


每天起床第一句 先給自己打個氣;

Give myself a pep talk first in the morning;

每次多吃一粒米, 都要說聲對不起;

Every time I eat an extra grain of rice, I say sorry;

魔鏡, 魔鏡, 看看我, 我的鎖骨在哪裡?

Mirror, mirror, look at me,where is my collarbone?

美麗, 我要美麗, 我要變成萬人迷;

Beauty, I want beauty, I want to be a heartthrob;

合:Pose、 pose、我要變成萬人迷, pose、 pose

Pose、pose、 I want to be a heartthrob,pose、 pose


為了變成小蠻腰, 天天都提著一口氣;

In order to become a small waist ,I encourage myself every day;

為了穿上比基尼, 吃草吃成沙拉精;

To put on a bikini, I must be on strict diet;

天生麗質難自棄 可惜吃啥我都不膩;

A born beauty never gives up, but it's a pity that I'm not sick of anything;

努力、 我要努力、 我要變成萬人迷;

Work hard、I'm gonna work hard、 I'm gonna be a heartthrob;

Wow.........卡路里卡路里卡路 卡路里卡路里卡路 卡路里卡路里卡路 卡路里卡路里 卡路

Wow.........Calories calories calo calories calories calo calories calories calo calories calories calo calories calories calo

合:卡路里 我的天敵

Calories are my natural enemies


Burn my calories!


合:拜拜, 甜甜圈、 珍珠奶茶、方便麵、 火鍋、米飯、大盤雞;

Bye Bye, doughnut、 pearl milk tea、 instant noodles、 hot pot 、rice and Big chicken


Take it away, don't be too polite;

合:拜拜, 咖啡因, 戒掉可樂、戒油膩, 沙發外賣、玩遊戲;

Bye Bye, Caffeine, give up coke 、 fat 、sofa take-away and play games;


Don't burn the candle at both ends;

合:來來 ,後轉體、 高溫瑜伽、仰臥起、 動感單車、普拉提;

Come on,turn backwards、 Hot Yoga、 Sit-ups、Spining and Pilates;


Soak goji berries in a thermos cup;

合:來來, 深呼吸, 晨跑夜跑、 遊幾米 、平板啞鈴、 划船機 、不達目的不放棄;

Come on, take a deep breath, run in the morning, and at night, swim a few meters, board dumbbells, rowing machines, never give up until you reach your goal;


為了變成小蠻腰, 天天都提著一口氣;

In order to become a small waist ,I encourage myself every day;

為了穿上比基尼, 吃草吃成沙拉精;

To put on a bikini, I must be on strict diet;

天生麗質難自棄, 可惜吃啥我都不膩;

A born beauty never gives up, but it's a pity that I'm not sick of anything;

努力、 我要努力、 我要變成萬人迷;

Work hard、I'm gonna work hard、 I'm gonna be a heartthrob;

Wow.........卡路里卡路里卡路 卡路里卡路里卡路 卡路里卡路里卡路 卡路里卡路里 卡路

Wow.........Calories calories calo calories calories calo calories calories calo calories calories calo calories calories calo

合:卡路里 我的天敵;

Calories are my natural enemies;


Burn my calories!


合:拜拜, 甜甜圈、 珍珠奶茶、方便麵、 火鍋、米飯、大盤雞;

Bye Bye, doughnut、 pearl milk tea、 instant noodles、 hot pot 、rice and Big chicken;


Take it away, don't be too polite;

合:拜拜, 咖啡因, 戒掉可樂、戒油膩 、沙發外賣、玩遊戲;

Bye Bye, Caffeine, give up coke 、 fat 、sofa take-away and play games;


Don't burn the candle at both ends;

合:來來, 後轉體、 高溫瑜伽、仰臥起、 動感單車、普拉提;

Come on, turn backwards、 Hot Yoga、 Sit-ups、Spining and Pilates;


Soak goji berries in a thermos cup;

合:來來, 深呼吸, 晨跑夜跑、 遊幾米 、平板啞鈴、 划船機 ; 不達目的不放棄.

Come on, take a deep breath, run in the morning, and at night, swim a few meters, board dumbbells, rowing machines; Never give up until you reach your goal.


我奇了怪了 小的時候明明是 媽媽說 吃光盤中餐, 粒粒皆辛苦,

I'm weird why my mother used to tell me to eat up the food and that every grain came from hard working;


until the buttons on my favorite dress don't fit;

原來吃得掉 甩不掉 更辛苦;

In fact it's harder to throw away fat than to eat it up;


I hope the scales doesn't work well;


I love handsome men in theTang Dynasty;

合:不如跟著節奏沒在怕的 努努力 別讓卡路里裡卡路里 卡住你 不達目的不放棄。

It's better to keep up with the rhythm fearlessly and work hard not to let the calories get stuck in you. Never give up until you reach your goal.


Burn my calories!


合:拜拜, 甜甜圈、 珍珠奶茶、方便麵、 火鍋、米飯、大盤雞;

Bye Bye, doughnut、 pearl milk tea、 instant noodles、 hot pot 、rice and Big chicken;


Take it away, don't be too polite;

合:拜拜, 咖啡因, 戒掉可樂、戒油膩、 沙發外賣、玩遊戲;

Bye Bye, Caffeine, give up coke 、 fat 、sofa take-away and play games;


Don't burn the candle at both ends;

合:來來,後轉體、 高溫瑜伽、仰臥起、 動感單車、普拉提;

Come on,turn backwards、 Hot Yoga、 Sit-ups、Spining and Pilates;


Soak goji berries in a thermos cup;

合:來來, 深呼吸, 晨跑夜跑、 遊幾米 、平板啞鈴、 划船機 ; 不達目的不放棄! 不放棄!

Come on, take a deep breath, run in the morning, and at night, swim a few meters, board dumbbells, rowing machines; Never give up until you reach your goal ! Never give up!


Burn my calories!Never give up!


Burn my calories! I want to be a heartthrob!


