




01 學習選課場景

day course 白天的課,evening course 晚上的課

科目或專業:mathematics 數學,history 歷史,chemistry 化學,literature 文學,physics 物理, chemistry 化學, biology 生物, politics 政治, history 歷史, geography 地理, math 數學

drawing near 考試臨近, delay / postpone / put off / be off 考試延期或取消

public school 公立學校, private school 私立學校

學校中的人:president 校長,dean 院長,headmaster 中小學校長,professor 教授,lecturer 講師,doctor 博士,master 碩士,bachelor 學士,Bachelor’s degree 學士學位, Master’s degree 碩士學位, Doctor’s degree博士學位,freshman 大一新生, middle school student 中學生,primary school student 小學生

have a lecture 上課, cut a class/play truant 逃課, miss a class 錯過了課, scholarship 榮譽獎學金,homework 作業, test 測驗,quiz 小測驗,oral test 口試,exam 考試, mid-term/ final examination 期中/期末考試, marks 分數, textbook 教科書, playground 操場, department 系, Campus 校園, lecture演講, dormitory 宿舍, term 學期, dining-hall 餐廳, swimming-pool 游泳池, courses 課程, foreign language 外語, gym 體育館。

02 圖書館場景

lend / borrow 借書,reference book 參考書,renew 續借,overdue 過期,return 還書,fine 罰金,librarian 圖書管理員, subject 主題,author作者,library 圖書館,reading-room閱覽室,book-shelf書架,novel 小說,story-book 故事書,picture-book 圖畫書,science fiction 科幻小說,newspaper 報紙,magazine 雜誌,periodical 期刊,library card 借書證。

03 交通運輸場景

fare 車票,license 駕照,rush hours 高峰時間,traffic jam 交通堵塞,one way street 單行道,over speed 超速,ticket 罰單,express way 高速公路,traffic police 交警

交通工具(出現頻率從高到低) plane / train / bus / bike / walk / taxi

tunnel / channel 隧道, ring road 環線, subway(美) / underground (英) 地鐵,used car 舊車,afford 買的起,give sb a ride 搭車,taxi/cab 出租車, break down 拋錨,flat tire 爆胎,car accident 事故,fix/repair 修理, garage 修車場,damage 損害, dead 報廢,survive 活下來,minor injury 輕傷,boat小舟, ship 輪船,transportation 運輸,timetable時間表, journey旅程。

04 電話場景

mobile phone 手機,pay phone 公用電話,telephone box / booth 電話亭,yellow page 黃頁,extension 分機,dial / press(撥/按電話號碼),put through 接通,wrong number 記錯號碼,hold on 不要掛斷,take / leave a message 留言,hang up 掛斷,answering machine 自動答錄機,long-distance call 長途電話,overseas call 越洋電話,give sb. a call / ring 給某人打電話,operator 接線員,The line is bad/ busy / engaged. / It kept a busy line. 電話佔線。

05 機場場景

flight 航班,Welcome on board 歡迎登機,plane 飛機,book 訂票, timetable 時間表,destination 目的地,safe landing 安全著陸, board 登機, take off 起飛,departure 離港,safety / seat belt 安全帶, land 著陸, arrival 進港, pick up 接機,security check 安檢, see off 送行, keep in touch 保持聯繫,one way ticket 單程票,round trip ticket 來回票,non-stop / direct flight 直航 , check in 登記,behind schedule 晚點,luggage,baggage行李, airline 航線,airport 機場,passport 通行證, railway / train station 火車站, express train 快車,platform 月臺,sleeping car 房車,Gate 1 一號門,flight number 班機號碼 ,arrival time 到達時間,ticket office 售票處,passenger 旅客,warning light 警示燈,road sign 路標,motorway 機動車道,bound for…飛往……方向去的。

