


1) 面臨巨大挑戰facesignificant challenges.

2) 加班 work overtime

3) 尊敬 respect. / receive enough respect. Act respectfully

4) 兼職 work part-time/ take part-time jobs

5) 敦促/極力主張某人.... urge/ advocate sb to sth

6) 瞭解市場原則 understand the market principle

7) 將某人調任到另一個部門

8) transfer sb to another department/ education department

9) 遞交簡歷submit one’s resume

10) 開始一項業務 start a business

11) 平均分攤費用 split the cost

12) 找...領域的工作 seek a career in

13) 將企業盈利回報給社會 return corporate profits to society

14) 退休 retire from a job

15) 提高...聲望 raise the prestige/ reputation of

16) 繳稅 pay taxes

17) 償還貸款 pay back a loan

18) 克服經濟衰退 overcome an economic recession crisis

19) 獲得最底層職位 obtain an entry-level position

20) 將生產費降到最低 minimize the cost/expense of production

21) 合格 meet the qualifications

22) 彌補損失 make up a loss

23) 收支平衡strike a balance of payments/

24) strike a balanced payments/ budget(平衡預算).

25) 做到生態、經濟、社會協調發展, to strike a balance of ecological, economic and socialdevelopment.

26) 獲利 make a profit/ profits.

27) 謀生 make a living

28) 對...投訴 make a complaint about

29) 為...做預算make a budget for...

30) 降低利率lower the interest rate

31) 辭職 leave/ quit a job; be fired

32) 保持一個良好的工作環境keep a good work environment

33) 投資於 invest in/ investment

34) 在履行職責時 be in the line of duty

35) 對...持積極態度 have a positive/ negtive/ optimistic/ pessimitic

36) 擁有...的市場佔有率 have a market share

37) 破產 go bankrupt

38) 按小時/天/周去的報酬get paid by the hour/ day/ week

39) 獲得....的退款receive a refund

40) 得到提升 get promotion

41) 找到工作get/ find a job; find employment

42) 有成就感 feel a sense of accomplishment

43) 就業 enter the workforce/ 解決就業 solve the problem of umemployment

44) 鼓勵競爭 encourage competition



