
這一段的開頭,我點明瞭sense perception的主觀性的由來,指出了commonly agreed standard的必要性。我通過quantitative data和qualitative data這兩類數據的對比,來論證commonly agreed standard。接下來,我用的RLS是IB化學臭名昭著的“滴定實驗”,把quantitative data和qualitative data的作用apply到這個RLS上進行論證,最後得出結論。

時隔一年再看,這段論證還是沒能做到evaluation,儘管當時的我以為這已經是在evaluate了。首先,在試圖quantify sense perception的時候,我們需要藉助instrumentation,而pH probe在測量時的精度則是empirical evidence所面臨的limitation。換句話說,當我們採用quantitative data來糾正觀察的主觀性,其有效程度必須要將測量的誤差進行考量。

其次,數學在量化中的作用也沒能很好地articulate,我們為什麼對pH calculation的信任大過於對於recorded volume的信任,數學的運算是怎樣的一個commonly agreed standard。要對應著rubric,我這個大概只能算是Level 3,arguments are clear and supported by examples。

光有正面的argument是不夠的,rubric明確指出我們需要counterclaims和different perspectives。Again,satisfactory level要求這倆關鍵詞的存在,評分表越往上走對這兩個aspect的要求就越高。我就用我自己的Essay翻譯翻譯。

Logical reasoning provides a verification for results obtained via intuition.

Intuition cannot be replaced due to its speed to generate knowledge.

TOK的counterclaim都是針對knowledge question的counterclaim,不一定是對前文claim的直接否定。所以我們回到最初我們要回應的essay prompt,如果我說logical reasoning能糾正intuition的錯覺,那麼什麼是logical reasoning不能糾正的就可以是我們的counterclaim。


Judgement of “what is ethical” is intrinsic in any justice system.

History plays an important role in justice system.

One might argue that since the field of ethics is based in intuition and logic, that which is ethical does not change over time.

這是一篇滿分範文,作者在第一和第二個claim中,用ethics和history兩種perspective來體查knowledge regarding justice。第三個claim直接counter第二個claim中history的作用,非常厲害!

至此,我們已經過完了TOK Essay的重要元素。最後再說說開頭。萬事開頭難,TOK Essay的開頭需要學生自己解釋prompt中的knowledge issue,給出關鍵詞的核心定義,解釋prompt背後的假設和暗示,概述文章會涉及的領域及論證思路,最後得出一箇中心的論點。



“There is no reason why we cannot link facts and theories across disciplines and create a common groundwork of explanation.” To what extent do you agree with this statement?


Interdisciplinary studies are often utilized as a route to creating broad frameworks of explanation. Interdisciplinary studies connect theories and facts across disciplines.

這就是作者對於題目自己的解釋,並點名這篇論文的論證視角是interdisciplinary studies。


A theory may be defined as an understanding which is justified by sufficient evidence, and although it has not been disproven, still retains some level of doubt. A fact, meanwhile, may be defined as information which is justified beyond doubt.

TOK Essay不歡迎字典定義,因為字典的“權威定義”往往會忽略知識的複雜性。


Knowledge includes, but is not limited to, facts and theories. The interdisciplinary synthesis of facts and theories from ethics and history are linked to form the basis for modern justice systems.Similarly, facts and theories from mathematics and natural science are linked for the creation ofmedical technology. However, discrepancies may exist when trying to link facts and theories across all disciplines. For example, religious knowledge systems may advocate justice systems that contradict widely accepted norms for human rights. Also, diseases defined as biologically “incurable” may be viewed as reversible by indigenous knowledge systems.


最後,thesis statement:

Therefore, although related facts and theories can sometimes be linked across areas of knowledge to create a common groundwork of explanation, there are also some discrepancies in which areas of knowledge contradict one another.




以上所有講的內容都適用於TOK Presentation!

這是Guide上給出的大體流程,我們可以發現,TOK Presentation是個圈。IB學子先要自己找RLS,然後提取Knowledge Question,分析回應Knowledge Question,得出結論,並用這個結論來再次體察原先提出的RLS,並且應用於新的一個RLS。

Presentation的一大痛點可能是如何找合適的RLS、以及如何把Knowledge Question從RLS中抽象出來。如果你還在DP1,基於自己的興趣與激情去探索吧,接觸各種新奇古怪、衝擊三觀的knowledge issues。可能這過程很痛苦,但慢慢地,會開悟的。 文章轉載至美國考試日報

