
"Sometimes things happen that are just out of your control."




當地時間7月1日,法國臭名昭著的通緝犯雷杜安·法伊德(Redoine Faid)——一個深受好萊塢犯罪電影啟發的罪犯,竟然破天荒的又一次成功越獄。而且這一次,越獄手段更加讓人跌破眼鏡——一架直升機從天而降直接將他從監獄“撈”走……

French police have launched a large-scale manhunt around Paris after a notorious gangster pulled off a spectacular jailbreak on Sunday, fleeing his prison aboard a hijacked helicopter in a commando-style operation.





Redoine Faid, 46, broke out of the prison near the French capital with the help of two accomplices who used smoke bombs and angle grinders to make their way into the facility's visiting room, where Faid was talking to his brother, who was later taken into custody, according to prison unionist Martial Delabroye and a judicial source.

The men quickly made good their escape in the helicopter in an operation that lasted just 10 minutes, said Delabroye at the penitentiary in Reau in the southeastern suburbs of Paris.

The helicopter – hijacked from a terrified flight instructor – was later found in a northeastern suburb of Paris about 60 kilometers from the prison, one source said.



Some "2,900 police and gendarmes have been mobilized" for a nationwide manhunt, according to a police source.

就連法國司法部長妮科爾·貝盧貝也稱這次的越獄事件 “驚人”,還說犯罪同夥們很可能事先動用無人機研究了周圍地形……

French Justice Minister Nicole Belloubet said the commandos most likely "used drones to survey the location."


The escape came after an appeals court in April sentenced Faid to 25 years for masterminding a botched armed robbery in 2010 in which a policewoman was killed.

法伊德版《越獄》大戲上演已非第一次 “上一集”在2013年


It is the second time Faid has pulled off such an escape – in 2013, he blasted his way out of a prison in northern France using dynamite.

In his 2013 jailbreak, he briefly took four guards hostage with a pistol before escaping in a waiting getaway car.

Faid was recaptured six weeks later at a hotel in an industrial area on the outskirts of Paris.

講禮貌 出過書 曾立誓洗心革面重新做人




Despite his immaculately choreographed escapes, nothing about Faid seems to have raised red flags.

According to one of his prison supervisors, he has never had any disputes with staff and exhibited good manners.

He is also known as "The Author" among the police for two books he co-wrote on his delinquent youth. In one of the books, Braqueur - Des cités au grand banditisme, (French for: Robber - Cities of great banditry), he talked about how he grew up in a life of crime in Paris' suburbs and claimed that that kind of life was already behind him.


However, "In the corner of his mind, he never lost the idea of escaping. Behind all his manners – he is very polite – he always hid his game," the supervisor said.


And he seemed to have always seized the chance to practice the dark side.

He once said that his life of crime was inspired by Hollywood gangster films like "Scarface". At a Paris film festival in April 2009, Faid approached Michael Mann, director of the 1995 gangster film "Heat" starring Al Pacino and Robert Niro, telling him: "You were my technical adviser."

He wrote that he had watched the film dozens of times to perfect his bank-robbing prowess.


Faid is still on the loose. Last time he escaped prison, it took the police a month and a half to return him behind bars. People may start wondering now how long it will take this time for justice to be served, but one thing worth remembering – in the world of Hollywood, bad guys almost always get the punishment they deserve.

