

2018年4月25日 第四十七期





李娜 上週,IMG 球星、兩次大滿貫得主李娜與丈夫姜山一同出席 Mercedes me 外灘體驗店的開幕儀式。4月10日,李娜出席 Nike 超級健身盛典,並作為頒獎嘉賓為獲勝者頒獎。4月20至22日,李娜驚喜現身代言品牌-愛他美奶粉的宣傳活動,與在座的母親及嘉賓們分享她的全球化育兒理念。

Li Na IMG client and two-time Grand Slam Winner Li Na, along with her husband Jiang Shan, recently attended the opening ceremony of the Mercedes me store in the Bund last week. On April 10, Li Na attended the Nike Super Workshop Shanghai and presented the winners with awards. From April 20 to 22, Li Na, made an appearance at a promotional event for her endorsed brand Aptamil in Sanya, sharing her globalized parenting concept with fellow mothers and other guests on site.



漫威超級英雄電影4月19日,電影《復仇者聯盟3:無限戰爭》的演員陣容現身上海,其中包含了多位 WME 客戶。WME 巨星“洛基”湯姆·希德勒斯頓、“蜘蛛俠”湯姆·赫蘭德、導演“羅素兄弟”喬·羅素和安東尼·羅素,攜手其他幾大主演“鋼鐵俠”小羅伯特·唐尼及“綠巨人”馬克·魯法洛出席漫威超級英雄電影的新聞發佈會及粉絲見面會。

Marvel Superhero MovieThe cast of Avengers: Infinity War came to Shanghai on April 19, including several WME clients. Star Tom Hiddleston, Tom Holland, co-directors Anthony and Joe Russo and other leading actors, including Robert Downey Jr. and Mark Ruffalo, attended the press conference and a fan event for the Marvel superhero movie.



中國高爾夫球員4月22日,IMG 球員,林希妤在女子歐巡梅林公主杯以四輪72-75-74-67,總杆288杆,平標準桿獲得並列第5的好成績。4月23日,IMG 球員莫莉婭加冕 LPGA 洛杉磯公開賽,這是她六年來 LPGA 的首冠。IMG 球員、“中國一姐”馮珊珊在本場比賽中以四輪74-67-70-71,總杆282杆,低於標準桿2杆獲得T12的成績。劉鈺以總杆288杆獲得賽事排名並列第39名。4月26-29日,IMG 球員梁文沖將以中國高爾夫奧運隊男隊隊長的身份時隔三年重回沃爾沃中國公開賽。

Chinese Golf Clients April 22, IMG client Lin Xiyu completed the Lalla Meryem Cup (Ladies EuropeanTour) at a total of 288 shots (72-75-74-67) and tied for 5th. April 23, IMG client Moriya Jutanugarn won the HUGEL-JTBC LA Open for her first victory on Tour, after waiting six years. Feng Shanshan tied for 12th at 2-under-par 282(74-67-70-71). Liu Yu tied for 39th at a total of 288. April 26-29, IMG client Liang Wenchong will return to the 24th Volvo China open after three years as the captain of the Chinese Olympic golf men's team.



羅素·詹姆斯IMG 客戶、維密御用攝影師 Russell James 在時尚芭莎聯手華誼兄弟共同舉辦的 Fashion Pop 時尚之夜晚宴上,獲頒最佳國際風尚攝影大師獎。

Russell James IMG client Russell James, the official photographer of the Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show, was awarded the Best International Fashion Photographer Award at the Fashion Pop dinner hosted by Harper’s Bazaar and Huayi Brothers Media Corporation.


卡莉·克勞斯 4月19日,IMG 名模 Karlie Kloss 正式成為雅詩蘭黛的全球代言模特以及品牌形象大使。Karlie 的製作公司 Klossy Productions 也將與雅詩蘭黛合作,創作視頻內容與她社交和數字平臺上超過1,600萬的粉絲分享。上週,Karlie 的第一個品牌視頻推出,展現了她在雅詩蘭黛紐約市總部工作的第一天。

Karlie KlossOn April 19, Estée Lauder announced that it signed IMG model Karlie Kloss as its newest Global Spokesmodel and Brand Ambassador. Karlie’s production company, Klossy Productions, will also partner with Estée Lauder to create Karlie’s own beauty content to share with over 16 million followers across her social and digital platforms. Last week saw the launch of Karlie’s first brand video, which is about her first day of work at Estée Lauder’s New York City headquarters.



劉亦菲4月21日,WME 客戶劉亦菲攜手影星黃曉明作為天梭表全球形象代言人出席了瑞士製表品牌天梭表的上海發佈會,並一同揭幕了天梭表全新平面及視頻廣告形象。

Liu YifeiOn April 21, WME client Liu Yifei and fellow actor Huang Xiaoming, both global spokespeople for Tissot, attended the latest launch event in Shanghai. At the event the actors helped unveil the brand’s new vision for plane and video ads for Tissot.