06 打工場景

job vacancy 有空缺職位,a temporary vacancy 臨時空缺,letter of application 求職信, resume 簡歷


basic / personal information 基本信息/個人資料,academic background 教育背景,work experience 工作經驗, certificates證書,interview 面試,offer 聘用信,work overtime 加班,ask for a raise 加錢,wage / salary 薪水, bonus獎金,allowance 津貼,annual income 年收入,promotion 升職, fire 解僱

post / position 工作職位,resign work / job / career / course 辭職, vacation 休假,sick leave 病假, rest 休息,break 指喝杯茶、喝杯咖啡的休息,coffee 咖啡,break away 離開一會,computer 電腦,typewriter 打字機,copy 複印,make a phone call 打電話,arrange an appointment 預約,secretary 秘書,manager 經理。

07 租房場景

live on campus 住校, apartment 公寓, dorm 宿舍,for sale 可銷售的房子, for rent 可出租的房子,accommodation 住宿,rent 租金,location 位置, suburb / downtown 市郊 / 市中心,condition 住房條件,furnished 配傢俱,blackout 斷電, environment 環境,transportation 交通,land lord 房東, roommate 室友,homestay 寄宿,


neat 整潔的, considerate 體貼的


messy 髒亂的, noisy 吵鬧的


active and sociable 積極的,樂於交際的

talkative 能說會道的,

just the opposite 恰恰相反

have a lot in common 有很多共同點

has a very bad temper 脾氣壞

in a bad mood 心情不好

get along well with 相處很好

08 醫院場景

see a doctor 去醫院看醫生,health center / clinic 衛生所 / 門診,physician 內科醫生, surgeon 外科醫生,regular doctor 私人醫生,dentist 牙醫, medical result 診斷結果,make an appointment 預約,emergency 急診,emergence department 急診室,ICU (= intensive care unit)特護病房,check up / exam 檢查,heart attack 心臟病,cold 感冒 flu 流感,headache 頭痛,sore throat 嗓子痛,fever 發燒,toothache牙疼,stomachache胃疼,prescribe 開藥方,pill / tablet 藥片,injection 注射,operation 手術,take two of these pills three times a day 一日三次,一次兩片,pain疼,cough 咳嗽,treatment 治療手段,temperature 體溫,heart 心臟,lung 肺,blood-pressure 血壓,take one’s temperature / blood pressure 測量體溫/血壓,take medicine 吃藥,aspirin 阿司匹林

What’s up? (多用於男生之間) How is it going? How are you?怎麼了?

回答:I’m fine. / I feel good/terrific. / I couldn’t be better. / Nothing is very wrong with me. 好。

I am not feeling good. / I feel terrible/horrible/awful. / I am not myself these days. 不好。(注意聽語氣:身體好的時候,語調上揚,語氣非常歡快; 身體不好的時候,降調,語氣非常鬱悶。)

09 賓館場景

book a bed /make a reservation 預訂房間,confirm a reservation 確認預訂,cancel a reservation 取消預訂,fully booked / full up / full 客滿,reception 前臺, check in 登記入住,check out 退房,single room單人房,double room 一張大床的雙人房,twin room 兩張單人床的雙人房,suite 套房,bathroom 衛生間,toilet / restroom 廁所,room service 客房服務,tips 小費,business center 商務中心,ball 舞廳,bar 酒吧, meals included 包括飲食

Do you have a reservation, Sir? 先生,你有預定嗎?

Have you got any vacant room? (= Is there any room available here?) 有空房間嗎?

All the room are occupied. 房間已滿。

Can I show you your room? 我可以領你去房間嗎?

Can I carry your luggage? 我可以幫你拿行李嗎?

10 銀行、郵局場景

bank 銀行,money 錢,check 支票,interest 利息,credit card信用卡, postage 郵資,extra postage 額外郵資,envelop信封,cash現金,post office郵局,savings account儲蓄存款帳戶,post /send 寄,letter/mail 信,stamp 郵票,airmail 航空信,parcel / package 包裹, telegram / cable 電報, overweight 超重, email 電子郵件,reply 回覆, subject 主題, attach 附件, express mail 快件, surface mail 陸地郵寄,open an account 開一個帳戶,U. S Dollar美元,Hong Kong Dollar (HK$) 港幣,yuan RMB¥人民幣 , pound (£) 英鎊,pocket change零錢,coin硬幣。

