

Melania Trump, Agent of Coat Chaos





“我真的不在乎,你呢?”(I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?)

When the first lady, Melania Trump, on a surprise humanitarian visit to a children’s shelter in Texas, strode onto her airplane in an olive green Zara army jacket with those words scrawled in faux white graffiti on the back, it sent the watching world into what might be called, with some understatement, a meltdown.

在突然赴德克薩斯州一座兒童收容設施做人道主義訪問時,第一夫人梅拉尼婭·特朗普(Melania Trump)是身穿一件橄欖綠色Zara軍裝外套走上飛機的,夾克背後用白色仿塗鴉風格潦草地寫了這樣一句話。保守地說,這令圍觀者可以說是陷入了一種崩潰狀態。

“Insensitive,” “heartless” and “unthinking” were some of the words hurled through the digisphere about the choice.


“It’s a jacket,” her communications director, Stephanie Grisham, said in a statement to reporters. “There was no hidden message.”

She’s right, of course. It wasn’t hidden. It was literally written on the first lady’s back. The question is: Who was the intended audience?


The assumption implicit in the outrage is that the message was meant for those Mrs. Trump was meeting. But here’s the thing: The first lady has had some experience with the attention paid when she boards planes.


She knows everyone is going to be watching. Remember back in August 2017 when she walked across the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews in sky-high Manolo stilettos during the Texas flood crisis? At that time, the shoes seemed to symbolize her enormous remove from the trauma, and she became the target of great opprobrium for the choice.She is well aware that nothing a first lady wears is “just” an anything, especially nothing she wears to a public event in which she remains silent, but knows she will be photographed — as her experience with the high heels to Texas would have taught her (and taught her advisers).

她知道所有人都在看。還記得2017年8月德克薩斯州洪水危機期間,她穿著莫羅(Manolo)細高跟鞋走過安德魯斯聯合基地(Joint Base Andrews)停機坪時的情形嗎?當時那雙鞋子似乎象徵著她與那場災難距離遙遠,她也因為那個選擇受到大量譴責。如今她清楚地知道,第一夫人穿的任何衣服都不“僅僅是”一件衣服而已,特別是她在不開口發言的公開活動中所穿的衣服,而且她知道,她會被鏡頭拍下來——這就是穿高跟鞋去德克薩斯的經歷可能教會她的東西(而且可能也教會了她的顧問)。



To accept the idea she just threw the Zara jacket on in practically the same situation because — hey, it was close at hand and she was maybe a little bit cool (or something like that) is simply unbelievable.


Especially because this time around Mrs. Trump chose to wear something from the mass market brand Zara — Zara! — instead of her usual Dolce & Gabbana or Ralph Lauren. This is a first lady, after all, who decided to wear a $1,380 Balmain plaid shirt during a White House gardening initiative. She is not a high/low dresser in public — or has never been since the election. She’s been all high seemingly all the time.

特別是因為,這次特朗普夫人選擇了大眾市場品牌Zara——Zara!——而不是她平時穿的杜嘉班納(Dolce & Gabbana)或者拉夫·勞倫(Ralph Lauren)。這畢竟是第一夫人,她在白宮的一次園藝倡導活動上選了1380美元的Balmain格子襯衫。她在公眾場合的著裝並不是價格時高時低——或者從選舉以來就不是這樣。她服裝的價錢似乎一直很高。

So how else to interpret the Zara jacket, a style in line with the signature self-protective aesthetic she has developed since entering the White House, except as an indication Mrs. Trump was thinking about what people might read into the clothes she chose to wear to visit children left with, effectively, nothing?


The jacket, after all, which is reportedly sold out and is not from the current season, retailed for $39. It may be the least expensive garment the first lady has worn while representing the administration.


And then there’s the fact that Mrs. Trump has never been one to shy away from coding pointed, not necessarily, popular communications into her wardrobe. She did, after all, wear a white trouser suit — the uniform of the Hillary Clinton-led opposition — to her husband’s first State of the Union address.

其次,事實上,特朗普夫人的衣櫥裡從來沒有迴避過著裝規則通行的(不一定是必須的)服裝溝通方式。畢竟,她在丈夫第一次發表國情諮文演講時穿了白色褲套裝——那是希拉里·克林頓(Hillary Clinton)領導下的反對派的制服。

All of which suggests there is very little chance she did not know what she was doing with that “I really don’t care” coat. (Zara declined to comment.)So who was the target of that not-so-hidden message? That the first lady had shed the jacket by the time she disembarked in Texas may indicate it was not, in fact, the families at the heart of the immigration issue. Besides, there are numerous alternative possibilities, when you start to think about it.


There was her husband’s interpretation, as expressed via his favorite communication method, Twitter.Or maybe the “I really don’t care” part was intended for critics of her husband’s policy. Maybe it was intended to tell everyone that she was not part of forming said policy, or not responsible for conveying everyone’s outrage about said policy.




Maybe it was intended for her husband himself. (The “free Melania” folks will like this idea.)


Or maybe, just maybe, it was a message for those of us who like to read messages into her clothes. One that said, “I’m going to wear whatever I want and I don’t care what you think about it.” After all, she wore the jacket again deplaning later at Andrews — wore it unapologetically knowing all the hoo-ha it had caused, the confusion and umbrage, the distraction from what she said was her core message of compassion. Wore it as if to give direct proof to the words on her back. That would be kind of meta.


Mrs. Trump often seems to be using her clothes as a sort of private diary, yet one that is parsed by millions who don’t have the rest of the text. Between intention and analysis an enormous gulf can exist. It’s a risky approach to her role.


And as interesting as the idea might be, this time it may have backfired.


