

  • 介詞+關係代詞(which, whom)引導的定語從句。例如:

At the meeting, he heard many things of which he had hitherto been unaware.(of which=of many things)他在會上聽到了許多前所未聞的事情。

Life is a flower, of which love is the honey.(Hugo)人生是一朵花,而愛是花之蜜。

Behavior is a mirror in which every one shows his image.(Goethe)(in which=in a mirror)行為是一面鏡子,每個人都把自己的形象映在鏡裡。

Reinhard paid no further attention to the geography lessons, and instead he composed a long poem, in which he compared himself to a young eagle.萊因哈特不再聽地理課了,而是寫了一首長詩,在詩中把自己比作一隻小鷹。

She marveled at the sense Robert Kincaid had of his ways coming to a close and the ease with which he accepted it.羅伯特·金凱意識到自己的生活方式正在逝去,還能泰然處之,這讓她感到不可思議。

He carried his gear into a room containing two table lamps, one of which had a burned-out bulb.他把行李裝備帶進一個房間,裡面有兩個檯燈,其中一個燈泡燒壞了。

And immediately he began to feel the old clumsiness he always suffered around women to whom he was even faintly attracted.他立刻又開始有在女人面前總會有的那種手足無措的窘態,即使那女人對他只是有些微吸引力。

She has two sisters, both of whom are doctors.她有兩個姐妹都是醫生。

The planet on which we live is called Earth.(on which=on the planet)我們居住的星球叫地球。

Is this the book about which you have talked so much?(about which=about the book)這就是你們談論這麼多的那本書嗎?

We learned a great deal from the scientist with whom we had worked for two weeks.(with whom=with the scientist)我們從與我們一同工作了兩星期的那個科學家那裡學到了許多東西。

The man to whom you spoke is Jordan's cousin.(to whom=to the man)和你講話的那個人是喬丹的表兄弟。

  • 關係代詞在從句中用作介詞賓語時,介詞放在關係代詞之前(這時關係代詞不能省略,而且要用賓格);但是,也可以位於從句中的原來位置上,即位於從句中謂語動詞之後,這時關係代詞往往省略。例如,上述最後四例可以改寫成:

The planet we live on is called Earth.

Is this the book you have talked so much about?

We learned a great deal from the scientist we had worked for two weeks with.

The man you spoke to is Jordan's cousin.


The world we live in is like a big round ball.我們居住的地球像一個大的圓球。

You are not the first I have said no to.你不是我所拒絕的第一人。



The picture that I am looking at is drawn by a student.我正在看的這幅畫是一個大學生畫的。

The man that I glanced at just now has a familiar face.剛才我看了一眼的那個人面孔很熟悉。

This is the college that my sister works at.這是我的姐妹工作的學院。

2.“動詞+介詞”的固定詞組不能拆開,如look for, depend upon, look after等。例如:

He is a good friend whom you can depend upon.他是你可以信賴的一位好朋友。

This is the very pen I have been looking for.【省略that】這就是我一直在尋找的那支鋼筆。

The teacher we are now speaking of will give us a lesson in grammar.【省略whom】 我們現在說到的老師將會給我們上一堂語法課。


Basketball is a game I am interested in.籃球是感興趣的一種遊戲。

  • 有時,可以見到由“介詞+關係副詞where”引導的定語從句。例如:

He went up on the roof, from where he could see the whole village.他上了屋頂,從那兒可以看到整個村莊。

