2018天津國際少兒文化藝術節 境外團隊介紹之大洋洲篇

境外團體 三十一

2018天津國際少兒文化藝術節 境外團隊介紹之大洋洲篇

澳大利亞萊格斯舞蹈團 Australia Legs Dance Troupe

“Legs” Dance Studio has been operating in Canberra, Australia for the last 25 years. Their dancers have also performed in Malaysia, China, the Unite States, as well as most cities in Australia. The students study many styles of dance including ballet, jazz, tap and so on. Many students from “Legs” have become professional dancers, singers and actors throughout the world.


境外團體 三十二

2018天津國際少兒文化藝術節 境外團隊介紹之大洋洲篇

澳大利亞麥克唐納藝術團Australia McDonald College

The McDonald College is a Performing Arts College in Sydney. They are an academic College from Year 3 – 12. Students of all ages are encouraged to make efforts for their ability and quality of performance. They have been coming to the Festival since the inaugural in 2000.


