

Below we have a list of Phrasal verbs that begin with MAKE and then an explanation of each one with some examples.


  • Make for (something)
  • Make (sb/st) into (sb/st)
  • Make of
  • Make off
  • Make off with
  • Make out
  • Make (something) out
  • Make (something) out to be
  • Make (somebody) out
  • Make up
  • Make up for

This is not a complete list. We will add more Phrasal Verbs with MAKE when we can.


Make for (Something)

1. = to move towards something or a place 朝某物或某地點移動

  • Make for the hills, a tsunami is approaching!
  • He made for his apartment a couple of hours ago.

2. = to contribute to, lead to or cause a result or situation. 有助於,導致某個結果或情況

  • Shakespeare's writing makes for a difficult read.
  • His gift of $1,000 will certainly make for a happy birthday.
  • Both candidates are popular so it should make for an interesting election.

Make (somebody/something) into (somebody/something)

1. = to convert one thing into another thing 把某物轉變成另一物

  • His parents made his bedroom into a billiards room once he moved out.
  • His father said that joining the army would make him into a real man, but he was wrong.

Make (something) out

1. = to just be able to hear, read or see something 剛好能夠聽到,讀到或看到某物

  • He spoke so quietly we could hardly make out what he was saying.
  • If you can make out the billboard from such a distance you really have excellent vision.

2. = to fill out the details of a document (usually a check) 填充某個文件的細節 (這個文件通常是一張支票)

  • You can make out the cheque to Woodward Ltd.

編者按:注意make out 和make something out是不一樣的。

Make (something) out to be

1. = to claim; to assert 聲明,斷言

  • He makes himself out to be an important artist but his paintings are utter garbage.
  • I think the critics make that movie out to be more profound than it really is.

Make of

1. = to try to understand and find a reason for something 試著理解並找到某事的理由

  • I don't know what to make of her suddenly unfriendly attitude towards me.
  • Can you make anything of these ruins?

2. = to think and have an opinion about something 思考並給出某事的想法

  • What do you make of the new policy the president signed?

Make off

1. = To hurry away, especially in order to escape 快速離開,尤其逃跑的時候

  • The thieves had to make off in their car when the police arrived.
  • The pop star made off from the concert before the fans could find him.

Make off with

1. = To steal something and (quickly) take it away. 偷某物並快速將其拿走

  • The looters made off with all the laptops that were in the computer store.

Make out

1. = Manage; fare; deal with. Usually used informally in a question after "How...?" 管理,進展,處理。通常用於『How』開頭的問句中

  • How did you make out yesterday on the biology test?
  • How is she making out with the recent death of her mother?

2. = slang for to kiss and grope, though not to have sex. 親熱的俚語,不發生關係那種

  • We were making out in the gym and got caught by the teacher

Make (somebody) out

1. = To understand a person's character 理解某人的性格

  • Since she is normally quiet and reserved it is hard to make her out.

Make (something) over to (somebody)

1. = Transfer ownership 移交歸屬權

  • The government of Mugabe made all the lands of the whites over to black African farmers.

Make up

1. = the composition of something 某物的組成成分

  • The committee was made up of all the regional managers.

2. = combination of qualities that form a part of someone's character 一個人部分性格特質的組合

  • Flexibility and integrity are key elements of her make up.
  • He is made up of old fashioned values.

3. = to apply make up, rouge, powder, eyeliner, etc. Also to make somebody up 使用化妝品,胭脂,粉餅,眼線等。也可用於make somebody up

  • The actors must make themselves up before going on stage.
  • The stylist made up her eyes that they looked huge for the party.

4. = to invent a story, usually to deceive or entertain 創作一個故事,通常是為了欺騙或取樂

  • My four year old niece is always making up stories, last week she told me that she and her friends flew to the moon.
  • He always makes up wonderful fairytales about distant lands for the children before they go to sleep.

5. = To form or constitute something 組成或構建某物

  • It's an interesting neighbourhood because it's made up of an eclectic mix of people from all over the world.
  • The class is made up of three sections of conversation and two sections of written exercises.

6. = a required number or an amount to complete something 完成某事必需的數目

  • We need two more people to make up a football team.

7. = To prepare a bed (or something) for use 準備床鋪(或其它事物)

  • The room is tidy, I just have to make up the bed for you.

8. = To put something together from many different things 把某物從很多不同事物中收集起來

  • Let's make up an Easter basket for your nephew.

9. = To become friendly with someone again, usually after an argument or fight. 變的對人又友善了,通常是發生於爭論與吵架之後

  • After three years without talking to each other, they finally made up.

Make up for

1. = the compensate for something; to replace something lost 補償

  • I know I ruined your favourite dress but I hope this new one I bought you makes up for it.
  • What she lacked in experience, she made up for in the way she learns quickly.
  • She spend two weeks with her family to make up for her year long absence.
  • Hopefully insurance will make up for the damages from the fire.

