今晚8:30直播 | 世貿組織權威專家齊聚,WTO 如何在全球疫情應對中發揮作用

新冠病毒已在全球範圍內感染了超過240萬人,造成約16萬人死亡,導致了全球經濟衰退。各國採取的抗疫措施間接推動了新一輪貿易保護主義的興起,從供應鏈中斷到個人防護用品短缺,這場國際危機突出了維護多邊貿易體系的重要性。疫情下如何維護以世界貿易組織(WTO)為核心的多邊貿易體制?WTO 又該如何在全球疫情應對中發揮作用?

今晚北京時間20:30-22:30,全球化智庫(CCG)將舉辦國內首次以疫情下的WTO為主題的線上研討會,邀請了前世貿組織總幹事、巴黎和平論壇主席、CCG國際委員會專家Pascal Lamy,世貿組織副總幹事Alan Wolff,中國世界貿易組織研究會副會長、CCG高級研究員霍建國,亞洲協會政策研究所副所長、美國前代理貿易代表,CCG國際委員會專家Wendy Cutler以及前世貿組織上訴機構首席法官、中佛羅里達大學全球事務特聘教授James Bacchus, 對外貿易經濟大學中國WTO研究院院長、CCG特邀高級研究員屠新泉,美國卡託研究所貿易政策研究中心主任Dan Ikenson以及中國國際貿易學會專家委員會副主任、CCG特邀高級研究員李永等國內外知名權威專家學者就疫情對全球價值鏈的影響、多邊經貿機制體制遭受的挑戰、中美如何應對全球衰退的局面等話題展開討論,提供疫情中世界經濟走向的新視角,進一步維護多邊貿易體系的持續發展。本場會議由CCG理事長


Chaired by 主持人

WANG Huiyao

President, Center for China and Globalization (CCG)



Speakers 對話嘉賓

(Alphabetical order)

Prof. James Bacchus,

Distinguished University Professor of Global Affairs,

University of Central Florida;

Former Chief Judge, WTO Appellate Body



Wendy Cutler,

Vice President, Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI);

Former Acting Deputy USTR;

CCG Int’l Advisor



Huo Jianguo

Vice Chair of China Society for

World Trade Organization Studies;

Senior Fellow, CCG




Dan Ikenson,

Director of Center for Trade Policy Studies,

CATO Institute

丹尼爾 伊肯森


Amb. Pascal Lamy

Former Director-General, World Trade Organization (WTO);

Chair, Paris Peace Forum;

CCG Int’l Advisor





LI Yong

Deputy Chair of the Expert Committee,

China Association of International Trade (CAIT);

Nonresident Senior Fellow, CCG

李 永



TU Xinquan

Professor and Dean, China Institute for WTO Studies, UIBE;

Nonresident Senior Fellow, CCG




Amb. Alan Wolff

Deputy Director-General, WTO



Topics will cover

What are the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the global value chains?

What can the WTO do to ease export restrictions on pharmaceutical products and food supplies driven largely by national self-preservation?

To spur necessary production and economic activity, countries may rely on nontariff barriers such as subsidies that are inconsistent with the WTO rules. How will the WTO deal with some countries’ efforts of nationalizing supply chains?

Will the pandemic strengthen or weaken the WTO’s capacity in coordinating members’ trade policies in troubled times?

Disrupted by the global outbreak of coronavirus, how will the WTO regenerate its modernization agenda?

What roles are China and the United States set to play in mitigating COVID-19’s impacts on trade? Any prospects of cooperation between the world’s two largest economies locked in rivalry?



2:30pm-4:30pm, Monday April 20, 2020 Central European Time

8:30am-10:30am, Monday April 20, 2020 Eastern Time

8:30pm-10:30pm, Monday April 20, 2020 Beijing Time



Live broadcast via:







CCG Forum YouTube Channel:


About the event

COVID-19 has infected over 2 million people and killed some 150,000 worldwide, and has already plunged the world into a global recession. While claiming lives and ravaging economies, the pandemic is exerting pressure on governments to embrace protectionist policies, including various export restrictions on medical supplies. From disrupted supply chains to shortages of PPE, the trade aspects of this international crisis are bringing to the fore both the demand for a unified global response and the deficit in the multilateral trading system. In a joint statement issued after the G20 leaders met at a virtual conference in March, the trade ministers pledged to take “immediate necessary measures” to facilitate trade in essential goods and incentivize additional production of equipment and drugs. If countries continue to take emergency measures out of national interest as coronavirus hits, global trade could fall by a third, warns a recent WTO forecast. In the face of a global challenge, will the WTO rise to the occasion and fulfill its mandate of promoting free trade?

Speakers & Moderators


James Bacchus

Distinguished University Professor

of Global Affairs,

University of Central Florida;

Former Chief Judge, WTO Appellate Body

Prof. James Bacchus is distinguished university professor of Global Affairs and Director of the Center for Global Economic and Environmental Opportunity at the University of Central Florida. He is also senior counsellor at the International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD). He was one of the seven founding Members and served twice as the Chairman of the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization, the highest international tribunal of world trade. He is a former Member of the Congress of the United States and a former US international trade negotiator. For more than 14 years following completion of his service on the WTO Appellate Body he was chair of the global practice of the largest law firm in the United States and one of the largest in the world.





