英語小說閱讀0424《暮光之城 暮色》第七章02 附單詞註釋

  "Jacob!" I screamed. But he was gone. In his place was a large red-brown wolf with black eyes. The wolf faced away from me, pointing toward the shore, the hair on the back of his shoulders bristling, low growls issuing from between his exposed fangs.

  "Bella, run!" Mike cried out again from behind me. But I didn't turn. I was watching a light coming toward me from the beach.

  And then Edward stepped out from the trees, his skin faintly glowing, his eyes black and dangerous. He held up one hand and beckoned me to come to him. The wolf growled at my feet.

  I took a step forward, toward Edward. He smiled then, and his teeth were sharp, pointed.

  "Trust me," he purred.

  I took another step.

  The wolf launched himself across the space between me and the vampire, fangs aiming for the jugular.

  "No!" I screamed, wrenching upright out of my bed.

  My sudden movement caused the headphones to pull the CD player off the bedside table, and it clattered to the wooden floor.

  My light was still on, and I was sitting fully dressed on the bed, with my shoes on. I glanced, disoriented, at the clock on my dresser. It was five-thirty in the morning.

  I groaned, fell back, and rolled over onto my face, kicking off my boots.

  I was too uncomfortable to get anywhere near sleep, though. I rolled back over and unbuttoned my jeans, yanking them off awkwardly as I tried to stay horizontal. I could feel the braid in my hair, an uncomfortable ridge along the back of my skull. I turned onto my side and ripped the rubber band out, quickly combing through the plaits with my fingers. I pulled the pillow back over my eyes.

  It was all no use, of course. My subconscious had dredged up exactly the images I'd been trying so desperately to avoid. I was going to have to face them now.

  I sat up, and my head spun for a minute as the blood flowed downward.

  First things first, I thought to myself, happy to put it off as long as possible. I grabbed my bathroom bag.

Growl 低吠

Purr 發出喉音

Jugular 頸靜脈

Braid 髮辮

Plait 辮子








“不!”我尖叫著,猛地從床上彈起來。 我的忽然移動讓耳機把隨身聽扯下了桌子,咔噠一聲落到了地板上。