11 購物場景

store / department store 商店,supermarket 超市,shopping center/ shopping mall 購物中心,salesman 售貨員, saleswoman 女售貨員, shop assistant 售貨員,discount/off 打折,in stock 有貨,out of stock 賣完了, bargain 便宜貨, expensive, cheap 商品論貴賤,high/low 價格論高低,style/size/color 款式、大小、顏色, large/medium/small 大號/中號/小號,exchange 調換,popular / fashionable 流行的,in fashion 時尚,out of fashion 過時的, brand 品牌, counter 櫃檯, pay in cash 用現金支付,pay in check 用支票支付, credit card 信用卡,shop assistant 商店營業員,shopping cart 購物手推車,price tag 價格標籤, men’s suit 男性套裝, on sale 減價出售,

check-out counter 付帳臺,sweater 毛衣, shoes 鞋子, trousers 褲子, jacket 夾克衫,try on 試穿,style 款式。

12 天氣場景

climate 氣候, weather forecast 天氣預報, sunny 晴天,overcast 多雲,clear up 變晴,mild / agreeable 溫和的,cloudy 陰天,shower/downpour 陣雨/大雨,thunder/lightening 打雷/閃電,windy/strong wind 多風的/強風,tornado 龍捲風,typhoon 颱風,snowstorm 暴風雪,storm 風暴,blizzard 暴風雨,foggy/dense/heavy fog 霧天/濃霧, warm up 轉暖, wet 潮溼, humid 潮溼,get worse 天氣惡化,unusual 不同尋常的天氣,heavy snow 大雪,grey 陰天, icy 結冰的, cold 寒冷的 , cool 涼爽的,hot 炎熱,spring 春,summer 夏,autumn/fall 秋,winter 冬

It rains cats and dogs.(=The rain is pouring.) 下著傾盆大雨

13 飲食場景

dish 菜,delicious/tasty/terrific好吃,horrible/awful/disgusting 難吃,waiter/waitress 服務生, menu菜單,order 點菜,serve 上菜, change 零錢, Keep the change! 不用找零錢了!book/make a reservation 預定,tip 小費,treat 請客 (This is my treat! 我請客!)fork/spoon/knife 餐具, restaurant 飯館, cafeteria 自助餐廳, school dining hall 學生食堂,coffee shop 咖啡廳, eat out 下館子,full 吃飽了, snack bar 快餐小吃店,paper towel 紙巾, table cloth 桌布,dish 碟, plate 盤, chopsticks 筷子,spoon 湯匙, knife 餐刀, toothpick 牙籤,

Let’s go Dutch/ Let’s go fifty fifty./split the bill AA制

be on diet 節食,today's special 今日特餐,specialty 招牌菜, buffet 自助餐,

fast food 快餐, fried food 油炸食品,French fries 炸薯條, apple pie 蘋果派, pizza 比薩,vegetable salad 蔬菜沙拉, soup湯, dessert 甜點, ice cream 冰淇淋, pudding 布丁,French fires 炸薯條,bacon 燻肉,fried egg 煎蛋,butter 奶油,cheese 奶酪,beverages 飲料, orange juice 橘子汁,soft drink 汽水, mineral water 礦泉水,plain water 自來水(西餐中洗手用的),coffee 咖啡,ice-cream 冰淇淋,doughnut 多納圈,coffee pot 咖啡壺, watermelon 西瓜, pear 梨子,peach 桃子, cherry 櫻桃, apple 蘋果,grape 葡萄, salt 鹽, sugar 糖,sweet 甜, bitter 苦, dinner 正餐,breakfast 早餐,lunch 午餐, brunch 早午餐,appetizer 開胃物,dessert甜品,水果(作為正餐的最後一道),steak 牛排,beer 啤酒, brandy 白蘭地,whisky 威士忌,meat 肉, beef 牛肉,chicken 雞肉, mutton 羊肉, bread 麵包,noodles 麵條,vegetable 蔬菜,sandwich 三明治,toast 土司, hamburger 漢堡,coke 可口可樂,cake 蛋糕。

