
Darin - Can't Stop Love.mp33:38



Whether or not life will be better, I will be better myself.


You must be like, what kind of love is good, because like people, so every day to look forward to.


Living like a hedgehog but eager to be embraced.


The hills and valleys are hard to level the mountains and rivers are no longer the world spark, but no point belongs to me.


Someday you will be missing in my world, and I will have no news in yours.

總有一天 你會在我的世界裡下落不明,我會在你的世界裡音信全無 。

If you can't walk side by side, pretend to be just passing by.

如果不能並肩同行 那就假裝恰好路過。

Friendship is jealous, not to mention love.

友情都存在著吃醋 更別說愛情了。

Falling love with you is easiest thing in the world. that l have ever done in my whole life.

這世界上 在我的一生當中 我做過的最容易的事情 就是愛上你。

|| 喜歡的話就關注一下吧~謝謝

|| 我想收集10000條美句、10000張美圖、10000首好歌送給可愛的的你!