Wendy Cutler

Vice President,

Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI);

Former Acting Deputy USTR;

CCG Int’l Advisor

Wendy Cutler has been the vice president of the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) since 2015. She also serves as the managing director of the Washington D.C. Office. Most recently she served as Acting Deputy U.S. Trade Representative, working on a range of U.S. trade negotiations and initiatives in the Asia-Pacific region. In that capacity she was responsible for the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, including the bilateral negotiations with Japan. She also was the chief negotiator to the U.S.-Korea (Korus) Free Trade Agreement.






Huo Jianguo

Vice Chair of China Society for

World Trade Organization Studies;

Senior Fellow, CCG

Mr. Huo Jianguo is the Former President of MOFCOM Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation. He has long been engaged in foreign trade management and policy research and has rich practical work experience and a high level in policy theory. He has participated in the research on the expansion of the export strategy of mechanical and electrical products, the research on the European unified market, and the research on the reform of China's foreign exchange system.





Dan Ikenson

Director of Center for Trade Policy Studies, CATO Institute

Dan Ikenson is director of Cato’s Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies, where he coordinates and conducts research on all manner of international trade and investment policy. Before joining the Cato Institute in 2000, he was director of international trade planning for an international accounting and business advisory firm. In 1997 he cofounded and was a principal at an international trade consulting firm in Washington, and from 1990 to 1997 he was a trade policy and antidumping analyst at a few international trade law practices. He has testified before congressional committees on a variety of policy matter and has appeared on numerous television news programs and networks.

丹尼爾· 伊肯森



Amb. Pascal Lamy

Former Director-General, World Trade Organization (WTO);

Chair, Paris Peace Forum;

CCG Int’l Advisor

Amb. Pascal Lamy was former director-general of World Trade Organization. Pascal Lamy once was Chief of staff for the President of the European Commission, Jacques Delors, and his representative as Sherpa in the G7. In November 1994, he joined the team in charge of rescuing Credit Lyonnais, and later became CEO of the bank until 1999. Between 1999 and 2004, Pascal Lamy was Commissioner for Trade at the European Commission under Romano Prodi. Pascal Lamy also served as the Honorary President of the Paris-based think tank, Notre Europe.






LI Yong

Deputy Chair of the Expert Committee,

China Association of International Trade (CAIT);

Nonresident Senior Fellow, CCG

Mr. Li Yong is Senior fellow and standing council member at China Association of International Trade (CAIT), concurrently sitting at CAIT’s Expert Committee as Deputy Chair while co-chairing the Center for US/Europe Economic and Strategic Studies. Also a standing council member of China Society of WTO Studies (CWTO) and Member of Consultative and Advisory Committee for Economic and Trade Policies.

Mr.Li has long engaged in the studies of international trade. He is frequently consulted by government departments for analysis on major international trade issues and policy recommendations and a chosen analyst for interviews by both local and foreign mainstream media on critical developments of China-US, and more generally, international economic and trade relations.He is the current affairs and economics commentator of China Global Television Network (CGTN), former English Channel of China Central Television (CCTV).

李 永




TU Xinquan

Professor and Dean,

China Institute for WTO Studies, UIBE;

Nonresident Senior Fellow, CCG

Professor Tu Xinquan is the vice president of the China WTO Research Institute. He was a visiting researcher at the Korea Institute of Foreign Economic Policy (KIEP) in April 2009 and a visiting scholar at the WTO Secretariat from June 2011 to September 2011. His research fields include WTO, Sino-US economic and trade relations, and government procurement agreements, and he has rich research results.




屠新泉教授是中國WTO研究院副院長,2009年4月 在韓國對外經濟政策研究院(KIEP)做訪問研究員,2011年6月-2011年9月曾在WTO秘書處做訪問學者。研究領域包括WTO、中美經貿關係、政府採購協議,研究成果豐富。

Wang Huiyao

President of

Center for China and Globalization (CCG)

Dr. Huiyao Wang is the President of Center for China and Globalization (CCG), a non-government think tank in China that ranked among top 80 think tanks in the world. Dr. Wang is Vice Chairman of China Association for International Economic Cooperation under Ministry of Commerce, Vice Chairman of China Western Returned Scholars Association (WRSA) and Honorary Chairman of WRSA Chamber of Commerce. He is also the Dean of Institute of Development Studies at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics in China. and Vice Chairman of China Talent Society. He was a senior fellow of Harvard Kennedy School, an adjunct professor at Guanghua Management School of Peking University and Ivey Business School of Western University as well as a visiting fellow at Brookings Institution.




Amb. Alan Wolff

Deputy Director-General, WTO

Amb. Alan Wolff is currently Deputy Director-General of WTO. He was Senior Counsel at the global law firm Dentons, as one of the world's leading international trade lawyers. He has been engaged to resolve some of the largest international trade disputes on record. For the last six years he has served as the Chairman of the National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC). He is Chairman of the Board of the Institute for Trade and Commercial Diplomacy (ITCD). Ambassador Wolff served as United States Deputy Special Representative for Trade Negotiations in the Carter Administration and was General Counsel of the Office in the Ford Administration.




· CCG線上研討會 ·

⊙ CCG研究報告 | 加強多層次國際合作,共抗全球疫情

⊙ 美前國務卿克里:中美應合作以實現更好願景

⊙ 中美關係中的迷思與現實:CCG在第56屆慕安會舉辦中美邊會

