It’s time後接從句的幾點用法說明

It’s time後接從句的幾點用法說明


It’s time the child __________ to bed.

A. goes B. going C. went D. to go

此題應選C。關於It’s time+that從句,注意以下幾點:

1. 從句謂語通常用過去時態或should+動詞原形:

It’s time we started. 我們該動身了。

It is time that you left here. 你該離開這兒了。

It’s time you studied hard. 你該努力學習了。

有時也用 should+動詞原形或用過去進行時,有時甚至將 should 省略(即只用動詞原形,為非正式的美國口語):


正:It is time we left. (常見)

正:It is time we should leave. (可用)

正:It is time we were leaving. (可用)

正:It is time we leave. (少見,非正式美國口語)

2. 其他幾點注意處:

(1) 其中的 It is 有時根據情況也可改為 It was,其後的時態不受影響:


正:It is time you went to bed. (指現在而言)

正:It was time you went to bed. (指過去而言)

(2) time 前可以用 high,about 等修飾。

It is high time you told her the truth. 你該把真相告訴她了。

It is about time that I wrote her a letter. 我該給她寫封信了。

知識拓展:it's time to 和It's time for的區別

意思一樣,都是‘該是做某事的時候了!’ it is time to do sth強調的是動作,而it is time for sth強調的是某事某物。

1、it's time to 是 … 的時候了

It's time to knock off. 該收工了。

It's time to wise up and tell those around you that enough is enough.


2、for 後跟 名詞或doing sth.

3、to 後跟 do sth.


It's time for lunch!


It's time to get out of here!

It's time for getting out of here!


It’s time後接從句的幾點用法說明

