


We are looking for a talented, energetic postdoctoral or A visiting scholar fellow to join the Choi lab at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, located in Chicago, IL.

We are seeking highly motivated research fellows with strong interest in cancer genetics/immunology to analyze molecular defects that occur in T cell lymphomas and to elucidate the molecular mechanisms by which these mutations contribute to disease.

These efforts will provide important insights into fundamental T cell biology, i.e. T cell circuitry, identify clinically relevant biomarkers, and lead to novel lineage-specific therapeutic targets. Current projects are myriad. They include but are not limited to identification and molecular classification of aggressive subtypes and strategies to target these cancers with immunotherapy.

The successful applicant must have excellent communication skills and a strong ability to design experiments and interpret experimental data.

Experience and interest in T cell biology, cancer genomics, and epigenetics is preferred, but we are looking for hard working, creative scientists who are passionate about science. Preference will be given to candidates with multiple first-author publications in peer-reviewed journals.


We are a well-funded group who employs cutting-edge high dimensional strategies to identify mechanisms governing T cell biology during immune homeostasis and cancer. To learn more about us, please visit our website at http://choilaboratory.northwestern.edu or http://choilaboratory.org.

Our group is a collegial collection of postdoctoral fellows and graduate students from around the world. The lab is highly collaborative and highly productive. To date, much of our work has focused on the elucidation of the genomics of T cell cancers. These have led to multiple manuscripts including Choi, et al. Nature Genetics.

2015 PMID: 26192916; Park, et al. Blood. 2017 PMID: 28694326; Daniels, et al. 2020 Nature Communications. PMID: 32286303. We currently have additional manuscripts submitted at Immunity and Cancer Discovery.

Our lab is on the fifth floor of the Robert H. Lurie Medical Research Center of Northwestern University in Chicago, IL, which is home to many of the elite biomedical researchers at Northwestern. The Lurie Center and the rest of the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine is located in the heart of Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, blocks away from beautiful Lake Michigan.

Interested candidates should send a curriculum vitae and a list of at least three references to Dr. Jaehyuk Choi (Jaehyuk.choi@northwestern.edu).



西北大學(Northwestern University),簡稱NU,坐落於伊利諾伊州東北部城市埃文斯頓,是一所世界頂尖的私立研究型大學,是十大聯盟(Big Ten Conference)創始成員和北美頂尖大學學術聯盟美國大學協會(AAU)的成員之一。

西北大學在權威的2019年《美國新聞與世界報道》(US News)美國大學排名上位列第10位2018年《泰晤士高等教育》(Times)世界大學排名上位列第20位,2017年ARWU世界大學排名上位列第22位,2018年QS世界大學排名上位列第28位。


西北大學校徽上的座右銘是Quaecumque sunt vera,這是拉丁文,源於《新約·腓立比書》,意為“凡是真實的”。另外校徽上一本翻開的書上還有一句希臘語:ho logos pleres charitos kai aletheias,意思是“充滿榮光和真理的道”。它來自《約翰福音》:“道成了肉身住在我們中間,充充滿滿的有恩典有真理。我們也見過他的榮光,正是父獨生子的榮光”。這兩句格言反映出了西北大學創立者的價值觀,體現出了其衛理宗的遺產。

西北大學研究生錄取要求為GPA3.5+, GRE 320+, GMAT 680+, 雅思6.5分或託福100分。不過西北大學一向以嚴格錄取出名,尤其是申請每年獲得全額獎學金研究生、博士的學生,其錄取率甚至低於1%。可以說西北大學幾乎是美國錄取率最低的學校之一。


美國西北大學醫學院是美國醫學院Top20,是美國最頂尖的研究型醫學院。是每年全美醫學院申請人數最多也最為激烈的醫學院之一。同時西北大學醫學院由於其實力強大的附屬醫院Northwestern Memorial Hospital(2014年全美醫院排名第6),和每年超過3.5億美元的科研經費(3.898億美元2014年)而在全美具有很高的認可度。西北大學醫學院坐落在繁華的芝加哥市中心,始建於1926年的醫學院大樓Ward Memorial Building是美國第一座學術摩天樓。





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