必備工具,提供關於顯卡和圖形處理器的重要信息。GPU-Z 原生單執行文件,自帶啟動向導,綠色便攜免安裝,界面直觀,運行後即可顯示 GPU 核心,以及運行頻率、帶寬等工藝參數信息,如同 CPU-Z 一樣,這也是款必備硬件檢測工具。

顯卡檢測神器TechPowerUp GPU-Z v2.16.0 綠色便攜版

顯卡檢測神器TechPowerUp GPU-Z v2.16.0 綠色便攜版



What’s new in version 2.16.0:

– When a UWD/DCH driver is detected on Windows 10, it will be displayed as “DCH” in driver version

– Advanced tab now includes an entry showing DCH driver status on Windows 10

– Added EVGA iCX support for RTX 2080 FTW3 and RTX 2080 Ti FTW3

– Fixed GPU-Z crash on AMD Polaris

– Added support for NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060

– Splash screen is now DPI aware

– Fixed sensor list not fully visible on some DPI settings

– Fixed rendering artifacts when resizing sensor window

– Moved “check for updates” setting to main settings panel

