



Ocelote also tweeted on the matter


I mean, that's the right move. Making such an accusation like that is quite unprofessional imo.


-That is a very serious accusation, perkz.


-If they infact did this, it would be perfectly fine in my book. Appears he was talking out of his ass on that one tho.


He should. Regardless of what he believes you should never make accusations of cheating without evidence. It's poor sportsmanship.


-I don't think it qualifies as cheating in any event, though your comment still applies - it could still cast teams in a bad light and affect their ability to secure good practice partners.


I think Perkz did the right thing for apologising, accusing a team without proof is wrong. Hopefully the fire ceases fast.


-and now a new thread of h2k manager's tweet about EDG just added more fuel to this matter. It's just so sad to see both Chinese fans and EU fans flaming each other.


-He never actually said “I’m sorry” or “I apologize”.



I've never blamed Perkz for it, maybe the Chinese fans are particularly offended by it, but understandably so. I was simply annoyed at how quick some people on reddit was with their witchhunt and insults over a non-issue, simply because it involves a team thats not from their region. It makes it this much more fucked up for us, the fans of these teams, to have to deal with the accusations. You'll know what I mean if your favorite team ever gets shitflamed over nothing


Good thing this statement was made by Ocelote and Perkz.

I just hate when people don't actually say "sorry" while apologizing. It somehow triggers me and often makes it feel not as honest imo.


Even when Perkz shitpost all the time, not every single shitpost of him generates a huge reddit thread dotted with rampant racist comments.

Any now we see people in this thread trying to deflect blame to "CN fans being thin skinned".

The salt is too surreal.



