

1. as...as...引導的比較級:(1)“as +形容詞或副詞原級+ as+被比較對象”結構。

例句: He studies as hard as you. 他像你一樣學習努力。

(2)在否定句或疑問句中可用 not so…as…. 例句:He can not run so/as fast as you. 他沒你跑得快。

2.only引導的倒裝句型:only +狀語 (或狀語從句)位於句首時,句子部分倒裝。 例句: Only by diligence and honesty can one succeed in life. 只有勤奮、正直,一個人在生活中才能成功。 注意:但 only修飾主語時,不倒裝。例句: Only that girl knew how to work out the problem. 只有那位女生知道怎樣解那道題。


3.wish引導的虛擬語氣:wish 後面的從句,當表示與事實相反的情況,或表示將來不太可能實現的願望時,其賓語從句的動詞形式為: ⑴表示對現在情況的虛擬:從句動詞用過去式或過去進行式表示,be 的過去式用were. I wish I knew the answer to the question. 我希望知道這個問題的答案。(可惜不知道。) ⑵表示對過去情況的虛擬:從句動詞用had +過去分詞。 I wish (that) I hadn’t wasted so much time. 我後悔不該浪費這麼多時間。( 實際上已經浪費掉了。) ⑶表示對將來的主觀願望:謂語動詞形式為“would/ should/ could/ might +動詞原形”。在這種情況下,主句的主語與從句的主語不能相同,因為主句的主語所期望的從句動作能否實現,取決於從句主語的態度或意願(非動作名詞除外) 。 I wish it would stop raining. 但願雨能停止。 注意:若wish 後的賓語從句中用 would,可以表示請求,通常意味著說話人的不快或不滿。

例句:I wish you would be quiet. 我希望你安靜一些。

4.it形式賓語:和it 作形式主語一樣, 我們常用it 來作形式賓語, 把真正的賓語從句放在句末, 這種情況尤其出現在帶複合賓語的句子中。

例句:He has made it clear that he will not give in. 他表明他不會屈服。


5.The+比較級,the+比較級 表示“越......越......”。

例句:The more scared we are, the stronger the difficulty will become.我們越害怕困難,困難就會變得越強大。




1. This test ________ a number of multiple choice questions.

[A] composes of [B] composes in [C] consists of [D] consists in

2. She writes as ________ as her sister.

[A] clear [B] more clear [C] clearly [D] most clearly

3. I prefer this diagram ________ that one.

[A] than [B] more than [C] rather than [D] to

4. I have been studying here for four years, by next summer I ________.

[A] shall graduate [B] shall be graduate [C] shall be graduating [D] shall have graduated

5. Hardly had he finished his speech ________ the audience started cheering.

[A] and [B] when [C] than [D] as

6. I wish you ________ like that.

[A] don’t talk [B] won’t talk [C] wouldn’t talk [D] not to talk

7. Only when you have obtained sufficient data ________ come to a sound conclusion.

[A] can you [B] would you [C] you will [D] you can

8. I found ________ to answer all the questions within the time given.

[A] no possibility [B] there was impossibility [C] impossible [D] it impossible

9. You ________ go now. It’s getting late.

[A] had rather [B] would rather [C] had better [D] would better

10. Hot metal ________ as it grows cooler.

[A] contracts [B] reduces [C] condenses [D] compresses



