


第一節 聽力理解(共15小題;每小題2分,滿分30分)



1.What is the main reason why Nancy enjoys her new job?

A.She can bathe in the sun.

B.She needn’t pay for the trip.

C.She can practise her Spanish.

2.What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?

A.Strangers. B.Workmates. C.Classmates.


3.What are the two speakers going to do now?

A.To eat something.

B.To call their friend.

C.To walk around town.

4.Why does the man want the woman to meet Howard?

A.He is a funny man.

B.He is the hotel manager.

C.He is leaving the town soon.

5.When will the two speakers meet Howard?

A.Before 1:00. B.At 1:00. C.After 1:00.


6.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The bill is not clear enough.

B.The bill is sent to a wrong address.

C.Incorrect bills are sent to the woman.

7.Why does the same kind of mistakes occur?

A.The man is not careful enough.

B.The new computer is not working properly.

C.The clerks do not know how to use the new computer.

8.What does the man agree to do?

A.Get a better computer.

B.Pay the woman extra money.

C.Send correct bills to the woman later.


9.What does the man want to see most?

A.The British Museum and the Tower of London.

B.Westminister Abbey and St.Paul’s.

C.Hyde Park.

10.What will be included in the tour?

A.Lunch at noon.

B.A rest in the afternoon.

C.Tea at 9:50 am and 5:30 pm.

11.What is the man’s native language?

A.English. B.French. C.Chinese.


12.What is the speaker in charge of?

A.A small supermarket.

B.A large supermarket.

C.A small branch of a large supermarket.

13.What does the speaker mainly talk about?

A.The prevention of shoplifting.

B.The causes of shoplifting.

C.The purpose of shoplifting.

14.Who forms the great part of shoplifters?

A.People in their early thirties.

B.People in their twenties.


15.Which measure is NOT taken to prevent shoplifting?

A.Putting chains or alarms on goods.

B.Hiring store detectives.

C.Using closed circuit television.

第二節 聽取信息(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)


An Old Woman Artist

Time or age


What to do



turned to painting



held a show on the works of Grandma Moses


Grandma Moses



答案:1~5 ABACA 6~10 CBCAA 11~15 CCACA 16.76 17.Anna Mary Robertson/Grandma Moses 18.1939 19.Louis Caldor 20.died


W:Have you heard that our boss wants Nancy to accept a six-week job in Acapulco?

M:She’ll really like that,especially since all of her costs will be paid and she can practise her Spanish,too.

W:Yes,but most of all,she’ll get to spend her free time bathing in the sun on those lovely beaches.

M:When will she be leaving?

W:Since she doesn’t need a passport,it’ll probably be in about a week.

M:That doesn’t give her much time to get organized.


W:Have we done everything on the list?

M:We haven’t booked our hotel room yet,but I’ll do that by telephone tonight.

W:We were going to look for another chair for the living room.But I’m too tired to think about that now.Let’s have lunch.

M:What time is it?It’s only twelve-thirty.I told Howard we’d meet him a little before one.

W:Oh,I’d forgotten about Howard.Do we have to have lunch with him?

M:You said you wouldn’t mind.He won’t be in town more than a day or two,and I want him to meet you.Besides,I think you’ll like him.

W:Well,it’s just that I’m too tired to do much talking after all that walking around town.

M:Don’t worry.There is no problem talking with Howard.He always has plenty to say.

W:Where did you tell him we’d meet?

M:At the Mayflower Coffee House at the Hilton Hotel.It’s just around the corner from here.


M:Oh,madam.What can I do for you?

W:I’m sorry to say the bill you sent me was incorrect.

M:Incorrect,madam?That’s very strange.

W:Yes,I know,and what’s more,this isn’t the first time.

M:Really,madam?I find it very hard to believe.

W:Look,it’s happened five or six times in the past three months.

M:Ah.Well,I must apologize,madam.It’s the new computer.

W:Well,don’t you think it’s about time you got it working properly?It’s most inconvenient.

M:I agree entirely.I’m very sorry about it.I promise it won’t happen again.


W:May I help you?

M:Yes,I’d like to take a one-day sightseeing tour around town.And,I particularly want to visit the British Museum and the Tower of London.Do you have any tours that include both of them?

W:Yes,this one does.You visit the Tower and Westminister Abbey in the morning.Right after lunch,the tour-takes a stop at St.Paul’s.Then the rest of the afternoon is spent at the museum.

M:How long does the tour take?

W:About seven hours.Where are you staying by the way?

M:At the Hyde Park Hotel.

W:Let’s see,the bus stops there at 9:50.You should be back by 5:30 in the afternoon.

M:What is the cost of the tour?

W:It’s £30,including lunch.

M:Are there any Chinese-speaking guides?My friend here can understand only a little English.

W:No problem.Besides English-speaking guides,we also have Chinese-speaking guides and French-speaking guides.


Well,I manage a small branch of a large supermarket,and we lose a lot of money through shoplifting.I have to try to prevent it,or else I’ll lose all my profits.A lot of shopliftings are done by teenagers in groups.They do it for fun.They’re not frightened so we have to make it difficult for them.Obviously a supermarket can’t have chains or alarms on the goods.So we have store detectives,who walk around the shop like ordinary shoppers,otherwise they’ll be recognized.We have big signs up,saying “Shoplifters will be punished”,but that doesn’t help much.We’ve started putting cash desks at all the exits to prevent the stoplifters walking straight out with things.Of course,that worries the ordinary shopper who hasn’t found what he wanted.We also use closed-circuit television,but that’s expensive.In fact,all good methods of prevention are quite expensive,and naturally,they make our prices more expensive.But it has to be done,otherwise shoplifting itself will make all the prices much higher,and the public doesn’t want that!


Few people would ever think of beginning a new job at the age of 76,but one of the America’s most famous artists did just that.Anna Mary Robertson,better known as “Grandma Moses”,turned to painting because she was too old to work on her farm.

Grandma Moses painted carefully and her works were nice.She first painted only to please herself,and then began to sell her works for a little money.In 1939,a collector,Louis Caldor happened to see several of Grandma Moses’ works hanging in a shop.He liked them,bought them at once,and set out to look for more.Caldor held a show to introduce the works of Grandma Moses to other artists.Grandma Moses died on December 13,1961,at the age of 101.She was world-famous.