


boy girl teacher student friend man woman


father(dad) mother(mom) grandmother(grandma)

grandfather(grandpa) sister brother


eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty one two three four five six seven eight nine ten


peach pear watermelon orange apple banana grapes strawberry


bus bike taxi jeep


small big short tall long


giraffe deer ant fish goose kangaroo duck dog elephant lion mouse snake squirrel tiger fox zebra zoo


CAN PRC UK USA A.M.(a.m.) P.M.(p.m.) TV


ice-cream egg hamburger hot dog


Coke coffee milk water juice


desk chair bag walkman lamp key night nest queen rain rainbow umbrella vest violin window wind box yo-yo

二、重點句型復 習

Unit 1

1. A: Nice to see you again. B: Nice to see you, too.

2. A: Where are you from?

B: I’m from China./America/Canada/ PRC/ USA/ CAN/ UK

3. A: I’m sorry. B: It’s OK.

4.有人敲門你說:Come in, please.

5.怎麼用英語歡迎同學回校:Welcome back to school.

Unit 2

1. A: Who’s this(that) man(boy)? B: He’s my father(brother).

2. A: Who’s this(that woman(girl)? B: She’s my mother(sister).

3. A: 當你要鼓勵你的朋友一起和你玩時,英語怎麼說: B: Come on!

4. A: Let’s watch TV. B:OK!/Great!

5. A: Is she your sister? B: No, my mom.(Yes, she is).

6. A: 怎麼用英語表達“多大的一條魚啊!” B: What a big fish!

7. A: 怎麼用英語介紹自己的家庭: B: This is my family.

Unit 3

1. A: How many kites can you see? B: I can see twelve.(Twelve.)

2. A: How many crayons do you have? B: I have 16.(Sixteen crayons.)

3. A: 怎麼用英語集合: B: Line up.

4. A:“對的”、“正確的”英語怎麼說: B: That’s right.(You’re right.)

5. A:“我有一些巧克力”怎麼說: B: I have some chocolates.

6. A:“有些什麼在盒子裡面”怎麼說: B: What’s in the box?

7.你想知道盒子裡裝些什麼東西?叫對方打開它?Open it and see.

Unit 4

1. A: Do you like pears?

B: Yes, I do. 或者說:No, I don’t. 或者說:Sorry, I don’t like pears.

2. A: What about grapes? B: Yes, please.

3. A: Have some juice, please. B: Thanks. 或答:No, thank you.

4. A: I’m hungry.(我肚子餓)。 B: I’m hungry, too.

5. A: Can I have an apple, please? B: Certainly.(Sure, here you are.

6. A: Have some more. B: No, thank you.

Unit 5

1. A: Where is my ruler?

B: It’s under(in/on the book.)(Under(in/on the book.))

2. A: Where is Zip? B: Ha! Ha! I’m here.

3. A: 怎麼用英語提醒別人“小心、當心、留神”: B: Look out!/Watch out!

4. A: 怎麼用英語說“對不起,打擾了!” B: Excuse me.

5. A: Can I use your pencil? B: No problem.

6. A: 怎麼用英語說:“祝“三八”婦女節快樂!” B: Happy Women’s Day!

7. A: 怎麼用英語說:“祝兒童節快樂!” B: Happy Children’s Day!

Unit 6

1. A: Look at the elephant. B: Wow, it’s so big!

2. A: I have a monkey. B: Cool. / Super. / Wow.

3. A:“它有一條長尾巴”英語怎麼說: B: It has a long tail.