14 旅遊場景

mountains山, deserts 沙漠, historical interest 旅遊勝地, beaches 沙灘, coastal areas 沿海地區, river河流, lake 湖泊, public transport 公共交通, book the room(make a reservation) 訂房間, beaches 海灘, credit card 信用卡, hot springs 溫泉, waterfalls 瀑布, castle 城堡, swimming 游泳, diving 潛水, surfing 衝浪。

15 服裝種類常用語

clothing 衣服總稱 ,costume 傳統服裝;戲服, suit 一套男(女)服, tie 領帶, jacket 茄克衫, T-shirt 短袖圓領汗衫(運動衫), pants(trousers) 褲子;長褲, jeans 牛仔褲,underwear (undergarment) 內衣 ,stockings 長統襪 , sweater 毛衣,gloves 手套,scarf 圍巾, boots 皮靴,formal 正式的,casual 休閒的,large 大號的, medium 中號的, small 小號的, tight 緊的, loose=baggy 寬鬆的,wool 羊毛, 毛線,cotton 棉製,dress 衣服;連衣裙, evening dress 晚禮服, shirt 襯衫 ,skirt 裙子, trousers / pants 褲子, shorts 短褲, blouse(女式)短上衣,襯衫, coat 外套,外衣, overcoat 大衣,外套, socks 襪子, shoes 鞋, hat 帽子 , cap 帽子 , uniform 制服,校服 。

16 人與人關係的常用詞

father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother, nephew(侄子, 外甥), cousin, niece, children, grandchildren, grandson, uncle, aunt, teacher, student, friend, enemy, husband, wife, neighbor, girlfriend, boyfriend, classmate, workmate, boss

17 職業常用詞

student, teacher, worker, engineer, doctor, nurse, professor, actor, actress,

waiter, waitress, player, film-maker, director, tailor(裁縫), cleaner, writer, singer, dancer, conductor售票員;列車長, salesman, saleswoman, sailor, dentist (牙醫),clerk , secretary, manager , boss, professor, lawyer, businessman, driver, headmaster, headmistress, librarian, engineer, technician, farmer, policeman, policewoman, coach

18 星期

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday

19 月份

January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

20 普通人名/姓

Mary, John, Tom, George, Susan, David, James, Jack, Jane,Smith, Brown, Taylor, Johnson, White, Williams, Black...

21 常見國家/人民/語言




Austria-Austrian-Austrian (奧地利)




France- Frenchman/Frenchwoman - French

















22 常見城市

London, New York, Athens(雅典), Boston, Chicago, Hong Kong, Macao, Seattle, Tokyo, Soul (首爾), Toronto, Washington, Ottawa(渥太華), Vancouver (溫哥華), Paris, Berlin(柏林), Moscow(莫斯科), Sydney(悉尼)

23 七大洲/四大洋

Asia, Europe, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctic(南極洲), Oceania(大洋洲)

Pacific, Atlantic(大西洋), Indian Ocean, the Arctic Ocean

24 家庭場景

housewife, housework, bed-room, kitchen, waiting-room, dinning-room, sofa, chair, table, dressing-table, cupboard(廚櫃), furniture

25 節日

holiday, festival, Mid-autumn Day, May Day, National Day, Teachers’ Day, Children’s Day, Mother(Father)’s Day, New Year, Christmas Day, Thanksgiving Day, Easter, Halloween, Valentine’s Day

26 體育

basketball, football, volleyball, baseball, tennis, table-tennis, badminton running, swimming, shooting, fishing, surfing, skating, rock climbing, jumping, gym, stadium

27 娛樂

concert, show, exhibition, film, movie, play, theatre, museum, music, entertainment, band, chess, amusement park, nightclub, picnic, bowling

28 數(量)詞

million, thousand, hundred, dozen, score, decade, first, second, third, forth, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth, twentieth


責編 | 楊寧

審稿 | 李棟

校稿 | 呂放
