


英語學習貴在循序漸進、不斷積累、始終堅持。一天一個問題,Practice every day! Hold on and you’ll make it。



1. A truly elegant taste________________ 【4words】excellence of heart. 真正優雅的品味通常伴隨著卓越的心靈。

2. We like our new house and ________________【4words】that there is a swimming pool nearby.我們很喜歡自己的新房子,加上附近有座游泳池,真是好上加好。(bonus)

3. ________________【4words】in the early evening! 暮色中的群山是多麼壯麗!

4. I have arranged that ________________【5words】you at the airport. 我已經安排好派一名我的職員到飛機場接你。

5. We need to ________________【5words】for assessing risk and protecting the environment.我們需要建立一個法律體制來評估風險、保護環境。


6. I feel a great satisfaction over the way which you have handled the matter.

7. Police Lt. Jim Matheny said it appears students did not get into physical fight.

8. There were all in all a hundred persons being present.

9. At Christmas day, every one of us was excited because we each was given a present.

10. Assume that people have the same beliefs as you are a bad idea.



1. is generally accompanied with 2. it's a real bonus. 3. How grand the mountains look 4. one of my staff will meet 5. set up a legal framework

題型二:單句改錯 (10’)

6. 去a。feel satisfaction/pleasure意為“感到滿意、高興”,satisfaction/pleasure都是不可數名詞,試比較:[It's a satisfaction to know that he is well again. 得悉他已痊癒,令人深感欣慰。];去which,或在which前加in,或把which改成that,注意way用作先行詞,且在從句中作方式狀語時的定語從句的三種表達方式。

7. appears改成appeared,描述的是當時的情景;fight改成fights,get into physical fights,發生肢體衝突。

8. 去第一個all,此處的意思是“一共、總共”;去being,此處present是表語形容詞,意為“出席的,到場的”,直接用作後置定語。

9. At改成On,在聖誕節有兩種表達方式,即On Christmas Day或At Christmas;was改成were,此句的主語是we,each只是we的同位語,謂語動詞要與主語保持一致。

10. Assume改成Assuming,此處作主語;are改成is,這是該句的謂語動詞,其主語是Assuming。