
【國際乒聯回應張繼科:韓乒賽抽籤合規】國際乒聯:我們密切關注上週有關韓國公開賽抽籤問題的新聞消息。令我們感到驚訝的是在比賽結束後隔了較長時間才獲知相關意見。在此我們想要澄清,儘管其中有些技術方面的問題,但它與國際乒聯所有其他賽事相同,韓國公開賽抽籤是公開透明、符合規則和章程的。張繼科先生認為國際乒聯需要更加專業化,對此我們深表同意,這也是我們2021年國際乒聯商業權迴歸後的計劃。屆時,我們將推出全新的職業巡迴賽,在全球範圍內更好地推廣乒乓球。We have been following the news about the Korea Open draw for the past week. Although we are surprised that the complaints came so late, I would like to clarify that the Korea Open draw, despite some technical issues, was like all ITTF events draws and was done transparently and according to our rules and regulations. However we agree with Zhang Jike that the ITTF needs to become more professional and this is our plan for 2021 when we launch our new fully professional tour linked to ITTF's commercial rights becoming available, which will improve the overall global table tennis landscape.