高爾夫前 PGA 世界第一、三次大滿貫得主喬丹·斯皮思加入 WME 和 IMG 大家庭。同時,他的經紀人知名體育經紀人傑伊·丹齊也正式加入集團,成為 WME 合夥人之一。跟隨丹齊一起加入的還有他的團隊成員喬丹·萊維特斯和勞拉·摩西。

Golf WME and IMG added three-time major golf champion Jordan Spieth to the companies’ roster last week as his longtime manager Jay Danzi joined WME as a partner, along with colleagues Jordan Lewites and Laura Moses.



Drake WME 巨星 Drake 新單曲《Nice for What》空降本週美國 Billboard 單曲榜,接冠自己的11周冠軍單曲《God’s Plan》,收穫個人第五首冠軍單曲,同時也成為歷史上首位兩首空降新歌接連奪冠的第一人。此外,本週 Top5中 Drake 進榜三首,成為繼披頭士、賈斯汀·比伯和 50 Cent 之後,前五至少有三首單曲同時在榜的歌手。

Drake WME superstar Drake replaced himself atop the Billboard Hot 100, as Nice for What becomes his second consecutive No.1 debut, while God’s Plan dips to No. 2. Drake is the first artist to replace himself at No.1 with both debuts having launched at the apex. The release also meant Drake now has three songs simultaneously in the Hot 100's top five. With Nice for What at No.1, God’s Plan at No.2 and BlocBoy JB's "Look Alive," featuring Drake, at No.5, Drake joins only The Beatles, 50 Cent and Bieber in charting three titles in the top five at the same time.



科切拉音樂節34位 WME 客戶參與了在加利福尼亞州舉行的2018年科切拉音樂藝術節的表演。WME 客戶 The Weeknd 擔綱週五晚間頭牌音樂人;年輕搖滾樂隊 Greta Van Fleet、創作女歌手 Kali Uchis 與 Hip-pop 組合 Brockhampton 登臺演出;當地說唱歌手 Tyler The Creator、ST. Vincent、當地歌手 Miguel 與知名 DJ Kygo 也各顯身手。在節日期間,集團全球市場部的 IMG LIVE 團隊幫助萬豪國際在科切拉的“Safari”露宿營地中,將四座圓頂帳篷依照萬豪洲際酒店官方形象打造成四個不同出口,通過搭建和裝飾展現出分佈於巴厘島、巴塞羅那、迪拜和好萊塢的四座萬豪酒店形象。

Coachella The Coachella festival 2018 featured 34 WME clients, including Friday night headliner The Weeknd,as well as breakout performances by Greta Van Fleet, Kali Uchis and Brockhampton,and standout sets by Tyler The Creator, St. Vincent, Miguel and Kygo. Also at the festival, Endeavor Global Marketing's IMG LIVE team helped Marriott International transform four yurts on Coachella's "Safari" camp grounds into W-Hotels-inspired escapes. The yurts were built and outfitted to embody four W locations around the world—Bali, Barcelona, Dubai and Hollywood.




The Color Run 4月21日,2018 The Color Run 英雄之旅中國大陸首站在杭州江干體育中心圓滿落幕,為粉絲們帶去最快樂的五公里英雄之旅。下一站成都(芯谷)站(5月5日)將鳴槍成都市雙流體育中心,報名即將截止。北京站(6月9日)、瀋陽站(6月30日)同步火熱報名中!關注微信公眾號#TheColorRunChina#獲取更多精彩諮詢。

The Color Run On April 21, the first stop of The Color RunTM China Hero Tour came to an end in Hangzhou Jiang’gan Sports Center, successfully kicking off the series. The following stops will be May 5 in Chengdu, June 9 in Beijing and June 30 in Shenyang. All tickets are now on sale. Please follow our WeChat account #TheColorRunChina# for more information.



悅節拍 2018年5月20日,由 IMG 創立的 RUN TO THE BEAT 悅節拍半程音樂馬拉松亞洲首站將在北京昌平十三陵水庫景區開跑,報名已經開啟,關注官方微信號#RTTBChina 瞭解最新賽事資訊。

RUN TO THE BEAT On May 20, RUN TO THE BEAT China tour will make its debut in Beijing. Registration is ongoing. Please follow the official account #RunToTheBeat for more information.



關於 Endeavor

Endeavor 集團(原 WME | IMG)在全球30多個國家和地區經營娛樂、體育及時尚業務,為全球業界領導者,是《財富》雜誌世界最重要25傢俬人企業之一。Endeavor 旗下擁有眾多在各自領域領先的子公司,包括 WME、IMG 和 UFC 等。Endeavor 的專長包括運動員代理和管理;品牌營銷、贊助招商和品牌授權;版權銷售;賽事運營和管理,以及體育培訓和體育聯盟開發。

關於 WME | IMG 巍美

WME | IMG 巍美是 Endeavor 集團(原 WME | IMG)的子公司,Endeavor 在全球30餘個國家經營娛樂、體育及時尚業務,為全球業界領導者。WME | IMG 巍美得到了紅杉資本、騰訊、分眾傳媒以及方源資本的共同投資,以公司在中國過去數十年的耕耘為基礎,致力於擴大 Endeavor 在中國的影響力及業務合作,推動公司在娛樂及體育領域的全方位發展。


